c.-1445G > C | NC_000018.10:g.31103416C > G | 5′UTR | B | Not applicable
(5′UTR), cannot be predicted | Altered DC2 function; n.s.
-Luciferase assay >a decreased transcriptional activity for HEK cells transfected with the DC2 mutant (c.-1445C) construct [66]. | Altered transcription factor binding in the presence of the mutant allele. | Mismatch by
definition | n.r. | (het) ACM |
c.140_147del | p.(Lys47Arg fs*2) | PRO
peptide-domain | LP | >PTC > NMD, no protein | Partial loss of DC2:
Patient had reduced levels (>50%) of DC2 in skin biopsy (WB) [67]. | n.r.
-of note: a relative with only DSC2:c.1559T > C (missense) had no phenotype [67]. | Match | n.r. | (comp.het) NCCM/HCM with DSC2:c.1559T > C |
c.304G > A | p.(Glu102Lys) | PRO
peptide-domain | LB | >Protein expressed
Benign (0.016)
-SIFT> Tolerated
Benign (0.158)Partial loss of DP:
20% less DP product on WB. No alternatively spliced transcripts discovered in patient-derived cells ([12][13], but did so in in vitro splicing assay (transfection). However, not functional [13]. | Altered DC2 function;
n.s., but mutant expressed in cells.-In combination with c.6687del> Reduced DP protein on blot and staining in explanted heart and hiPSC-CMs and primary KCs [13][14].
-Dislocation of DP after 2D mechanical stretch; resulted in reduced count and density of desmosomes (EM) in dynamic EHTs leading to lower force and stress | IF shows that the mutant protein localizes in a dotted pattern predominantly in the cytoplasm (COS-1 cells, neonatal rat CM transfection) [68][14]. | .Partial match,
normal splicing
left. | (comp.het) PPK; WH
| Matchwith DSP:
c.6687delA | (comp.het) | n.r.
:with DSP:
c.6687delA |
(het) ACM | c.699G > A | p.(Trp233*) | Plakin-domain | P | >PTC > NMD, no protein
-MutPred-LOF> Borderline pathogenic (0.55385) | Partial loss of DP;
Mutant RNA not detected in patient cells. Mutant DP is unstable (transfection-WB) |
c.394C > T | p.(Arg132Cys) | In
between PRO peptide and EC1-domain | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (1.000)
NOT tolerated
Pathogenic (0.823)[9 | Partial loss of DC2;]. |
50% reduced levels of DSC2 mRNA in explanted heart and hiPSC-CMs; reduced DC2 protein in explanted heart (WB) [69]Perinuclear aggregates of DP (transfection IF) [9]. | -Reduced levels of all desmosomal genes in explanted heart and hiPSC-CMs, reduction of PG at ID in heart; mutant hiPSC-CMs had shortened action potential durations associated with reduced calcium current density and increased potassium current density [69].
-Increased PPARƴ expression and contractile and electric disturbances observed in patient hiPSC-CMs [70]
-Zebrafish DSC2WT/c.394C > T [69]Partial match, but not with transfection IF/WB | n.s. | (het) ACM |
. | Mismatch | n.r. | (het) ACM | c.832del | p.(Ala278Pro
fs*39) | Plakin-domain | P | >PTC > NMD, no protein |
c.609C > T | Altered DP function; |
| Truncated DP normally expressed and protein runs at 60 kDa (315 aa) (transfection-WB) |
-Leads to truncated DSP mRNA, also indicating that mRNA translation following the truncation was completely impaired. | c.832del overexpression led to upregulation of PG and downregulation of β-catenin in the nuclei, without affecting their expression in the cytoplasm (transfection) | p.(Arg203Cys) | EC1
domain | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (1.000)
[15]. | Mismatch | n.s. | NOT tolerated
(het) ACM |
-MutPred2> |
| Pathogenic (0.899) | Altered DC2 function; |
Complete defect in processing into the mature form [71]. (WB) | -The mutant protein remains in an unprocessed pro-protein form (COS-1 cells transfection) [71].
