
This entry collection comprises concise summaries of state-of-the-art research. Authored by the original paper's authors, these summaries provide a brief yet refined introduction to the study's background, significance, conclusions, and more. They aim to facilitate scholars in quickly grasping the ongoing explorations in their respective fields.

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Topic Review
Excess Conductivity Analysis of an YBCO Foam Strut
Magneto-resistance data R(T, B) obtained at temperatures in the range 4.2 K ≤ T ≤ 150 K (applied magnetic fields ranging from 0 to 7 T) were analyzed in the framework of the fluctuation-induced conductivity (FIC) approach using the models of Aslamazov-Larkin (AL) and Lawrence-Doniach (LD). From the R(T, B) curves we determine in a first instance the residual resistivity ρ0, the normal-state resistivity ρn(T), the mean-field transition temperature TcMF (here due to the appearance of two peaks in dρ/dT called Tc1mid and Tc2mid), the temperature T* (the deviation from the linear resistance behavior), and the characteristic temperatures Tconset and Tcoffset. The data of 10% ρn yield information on the irreversibility line (Hirr(T)), and the data of 90% ρn give information on the upper critical field, Hc2(T). This material then serves to obtain the fluctuation induced conductivity (FIC) or excess conductivity. The resulting FIC curves for each applied magnetic field reveal the presence of five distinct fluctuation regimes above the temperature Tcmid, namely, the short-wave (SWF), one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D), three-dimensional (3D), and critical (CR) fluctuation domains. The analysis of the FIC data enable the coherence length in the direction of the c-axis at zero-temperature (ξc(0)), the lower and upper critical magnetic fields (Bc1, Bc2), the critical current density at T = 0 K (Jc(0)) and several other parameters describing the the material’s superconducting properties to be determined. A proper knowledge of the microstructure of the YBCO foam sample contributes to the understanding of the present data. It is revealed that the minuscule Y-211 particles found along the YBCO grain boundaries alter the excess conductivity and the fluctuation behavior as compared to conventional YBCO samples, leading to a quite high value for Jc(0) for a sample with a non-optimized pinning landscape.
  • 356
  • 28 Aug 2024
Topic Review
Social Innovation and Vulnerable Communities
This study aims to analyze the actions of the Invisible Cities Project (ICP) as an example of social innovation and as a way of giving visibility to vulnerable communities. Initially, a theoretical framework was established to understand the possibilities of the visibility of isolated and poor communities located within the urban setting. This framework was established based on the literature that addresses the role of social innovation in cities. Then, participant observations were made in a community to analyze the initiatives that are part of the ICP. Finally, semi-structured interviews were conducted; these interviews reported the lived experiences of participants involved in the project through the narratives of the community members. Drawing from the specialized literature, it was found that this project carries out various aspects of social innovation, such as social visibility, empowerment, the articulation of different actors in society, social inclusion, and the improvement of the urban public space. The project also addresses a variety of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as eradicating poverty, promoting health and well-being, reducing inequalities, and fostering more sustainable cities and communities.
  • 3.7K
  • 31 Oct 2024
Topic Review Video
Airborne Chemical Exposure and Ocular Surface Irritation
In our recent paper "An Assessment of the Ocular Toxicity of Two Major Sources of Environmental Exposure" we discuss the impact on the eye of specific chemicals released from burn pits and from the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment. This entry discusses the importance of investigating the nature and consequences of these exposures in hopes of raising awareness of an underrecognized health issue.
  • 459
  • 19 Jul 2024