
Environmental science emerged from the fields of natural history and medicine during the Enlightenment. Today, it provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems. Environmental studies are incorporating more of the social sciences in order to understand human relationships, perceptions and policies towards the environment. This entry collection features information about design and technology for improving environmental quality in every aspect.

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Topic Review
Improving Water Efficiency in a Swimming-Pool Complex
Concomitantly, the possibility of recycling and reusing the water from filter backwashing was evaluated. The pools consumed 25.6% of water, the filter backwashing 24.5%, and the showers 34.7%. Despite the current impossibility of reducing water consumption in pools and filter backwashing, it is feasible to promote more efficient use of water through reducing water consumption by adopting simple water-saving initiatives for showers, taps, and flushing cisterns. These were organized into three distinct scenarios: (a) flushing cistern volume adjustment and the replacement of washbasin and kitchen taps; (b) flushing cistern volume adjustment and shower replacement and (c) flushing cistern volume adjustment, shower, washbasin, and kitchen taps replacement. Under scenarios 1, 2, and 3, the water consumption reduction was 8.0, 13.2, and 20.4%, respectively. The initial investment for scenario 1 was €2290.5, €859.0 for scenario 2 and €3149.5 for scenario 3; the annual water bill reduction was €7115.4, €11,518.1, and €17,655.9, respectively. Therefore, the turnover of the investment was four (scenario 1), one (scenario 2), and three months (scenario 3). The filter washings attained the required standard for irrigation after being subjected to 15 h of sedimentation. 
  • 879
  • 14 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Potentiality of Vermicomposting
Vermicomposting is a biological process of decomposition of degradable residues through the digestive tracts of earthworms. It has been studied since long and still very important and relevant mostly in the viewpoint of organic waste recycling and biofertilizer production. Though wide range of literature are available on the topics, however, there are still unknowns that need to be additionally explored to maximize the potential of vermicompost.
  • 778
  • 12 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Informational Perspective on Evolutionary Theory
Countless informational proposals and models have explored the singular characteristics of biological systems: from the initial choice of information terms in the early days of molecular biology to the current bioinformatic avalanche in this “omic” era. Herein we propose an enlarged informational perspective, grounded on the information flow and coding mechanisms in the living cell, and extended along the complexity growth in the evolutionary process.
  • 442
  • 12 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Cross-Sectoral Digital Platform and Innovation Ecosystem Development
A cross-sectoral ecosystem is considered to be a mechanism for the cross-sectoral interaction of an unlimited number of actors of a certain technological sector of the economy in a platform-based single digital circuit that provides digital tools and services to ensure accelerated growth and reduce costs through synergy from multilateral interaction based on common rules and principles of self-government, digital transparency, networking, and equality for all participants.
  • 1.2K
  • 12 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Pitahaya (Selenicereus Megalanthus Haw.)
The Dragon fruit, known as pitaya or pitahaya, belongs to the Cactaceae family, which originated from the southern and central regions of Mexico and America, and is separated in two genera: Hylocereus and Selenicereus. It is a nutritious and exotic fruit cultivated throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Pitahaya production has attracted interest in the United States, Australia, Southeast Asia, Israel and other regions. This fruit has gained considerable attention from consumers because it is a unique fruit that can tolerate drought stress and contains a considerable amount of nutrients. It is rich in polyphenols, vitamins, sugar, amino acids and betalain pigments.
  • 673
  • 11 Nov 2021
Topic Review
SWCNTs in Magnetic Recording
Applications in magnet-recording devices rely on the combination and emergence of unique properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and encapsulated materials. The entry “SWCNTs in magnetic recording” focuses on applications of filled SWCNTs in magnetic recording.
  • 678
  • 11 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Repeated Plant Debris Reutilization as Organic Amendment
Greenhouse agriculture typically generates large amounts of waste with plant residue (agricultural biomass) being the most abundant. This residue is generated on a seasonal basis, which complicates the external management of the material. Recently, the European Union (EU) has been implementing a policy based on sustainability through the circular economy that seeks to minimize waste generation. The effect of reusing 3.5 kg·m-2 tomato plants from the previous season as the only fertilizer versus no fertilization and inorganic fertilization in 215-day tomato cycles after transplanting was studied in this trial. The study was carried out during three seasons in greenhouse agriculture in Almeria (Spain) with the repeated use of the solarization technique. The plant debris had similar production results during two of the three seasons and fruit quality parameters were similar to inorganic fertilization. In addition, some physicochemical variables improved and the biological depressive effect of solarization was mitigated. The results suggest that the reuse of the tomato plant debris as the only fertilizer could be an alternative to conventional fertilization under the conditions tested. 
  • 665
  • 22 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Improvement of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) is an herbaceous crop and plays an important role as common spices and vegetables. Pepper (Capsicum spp.) is one of the most cost-effective and agricultural vegetables in the world.
  • 2.5K
  • 10 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Reproductive Potential in Primula veris L. (Primulaceae)
Primula veris (Primulaceae) is a valuable medicinal plant. P. veris is a Euro-Siberian Temperate element distributed throughout most of temperate Europe and Western Asia. As with most species of the genus Primula, it is entomophilous with a great affinity between its flowers. Insect pollinators belong to Hymenoptera (mainly bumblebees and bees), Lepidoptera and Diptera.
  • 582
  • 10 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Circular Carbon Economy (CCE)
The circular carbon economy (CCE) system achieves a balance by closing the carbon circle, capturing CO2emissions, and using them economically after their initial linear use. This approach differs in that it does not focus solely on reducing or avoiding the increase in the amounts of carbon. The steady increase in carbon dioxide levels requires increased effort to mitigate their impact.
  • 992
  • 10 Nov 2021
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