-In HL-1 cells, the mutant protein fails to localize at the desmosomes of intercalated disc structures [71]. | Match | n.r. | (het) ACM | c.861T > G | p.(Asn287Lys) | Plakin-domain | LP | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably
damaging (0.997)
NOT tolerated
Pathogenic (0.699) | Altered DP function;
Mutant DP expressed [16]. | Aberrant DP and Cx43 localization (transfection-IF) |
c.631-2A > G | p.(Ile211Met fs*11) | EC1
domain | [16]. | Match | (hom)PPK; (hom)WH; (hom)EBS | n.o. |
P | >PTC > NMD, no protein | Partial loss of DC2:
Patient heart tissue shows 60% DC2 reduction (WB) [72]
-Reduced mRNA DSC2 (only 3% compared to WT) [72] | -n.r.
-Zebrafish KD of DSC2 and DSC2WT/631−2A > G [72]. | Match | n.o. | (het) ACM | c.897C > G | p.(Ser299Arg) | Plakin-domain | LP | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably
damaging (0.999)
NOT tolerated
Pathogenic (0.672) | Altered DP function;
Mutant DP expressed [11 |
c.824C > T | p.(Thr275Met) | EC2
domain | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (0.999)
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.563)]. | Altered DC2 function;
Partial defects in processing into the mature form [71Exhibit weaker binding to iASPP = desmosome regulator (transfection) [11]. | Match | n.s. | (het) ACM |
] | . (WB) | -Only a proportion of the partly functional DC2 mutant protein is still incorporated into the desmosomes; affects PG at the intercalated disc (COS-1 cells transfection) | [ | 71 | ]. | Match | n.r. | (hom) ACM | c.939 + 1G > A | p.(Gln331*) | Donor site
intron 7
(Plakin-domain) | P | >PTC > NMD, no protein |
c.1034T > C | p.(Ile345Thr) | EC2
domain | US | >Protein expressed
Possibly damaging (0.756)
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.591)Partial loss of DP;
Absence of detection of mRNA in multiple patient KCs, reported by two studies, suggests efficient NMD [17][ | Altered DC2 function;18]. Only 20% DPI and 50% DPII is left on WB [19]. |
n.s., but mutant expressed in cells.-Major abnormalities in the spinous layer of the epidermis. The intercellular space is widened and KCs contain abnormal cytoplasmic densities [18].
-Small desmosomes and fewer in number; perinuclear keratin distribution 7.
- DC3 seems reduced on WB; volume densities of desmosomal proteins seem different from control [19]. | Match | -In transfected neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and HL-1 cells, the mutant protein localizes in the cytoplasm (IF) [(het) PPK | 68]n.r. |
. | Match | n.r. | (het) ACM | c.969_974del | p.(Lys324_Glu325del) | Plakin-domain | LP | >Protein expressed
-MutPred-Indel> Benign (0.19566) | Partial loss of DP; Reduced expression of both native DP isoforms in cytoskeletal and cytoplasmic protein fractions (WB) [10], suggesting instable protein> incomplete degradation. | DP expression was significantly reduced in myocardial tissue and epidermal biopsies (IF) [10]. | Mismatch | (hom)PPK; (hom)WH | (hom) ACM, bi-ventricular |
c.1559T > C | p.(Ile520Thr) | EC4
domain | LB | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (0.973)
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.601) | Altered DC2 function;
Protein is expressed, similar size as wildtype (WB) [67]. Unsure if the protein is really altered, or that it maintains all functions [67]. | n.r.
-of note: a relative with only DSC2:c.1559T > C (missense) had no phenotype [67]. | Match | n.r. | (comp.het) NCCM/HCM with DSC2:c.140_147del | c.1348C > G | p.(Arg451Gly) | Plakin-domain | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably
c.1660C > T | p.(Gln554*) | EC4
domaindamaging (1.000)
NOT tolerated
Pathogenic (0.756) | Partial loss of DP;
50% reduced DPI&II protein in EHTs (WB) [20].
-mRNA levels of DSP not reduced compared to WT [20].
