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Grain legumes are important sources of proteins, essential micronutrients and vitamins and for human nutrition. Climate change, including drought, is a severe threat to grain legume production throughout the world. The yield loss of grain legumes varies from species to species, even variety to variety within a species, depending upon the severity of drought stress and several other factors, such as phenology, soil textures and agro-climatic conditions. Closure of stomata leads to an increase in leaf temperature by reducing the transpiration rate, and, so, the legume plant faces another stress under drought stress. The biosynthesis of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is the most detrimental effect of drought stress. Legumes can adapt to the drought stress by changing their morphology, physiology and molecular mechanism. Improved root system architecture (RSA), reduced number and size of leaves, stress-induced phytohormone, stomatal closure, antioxidant defense system, solute accumulation (e.g., proline) and altered gene expression play a crucial role in drought tolerance.
Radhika et al. [111], for example, found the QTL Qncl.Sw1 linked to grain yield in chickpea. The improvement of drought tolerance in crop legumes based on MAS involves a variety of breeding procedures. The MAS approach divides QTL by mapping, using molecular markers, and this is a prerequisite for MAS. Markers are frequently used in conjunction with MAS to reduce linkage drag caused by unfavorable alleles associated with target genes. PCR-based markers have mostly substituted previous generation markers, such as restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), making MAS more cost-effective. MAS, which integrates many genes into a single genotype, includes marker assisted pyramiding [112]. Various backcrossing approaches have been developed to lessen linkage drag in gene pools. One such technique is marker assisted backcrossing selection (MABS), which separates QTL with larger phenotypic variance and labels them as significant QTL. They can be introgressed into poor drought-resistant genotypes without conveying the unwanted gene once they have been validated. This method produces superior lines that are more drought resistant (Gupta et al. 2010).
Through the transfer of targeted genes, transgenic techniques involve changes in both qualitative and quantitative traits [120]. Recent advances in biotechnology have allowed us to find specific genes that are resistant to abiotic stress from any other organism or even distinct species, allowing us to change the genetic makeup of grain legume crops to protect them against drought. Biolistic or agrobacterium-mediated transformation can be used to transform transgenic legumes.