2. Cinnamomum sp.
CiA can
namon is a spice belonging to the genusela é uma especiaria pertencente ao gênero Cinnamomum da in the família Lauraceae
family, and it is widely used across varioue é amplamente utilizada em várias cultur
es around theas ao redor do mundo [ world15 [15]].
TheO n
ame “cinnamon” isome “canela” é deriv
ed from the Greek word, meaning “sweet woodado da palavra grega, que significa “madeira doce”
[16][ 16 ].
ItÉ is auma árvore peren
nial tree that can grow to heights of 7 toe que pode atingir alturas de 7 a 10 m,
although it can also beembora também possa ser cultiva
ted as a shrub, reaching less than 3 m in height. Cinnamon thrives in tropical, warm, and humidda como arbusto, podendo atingir menos de 3 m de altura. A canela prospera em clima
tes, and it becomes ready for harvest after about three years of growth. It features dark green leaves, small white-yellowish flowers, and purple fruits that contain a single seeds tropicais, quentes e úmidos e fica pronta para a colheita após cerca de três anos de crescimento. Possui folhas verde-escuras, pequenas flores branco-amareladas e frutos roxos que contêm uma única semente [ 3 [3]].
ound 250 to 350 species of cinnamon have been ca de 250 a 350 espécies de canela foram identifi
ed andcadas e distribu
ted across North America,ídas na América do Norte, América Central
America, South America, Southeast Asia, and, América do Sul, Sudeste Asiático e Austr
alia. Among these speália. Dentre essas espécies,
four arequatro são consider
ed of greateadas de maior import
ance and are commonly used for obtaining the spiceância e são comumente utilizadas para obtenção da especiaria:
Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (
lso known asmbém conhecida como C. verum ),
Cinnamomum aAromaticum (o
ru C. cassia ), nativ
e toa da China,
Cinnamomum burmannii , nativ
e toa da Indon
esia, andésia e Cinnamomum loureiroi , nativ
e to do Vietn
amã [ 17 , 18 [17][18]].
ItsSeu consum
ption iso está associa
ted with healthdo a benef
its such asícios à saúde, como atividade antimicrobia
lna [ activity19 [19]],
des antioxidant
propes [ 20 ], efe
[20], anticancer
ffectsnos [ [21],21 and] glucose control
ine da glicose no diabetes
[22][ 22 ].
CiA can
namon isela é utiliz
ed in foods, seasoningada em alimentos, temperos, cosm
etics, andéticos e medica
tions, and is available in varioumentos, e está disponível em diversas form
s, such as whole material, groundas, como integral, moída, extra
cts, ortos ou óleos essen
tial oils obtained from the leaves and bark. However, theciais obtidos das folhas e cascas. No entanto, o consum
ption of cinnamon may also lead too de canela também pode causar efeitos advers
e health effectsos à saúde.
TO trans -cin
hyde, also known as cinído, também conhecido como cinamalde
hyde, the mainído, principal component
of cinnamon bark, can e da casca da canela, pode result
in skin sensitization and cause contactar em sensibilização da pele e causar dermatit
ise de contato [ 23 [23]].
O ácido Cinnamic acid is also known to induce hycinâmico também é conhecido por induzir hipersensi
tivity uponbilidade ao conta
ctto [24][24 ].
TA canela ver
ue cinnamondadeira nativ
e ta do Sri Lanka,
also known astambém conhecida como Ccaneylon cinnamla do Ceilãon , inclu
dei as
the speespécies
C. verum ande C. zeylanicum ,
and false cinnamon, which have diverse origins such as e a canela falsa, que tem origens diversas como China,
South America, and Indonesia, andAmérica do Sul e Indonésia, e inclu
de the speciesi a espécie C. cassia ,
C. aromaáticumo ,
C. burmannii, ande C. loureiroi [ 25 [25]] (
Tabelea 1 ).
TheO aroma
and taste of true cinnamon are soft and sweet, and its color is light brown, whereas fake cinnamon is darker, in addition to having a stronger, ae o sabor da canela verdadeira são suaves e doces, e sua cor é marrom claro, enquanto a canela falsa é mais escura, além de possuir sabor mais forte, adstringent
, and spicye e picante [26 flavor] [26].