> instable protein degradation. | 50% reduced DP signal and 70% reduced Cx43 in myocardial tissues (IF); Proteolytic degradation by calpain, leading to DP insufficiency [20]. | Mismatch | n.r. | (het) ACM, bi-ventricular |
P | >PTC > NMD, no protein |
-MutPredLOF> borderline
pathogenic (0.51161) | Altered DC2 function;
Truncated DC2 protein (75 kDa), wildtype is 150 kDa (transfection WB). Less mature protein, more pre-protein than normal [73]. | -Heart biopsies shows DC2 staining in hom-carriers (protein is expressed); mutant protein localizes only partially at cell membrane and predominantly in cytoplasm (transfection IF WB) [73].
-Transfected cells show that the secreted truncated isoforms are not anchored in the plasma membrane [74]. | Mismatch | Mild PPK at pressure points, in one hom- and one het-carrier
(possibly secondary to farm work) | (hom) ACM (LV affected mainly) | c.1372A > T | p.(Asn458Tyr) | Plakin-domain | US | >Protein expressed
Possibly damaging (0.939)
-SIFT> Tolerated
Benign (0.323) | Altered DP function;
Mutant DP expressed [16]. | Altered EB1 binding and Cx43 localization (transfection IF) [16]. | Match |
c.1841del | p.(Ser614Ile
fs*11) | EA
| n.o. | (het) ACM |
domain | P | >PTC > NMD, no protein | Unclear?;
Truncated isoforms expressed (transfection IF, WB), but needs patient cell confirmation. | Transfected cells show that the secreted truncated isoforms are not anchored in the plasma membrane [74]. | Unclear | (hom) Mild PPK, WH [75] | (hom) ACM [75] | c.1408A > G | p.(Lys470Glu) | Plakin-domain |
c.1913_1916 | US |
del | p.(Gln638Leu
>Protein expressed
Benign (0.082)
-SIFT> Tolerated
Benign (0.408) | fs*9)Altered DP function;
Conformational alternation, but overall folded structure of DP is remained [21]. Mutant DP expressed (WB) | EA
[16]. | domain | P | >PTC > NMD, no protein | Partial loss of DC2:
Strong DC2 protein reduction in patient heart tissue (<10% left-WB, also IF) [74].
-DSC2Mutant is incorporated into the desmosome [10]. | Match | n.s./n.o. | (hom) ACM |
mRNA was decreased in patient heart tissue (qPCR) | -Patients’ explanted heart shows degradation of sarcomeres and mitochondria; widened intercellular spaces and accumulation of lipid droplets (EM); Transfected cells show that the secreted truncated isoforms are not anchored in the plasma membrane | [ | 74 | ] | . | Match | n.o. | (hom) ACM | c.1598T > C | p.(Ile533Thr) | Plakin-domain | US |
c.2368_2370 del | >Protein expressed |
| -PolyPhen-2> Probably
damaging (0.998)
| p.(Gly790del)-SIFT>
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.442) | Altered DP function;
Mutant DP expressed (WB) [16]. | Altered EB1 binding and Cx43 localization (transfection IF) [16]. | Match | n.o. | (het) ACM |
In between IA and ICS domains | US | >Protein expressed
-MutPred-Indel> NOT pathogenic (0.4309) | Altered DC2 function:
No reduction of DC2 protein levels [76]. | -Slight LV dysfunction with abnormal calcium release [76].
