Appetite or Distaste for Cell-Based Seafood?
  • View Times: 25
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  • Release Date: 2023-11-12
  • attitudes
  • behavior
  • cell-based seafood
  • animal welfare
  • Japan
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/commodities2040019

Conventional seafood production contributes to some of the most alarming global problems we face at present, such as the destabilization of aquatic ecosystems, human health risks, and serious concerns for the welfare of trillions of aquatic animals each year. The increasing global appetite for seafood necessitates the development of alternative production methods that meet consumer demand, while circumventing the aforementioned problems. Among such alternatives, cell-based seafood is a promising approach. For its production, cells are taken from live aquatic animals and are cultivated in growth media, thus making the rearing, catching, and slaughtering of a great number of animals redundant.

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