2. Membrane Proteins: Role in Diseases and Potential as Biomarkers
Approximately 30% of the total human proteome is composed of MPs
[4][9][4,6]. Having important physiological roles, MPs are critical in the development and progress of various pathological conditions. For example, G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a well-characterized class of membrane receptors encoded by more than 800 human genes
[10][7]. They are dynamic signaling receptors that play roles in major signaling pathways, such as those related to the actions of drugs, toxins, hormones, and neurotransmitters, sensing light and odors, and regulating water reabsorption and blood calcium levels
[11][12][8,9]. Acquired and inherited genetic mutations result in GPCR dysfunctions and, thus, disorders like retinitis pigmentosa, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, fertility disorders, and different carcinomas
[13][10]. Channelopathies, such as long QT syndrome and cystic fibrosis, are another group of disease conditions that can arise from defects in the class of transmembrane proteins comprising ligand- and voltage-activated ion channels
[14][15][11,12]. These channels are known to regulate ion and water balance, membrane potentials, and signal transduction.
Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) involve a class of membrane receptors encoded by 60 human genes and participate in important functions, such as regulation of cell survival, metabolism, proliferation, and differentiation
[16][13]. Dysfunctional RTKs result in developmental problems leading to diseases, including diabetes, atherosclerosis, and cancer. For example, RTKs are well-studied and targeted therapeutics for cancer
[17][14] and diabetes
Transporter proteins are another important class of MPs encoded by 10% of human genes
[19][20][16,17]. They include families of active, ATP-dependent transporters known as ATPases that are responsible for cell survival by achieving different ionic equilibria of sodium, potassium, calcium, and H
+ ions (i.e., P-type ATPases)
[21][22][18,19]. Malfunction in these transporters leads to various diseases ranging from migraines, heritable deafness, and balance disorder to renal diseases, copper-related disorders, and cancers
[23][24][20,21]. Transporters are emerging as attractive drug targets
[25][22]. Solute carrier (SLC) proteins are a rich and diverse group of transporters that facilitate the transport of various molecules, including glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, urea, bile salts, large organic ions, nucleosides, and neurotransmitters
[20][17]. Defects in SLC transporters, therefore, have implications in neurodegenerative diseases
[26][23] and many metabolic disorders
ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins include a group of transporters with various unique functions like the transport of peptides, phospholipids, bile materials (e.g., salts, cholesterol, etc.), and surfactants, and the presentation of antigens
[4][27][4,24]. Multidrug resistance (MDR)-ABC proteins are involved in the metabolism and transport of many foreign materials, including endo- and xenobiotics, anticancer drugs, and partially detoxified drug metabolites. Alterations in the structure and expression of MDR-ABC transporters have implications for cancer drug resistance and can also alter the toxicity of many drugs
Finally, the epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is a structural MP that plays various roles in physiological processes and diseases such as cancer
[28][29][25,26] and is known to be overexpressed in cancerous cells
[30][31][27,28]. In cancers, including pancreatic, breast, colorectal, and prostate, the presence of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the peripheral blood was described
[32][29]. These CTCs detach from primary tumors and enter the circulatory system, ultimately causing malignancies in distant secondary organs.
A critical factor that unites all the above-mentioned MPs is the outcome of their abnormal manifestation (i.e., mutated, overexpressed, etc.), upon which they can potentially serve as disease biomarkers detectable by diagnostic means
[4]. In general, biomarkers must fulfill the following defining guidelines: (
i) are relevant to the phenotype under investigation, (
ii) can be assayed reliably, (
iii) readily available (stable) for detection, and (
iv) recognizable by current clinical methods
[4]. Infectious diseases caused by pathogenic agents (e.g., viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi) can pose serious public health issues, so they get significant attention for clinical diagnosis using similar biomarker-based approaches
[33][34][35][30,31,32]. For example, hemagglutinin (HA) is a well-known surface glycoprotein of the influenza virus
[36][33] that attracted the development of targeted diagnostic procedures for HA-driven infections
[37][34]. More recently, angiotensin-converting enzyme II (ACE2) and the SARS-CoV-2 spike and nucleocapsid proteins have all become important diagnostic and therapeutic targets in the fight against COVID-19