-Mouse model > [76]
Hom-mice (G790del) showed enlarged LV and a decreased fractional shortening. Abnormal intracellular calcium release, but no clear ACM phenotype. Het-mice showed no arrhythmias. | Match | n.r. | (het) CM | c.1696G > A | p.(Ala566Thr) | Plakin-domain |
c.2553del | p.(Asp852Thr
US | fs*4) | ICS
DC2a only>Protein expressed
Benign (0.007) | US
-SIFT> Tolerated
-MutPred2> Benign (0.153) | Altered DP function;
Mutant DP expressed (WB) [16]. | Mutant is incorporated into the desmosome [ | -PTC > terminal exon, not NMD > protein expressed | Altered DC2a function;
Truncation of the last 47 aa of the DC2a isoform [77].10]. | The mutant protein DC2a lost its ability to bind to PG (HL-1 cells transfection) Match | n.o. | (het) ACM |
[ | 77 | ] | . | Match | n.r. | (het) ACM | c.1853A > C | p.(His618Pro) | Plakin-domain | LP | >Protein expressed
Possibly damaging (0.602)
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.540) | Altered DP function;
Mutant DP expressed (WB) [22]. | Mutant localizes to membrane, affected Cx43 localization (transfection studies/skin biopsies). Desmosome aggregation [22]. | Match | (het) PPK; (het) WH; (het) EBS | (het) CM |
c.2687_2688 insGA | p.(Ala897Lys fs*4) | ICS
DC2a only | B | -PTC > terminal exon, not NMD > protein expressed | Altered DC2a function;
-Premature termination of the protein [78].
-Does not exhibit defects in processing into the mature form [71]. | -Cytoplasmic localization of the mutant protein (HL-1 cells transfection) [78].
-This mutant protein is processed into its mature form and can be incorporated into desmosomes; impaired binding to DP and PG (COS-1 cells transfection) [71]/ | Match | n.r. | (het) ACM | c.1865T > C | p.(Leu622Pro) | Plakin-domain | LP | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably
damaging (0.998)
NOT tolerated
Pathogenic (0.828) | Altered DP function;
Mutant DP expressed (WB) [22]. | Mutant localizes to membrane, affected Cx43 localization (transfection studies/skin biopsies). Desmosome aggregation [22]. | Match | (het) PPK; (het) WH; (het) EBS | (het) CM |
c.1755dup | p.(His586Thr
fs*9) | Plakin
domain | P | >PTC > NMD, no protein | Altered DP function;
Truncated DP protein, (65 kDa) (WB), truncation of ROD and C-terminus [23]. | n.r. | Mismatch | n.s. | (het) ACM, LV mostly |
c.2422C > T | p.(Arg808Cys) | Plakin-domain | US | >Protein expressed
Benign (0.047)
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.409) | Unclear;
Conformational alteration (transfection), but overall folded structure of DP is remained [21]. Needs further confirmation in patient cells, whether expressed or not. | n.r. | Unclear | n.s. | (het) ACM |
c.3799C > T | p.(Arg1267*) | ROD
domain (DPI) | P | >PTC > NMD, no protein
-MutPred-LOF> Borderline pathogenic (0.5552) | Partial loss of DPI;
Instable mutant DPI protein (NMD?) [24].
-Highly reduced DSP mRNA expression (NMD?) [24].
-Complete loss of DPI in patient skin, DPII has normal expression as expected (WB) [24]. | n.r. | Match | (hom)PPK
epidermolytic; (hom)WH | (hom)
c.3805C > T | p.(Arg1269*) | ROD
domain (DPI) | P | >PTC > NMD, no protein
-MutPred-LOF> Borderline pathogenic (0.55487) | Partial loss of DPI;
Broken down by NMD. DPI/DPI-II protein ratios lower in variant carriers compared with WT individuals.
-DPI/DPII expression ratio reduced by 28% in mutant cells. 15-fold lower mutant than WT [10]. | Decreased DP expression in endomyocardial biopsies. DPI deficiency (IF) [10]. | Match | (het) PPK; (het) WH | (het) DCM, bi-ventricular |
c.5051A > G | p.(His1684Arg) | ROD
domain (DPI) | US | >Protein expressed
Possibly damaging (0.956)
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.256) | Altered DPI function:
No effect on amount or size of DPI protein on WB [25]. DPII should not be affected. | Affects action potential and duration; multiple ion channel dysfunction in hiPSC-CMs [25]. | Match | n.r. | (het) CM, conduction disease |
c.5208_5209del | p.(Gly1737Thrfs*7) | ROD
domain (DPI) | P | >PTC > NMD, no protein | Partial loss of DPI/Unclear?
