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Spatiotemporal Assessment of Sediment Yields
  • View Times: 94
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  • Release Date: 2024-11-27
  • remotely sensed data
  • SWAT
  • sediment yield
  • spatiotemporal predictions
Materials and Methods
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/rs14020400

The existing frameworks for water quality modeling overlook the connection between multiple dynamic factors affecting spatiotemporal sediment yields (SY). This study aimed to implement satellite remotely sensed data and hydrological modeling to dynamically assess the multiple factors within basin-scale hydrologic models for a realistic spatiotemporal prediction of SY in watersheds. A connective algorithm was developed to incorporate dynamic models of the crop and cover management factor (C-factor) and the soil erodibility factor (K-factor) into the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) with the aid of the Python programming language and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The algorithm predicted the annual SY in each hydrologic response unit (HRU) of similar land cover, soil, and slope characteristics in watersheds between 2002 and 2013. The modeled SY closely matched the observed SY using the connective algorithm with the inclusion of the two dynamic factors of K and C (predicted R2 (PR2): 0.60–0.70, R2: 0.70–0.80, Nash Sutcliffe efficiency (NS): 0.65–0.75). The findings of the study highlight the necessity of excellent spatial and temporal data in real-time hydrological modeling of catchments.

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