A closely related problem to The Clay Math Institute "Navier-Stokes, breakdown of smooth solutions here on an arbitrary cube subset of three dimensional space with periodic boundary conditions is examined. The incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations are presented in a new and conventionally different way here, by naturally reducing them to an operator form which is then further analyzed. It is shown that a reduction to a general 2D N-S system decoupled from a 1D non-linear partial differential equation is possible to obtain. This is executed using integration over n-dimensional compact intervals which allows decoupling. Here we extract the measure-zero points in the domain where singularities may occur and are left with a pde that exhibits finite time singularity. The operator form is considered in a physical geometric vorticity case, and a more general case. In the general case, the solution is revealed to have smooth solutions which exhibit finite-time blowup on a fine measure zero set and using the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities it is shown that for any non zero measure set in the form of cube subset of 3D there is finite time blowup.
A new approach to solve the compressible Navier-Stokes equations in cylindrical co-ordinates using Geometric Algebra is proposed. This work was recently initiated by corresponding author of this current work, %Reference should not be cited in abstract, Please modify
and in contrast due to a now complete geometrical analysis, particularly, two dimensionless parameters are now introduced whose correct definition depends on the scaling invariance of the N-S equations and the one parameter $\delta$ defines an equation in density which can be solved for in the tube, and a geometric Variational Calculus approach showing that the total energy of an existing wave vortex in the tube is made up of kinetic energy by vortex movement and internal energy produced by the friction against the wall of the tube. Density of a flowing gas or vapour varies along the length of the tube due to frictional losses along the tube implying that there is a pressure loss and a corresponding density decrease. After reducing the N-S equations to a single PDE, it is here proven that a Hunter-Saxton wave vortex exists along the wall of the tube due to a vorticity argument. The reduced problem shows finite-time blowup as the two parameters $\delta$ and $\alpha$ approach zero. Finally we propose a CMS (Calculus of Moving Surfaces)âinvariant variational calculus to analyze general dynamic surfaces of Riemannian 2-Manifolds in $\mathbb{R}^3$. Establishing fluid structures in general compressible flows and analyzing membranes in such flows for example flows with dynamic membranes immersed in fluid (vapour or gas) with vorticity as, for example, in the lungs there can prove to be a strong connection between fluid and solid mechanics.
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