Truncated DPI protein predicted to run at similar height as DPII, yet no increase in this band was observed in skin biopsies (WB) [26]. DPII should not be affected, but data are unclear. | n.r. | Unclear | (hom) PPK acantholytic;
(hom)WH; | (hom) NCCM, bi-ventricular, severe |
c.5596C > T | p.(Gln1866*) | ROD
domain (DPI) | LP | >PTC > terminal exon, NOT NMD > protein expressed | Altered DPI function;
Truncated DPI protein (160 kDa) observed in skin biopsies [27]. DPII should not be affected. | n.r. | Match | n.s. | (het) ACM, LV dilation |
c.5800C > T | p.(Arg1934*) | ROD
domain (DPI) | LP | >PTC > terminal exon, NOT NMD > protein expressed | Altered DPI function;
Truncated DPI protein (243 kDa) (WB) [28]. DPII should not be affected.
-Aberrant mRNA transcripts. Not NMD. | Stable expressed DP protein, which is recruited into desmosomes, although more punctate staining was observed (IF) [28]. | Match | (comp.het) (lethal) EBS, PPK and WH, with DSP:
c.6091_6092del [28] | n.r. |
c.6091_6092del | p.(Leu2031Glyfs*29) | PRD
domain) | LP | >PTC > terminal exon, NOT NMD > protein expressed | Altered DP function;
Truncated DP-I protein (228 kDa) (WB) [28]. Not clear what happens with DPII.
-Aberrant mRNA transcripts. Not NMD. | Stable expressed DP protein, which is recruited in desmosomes, although more punctate staining was observed (IF) [28]. | Match | (comp.het)
(lethal) EBS, PPK; and WH, with DSP:
c.5800C > T [28] | n.r. |
c.6166G > C | p.(Gly2056Arg) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (1.000)
NOT tolerated
Pathogenic (0.872) | Altered DP function;
Expressed in insoluble fraction of bacterial cells (transfection WB) [29].
Low expression in HeLa cells. Likely expressed mutant. | n.r. | Probable match | (hom) PPK | (hom) ACM, LV involvement |
c.6247C > T | p.(Arg2083Cys) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (1.000)
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.443) | Altered DP function;
Expressed in soluble fraction of bacterial cells (transfection WB), thus correctly folded [29].
Likely expressed mutant, needs confirmation in patient cells. | n.r. | Probable match | n.r. | (het) LQTS |
c.6307A > G | p.(Lys2103Glu) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
Possibly damaging (0.860)
-SIFT> Tolerated
Benign (0.417) | Altered DP function;
Expressed in soluble fraction of bacterial cell transfection, thus correctly folded (WB) [29].
Likely expressed mutant, needs confirmation in patient cells. | n.r. | Probable match | n.r. | (het) DCM |
c.6310del | p.(Thr2104Glnfs*12) | PRD
domain) | LP | >PTC > terminal exon, NOT NMD > protein expressed | Altered DP function;
Several truncated DP proteins shown on WB, but mutant is predicted to be 238 kDa [30] | Fibrosis and fat deposition in the heart with reduction in Cx43, disorganized IDs, but staining of DP, PG and DG2 seemed normal; severe reduction of DPI&II on IF ex vivo skin. β-catenin expression was also reduced on IF in skin [30]. | Match | (comp.het) EBS, PPK and WH:
with DSP: c.7964C > A | (comp.het)
Bi-ventricular CM:
with DSP: c.7964C > A |
c.6577G > A | p.(Glu2193Lys) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
Possibly damaging (0.950)
-SIFT> Tolerated
Benign (0.346) | Altered DP function;
Expressed in insoluble fraction in bacterial cells (transfection WB) [29].
Likely expressed mutant, needs confirmation in patient cells. | n.r. | Probable match | (comp.het) Alopecia
PPK, with DSP:c.7567delAAGA | (comp.het) DCM, with DSP:c.7567delAAGA |
c.6687del | p.(Arg2229Serfs*32) | PRD
domain) | LP | >PTC > terminal exon, NOT NMD > protein expressed | Partial loss of DP:
NMD of product (WB, NMD inhibitor exp.), 50% reduced protein levels [13][14].
