
Constellations are patterns of stars that have been identified and named by various cultures throughout history. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) officially recognizes 88 constellations which serve as standardized reference points for astronomers and stargazers worldwide, facilitating navigation and identification of celestial objects across the night sky. These constellations, characterized by unique arrangements of stars inspired by mythological, historical, and cultural references, are distributed across both hemispheres of the celestial sphere, each with distinct boundaries delineated based on celestial coordinates. From iconic figures like Orion and Ursa Major to lesser-known patterns such as Pavo and Mensa, the IAU constellations not only aid scientific exploration but also reflect humanity's enduring fascination with the cosmos, providing a rich tapestry of imagination and exploration in our quest to understand the universe.

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Ursa Minor
Ursa Minor, Latin for "Lesser Bear," is a constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere. It is best known for containing the North Star, Polaris, which marks the position of the north celestial pole and aids in navigation. Despite its small size and dim stars, Ursa Minor holds significant cultural and navigational importance throughout human history.
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  • 15 Mar 2024
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Virgo is one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac, located between Leo to the west and Libra to the east. Covering a vast area of the sky, Virgo is the second-largest constellation after Hydra. Represented as a maiden holding a sheaf of wheat, Virgo is often associated with fertility and agriculture in ancient mythology. This constellation is notable for hosting the bright star Spica, which serves as a celestial marker for navigation and observation.
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Leo Minor
Leo Minor, the Lesser Lion, is a small constellation located in the northern celestial hemisphere. Its name is Latin for "the smaller lion", in contrast to Leo, the larger lion. It lies between the larger and more recognizable Ursa Major to the north and Leo to the south. 
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Leo, the Lion, is one of the zodiac constellations, known for its distinctive shape resembling a lion's mane and head. It is one of the oldest recognized constellations, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Greeks. Leo is home to several bright stars and notable deep-sky objects.
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Hydrus (Constellation)
Hydrus is a small and faint constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere. It is named after the Latin word for "male water snake" and is often depicted as a water snake winding its way through the southern skies. 
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Hydra, known as the Water Snake, is a prominent constellation located in the southern celestial hemisphere. It is the largest of the 88 modern constellations in terms of area and is best observed from the Southern Hemisphere during the months of February and March. 
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Horologium, Latin for "clock" or "timepiece," is a faint constellation located in the southern celestial hemisphere. It was first described by the French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille in 1756.
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Hercules is a prominent constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere, named after the legendary hero from Greek mythology known for his incredible strength and courage. It is the fifth-largest of the 88 modern constellations.
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Grus, the crane, is a constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere. Named after the crane bird in Greek mythology, it is one of twelve constellations conceived by the Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius.
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Gemini, named after the Latin word for "twins," is a prominent constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere. Representing the twins Castor and Pollux from Greek mythology, Gemini is known for its two bright stars that mark the heads of the twins. 
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