-mRNA 50% reduced [14]. | -Reduced DP protein on blot and staining in explanted heart, hiPSC-CMs and primary KCs [13][14].
-Mislocalisation of DP after 2D mechanical stretch; in combination with c.273 + 5G > A resulted in reduced count and density of desmosomes in hiPSC-derived dynamic EHTs leading to lower force and stress [14]
-Faster differentiation observed in primary KCs of patients. Mechanical stretch provoked cell-contact defects [13]. | Mismatch
NMD active in terminal exon! | (het)PPK;
(comp.het)WH: with DSP: c.273 + 5G > A | Lethal ACM/
NCCM (comp.het)
NCCM (bi-ventricular)
(het) |
c.6885A > T | p.(Gln2295His) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (0.999)
NOT tolerated
Pathogenic (0.833) | Altered DP function;
Likely truncated DP protein expressed. | Severe binding deficiency with intermediate filaments (transfection IF) [31]. | Probable match | n.r. | (hom) DCM |
c.7012G > A | p.(Gly2338Arg) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (1.000)
NOT tolerated
Pathogenic (0.910) | Altered DP function;
Insoluble fraction in bacterial cell transfection (WB) [29].
Likely expressed mutant, needs confirmation in patient cells. | n.r. | Probable match | n.r. | (het) CM |
c.7027G > A | p.(Glu2343Lys) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
Benign (0.077)
-SIFT> Tolerated
Benign (0.386) | Altered DP function;
Likely truncated DP protein expressed.
Soluble fraction in bacterial cell transfection, thus correctly folded (WB) [29]. | Altered binding with vimentin and keratin8/18 (transfection IF) [31]. | Probable match | n.r. | (het) ACM
ACM, with PKP2:c.1468C > T |
c.7096C > T | p.(Arg2366Cys) | PRD
domain) | LP | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (0.980)
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.622) | Altered DP function;
Likely truncated DP protein expressed [31].
Soluble fraction of bacterial cell transfection (WB) [29]. High expression in HeLa cells.
Needs confirmation in patient cells. | Severe binding deficiency with intermediate filaments (transfection IF) [31].
No binding deficiency with vimentin (IF transfection) [29]. | Probable match | (hom)EBS; (hom)PPK; (hom)WH | n.r. |
c.7123G > C | p.(Gly2375Arg) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (1.000)
NOT tolerated
Pathogenic (0.938) | Altered DP function;
Truncated DP protein expressed [32].
Insoluble fraction of bacterial cell transfection (WB) [29]. | Co-alignment with IFs severely affected. Diffuse cytosolic distributed [32].
Targeting to IFs affected (transfection-IF) [29]. | Match | (hom)EBS; (hom)PPK; (hom)WH | (hom)ACM |
c.7534G > T | p.(Asp2512Tyr) | Linkers | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (0.998)
NOT tolerated
Pathogenic (0.825) | Unclear;
Likely truncated DP protein expressed. Needs further confirmation in patient cells. | No binding deficiency with IFs (transfection-IF) [31]. | Unclear | n.o. | n.o. |
c.7623G > T | p.(Arg2541Ser) | Linkers | US | >Protein expressed
Benign (0.010)
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.265) | Unclear;
Likely truncated DP protein expressed. Needs further confirmation in patient cells. | No binding deficiency with IFs (transfection-IF) [31]. | Unclear | n.r. | (het) ACM |
c.7623del | p.(Lys2542Serfs*19) | Linkers | LP | >PTC > terminal exon, NOT NMD > protein expressed | Altered DP function;
Severe reduction of both DPI&II (WB), both truncated proteins detected [10]. | Normal DP immunoreactivity in epidermal and myocardial tissue (IF)/or almost no signal depending on homozygous or heterozygous patient [10]. | Match | (hom)PPK; (hom)WH | (hom)
ACM, bi-ventricular |
c.7780del | p.(Ser2594Profs*9) | Linkers | LP | >PTC > terminal exon, NOT NMD > protein expressed | Altered DP function;
Truncated DP protein, 18 aa downstream of deletion (WB) [33]. | Partial disruption with intermediate filament binding (IF) [33]; KCs have alteration in morphology, elasticity, adhesion capabilities and viscoelastic properties [34][35]. | Match | (hom)PPK; (hom)WH | (hom)
c.7916G > A | p.(Arg2639Gln) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (0.978)
-SIFT > Tolerated
Benign (0.484) | Altered DP function;
Likely truncated DP proteins expressed [31].
Expressed in soluble fraction in bacterial cells (transfection WB) [29]. | Altered binding with desmin and keratin8/18 (transfection IF) [31].
No binding deficiency with vimentin (IF transfection) [29]. | Probable match | n.r. | (het) CM;
RV dysfunction |
c.7940G > A | p.(Gly2647Asp) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (0.980)
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.619) | Altered DP function:
Both in insoluble and soluble fraction in bacterial cells (transfection WB) [29].
Likely expressed mutant. | n.r. | Probable match | n.r. | (het) CM |
c.7964C > A | p.(Ala2655Asp) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (0.999)
NOT tolerated
Pathogenic (0.754) | Altered DP function;
Likely truncated DP proteins expressed, as full loss of protein is not expected due to recessive inheritance. | Severe binding deficiency with intermediate filaments (transfection IF) [31]. | Probable match | (hom)EBS; (hom)PPK; (hom)WH | (hom)
ACM, bi-ventricular |
c.8066A > C | p.(Lys2689Thr) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (1.000)
-SIFT > Tolerated
Benign (0.625) | Altered DP function:
Expressed in soluble fraction in bacterial cells (transfection WB), thus correctly folded [29].
High expression in HeLa cells.
Likely expressed mutant. Needs confirmation in patient cells. | No binding deficiency with vimentin (transfection IF) [29]. | Probable match | n.r. | (het) ACM |
c.8275C > A | p.(Arg2759Ser) | PRD
domain) | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (1.000)
-SIFT > Tolerated
Benign (0.350) | Altered DP function:
Expressed in soluble fraction in bacterial cells (transfection, thus correctly folded WB) [29].
Likely expressed mutant.
Needs confirmation in patient cells. | n.r. | Probable match | n.r. | (het) ACM |
c.8501G > A | p.(Arg2834His) | C-
terminus | US | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably damaging (0.972)
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.189) | Altered DP function;
C-terminally truncated DP protein (WB) [9]. | Aberrant IF localization; DP localization at cell membrane; affects other junctional proteins [9]; Arg2834His blocked the GSK3β phosphorylation cascade and reduced DP–GSK3β interactions in KCs and in hearts of Arg2834His DP mice [2].
Mouse DSPWT/8501G > A [9][36][37] | Match | n.s. | (het) ACM |
Engineered variant | p.(Ser2849Gly) | C-
terminus | n.a. | >Protein expressed
-PolyPhen-2> Probably
damaging (0.978)
NOT tolerated
Benign (0.344) | Altered DP function;
Mutant DP protein detected (WB), normal size. | Mutant DP exhibits increased anchorage of keratin/desmin [38] filaments and fosters calcium independency [39]. | n.a. | unknown | unknown |
c.8576_8577del | p.(Ser2859Leufs*6) | C-
terminus | LP | >PTC > terminal exon, NOT NMD > protein expressed | Altered DP function;
Highly reduced mutant DP protein detected in insoluble fraction (WB), none in soluble fraction, but normal size (only 2859 + 6 aa, compared to wildtype 2871 aa) | GSK3β, normally phosphorylates Ser2859Leu, translocated to the soluble fraction of patient extract where its high activity (dephosph). Ser9 was associated with the phosphorylation (Ser33/37-Thr41) and degradation of β-catenin; abolition of β-catenin phosphorylation in the non-soluble fraction was associated with its translocation into CMs nuclei [40]. | Match | (hom and het) EBS | (hom and het) ACM |