InAlém addition, they have distinct chdisso, possuem caracter
istics regarding thísticas distintas quanto à composição de compos
ition of phenolic compounds, with true cinnamon being rich in aromatic and phenolic compounds, such as cinntos fenólicos, sendo a canela verdadeira rica em compostos aromáticos e fenólicos, como cinamalde
hyde and ído e eugenol,
while false cinnamon has higher amounts of coenquanto a canela falsa possui maiores quantidades de cumarin
(2000 to 5a (2.000 a 5.000 mg/kg), a
tely a thousand times higher than those found in true cinnamon (2 to 5 mg/kg), and tannins in the bark, which explains the adamente um mil vezes superiores aos encontrados na canela verdadeira (2 a 5 mg / kg) e taninos na casca, o que explica o sabor adstringent
e [ taste25 , 27 , 28 , 29 [25][27][28][29]].
Tabelea 1. Differences betweenças entre as espécies Cinnamomum verum, ande Cinnamomum cassia species.
CoA cumarin
is ana é um agente anticoagulant
agent that can pose serious health risks due to ite que pode representar sérios riscos à saúde devido aos seus efeitos hepatot
oxic andóxicos e carcinog
enic effects inênicos em anima
ls. For this reason, health agencies havis. Por esse motivo, os órgãos de saúde estab
lishedeleceram restri
ctions regarding the tolerable daily intake of coções quanto à ingestão diária tolerável de cumarin
, thus a, determi
ning the daily intake at 0.nando assim a ingestão diária de 0,1 mg/kg/d
ay, and ia e, consequent
ly theemente, o consum
ption ofo de C. cassia , g
uaranteeing its safe usearantindo seu uso [30][31].
pean [ 31 , 32 ].
O Regula
ion (EC) Noo Europeu (CE) n.º 1334/2008
[32][ 33 ] estab
ished specific coeceu limites máximos específicos de cumarin
maximum limits as followsa como segue: 50 mg/kg
forpara produtos de panificação tradi
tional and/or seasonal bakery products with cinnamon mentioned in their labelingcionais e/ou sazonais com canela mencionada na sua rotulagem, 20 mg/kg
for breakfast cerealspara cereais de pequeno-almoço, inclu
dingindo muesli
, 15 mg/kg
for fine bakerypara produtos de panificação fina (excluindo produ
cts (excludingtos de panificação tradi
and/or seasonal bakery products with cinnamon in the labeling), ande/ou sazonal com canela na rotulagem) e 5 mg/kg
for dessertpara sobremesas.
InEm ge
C. loureiroi cont
ém a
ins high levels of coltos níveis de cumarin
, which can cause adverse side effects for thea, o que pode causar efeitos colaterais adversos ao consum
eidor, inclu
ding liver damage. True cinnamon, on the other hand, is highlyindo danos ao fígado. A canela verdadeira, por outro lado, é altamente vulner
able toável a fraud
due to its added value and highees devido ao seu valor agregado e maior quali
tydade em compar
ed to falseação à canela falsa [ cinnamon34 [33]].
C. verum é uma especiari
s a highly prized spice and isa muito apreciada e consider
edada superior
to false cinnamon, which is commonly found and cheaperà falsa canela, que é comumente encontrada e mais barata. Visual
ly, the bark cinnamon appears in the form of rolled cylinders. However, the true cinnamon has a light reddish-brownmente, a casca da canela aparece na forma de cilindros enrolados. Porém, a canela verdadeira apresenta color
rolled in several layers, while the others are in dark reddish-brown tones, hard, and rolled in only one layeração marrom-avermelhada clara enrolada em várias camadas, enquanto as demais são em tons marrom-avermelhados escuros, duras e enroladas em apenas uma camada [30 ] [34].
TheAs di
parts of cinnamon bark, leaf, or powder, have differences ines partes da casca, folha ou pó da canela apresentam diferenças na composi
tionção (
Figurea 21 ),
whichque can be used for qualitypodem ser utilizadas para contro
l. The bark, for examplele de qualidade. A casca, por exemplo, cont
ainém antioxidantes natura
l antioxidants, while the branches are used to treatis, enquanto os galhos são utilizados no tratamento de doenças infla
mmatory diseases. Cinnamon bark powder, when added with othermatórias. O pó da casca de canela, quando adicionado a outros medica
tions, can slow down thmentos, pode retardar o processo de deteriora
tion process of some heart conditionsção de algumas doenças cardíacas [ 35 , 36 , 37 [35][36][37]].
Figurea 21. Partes of cinnamon and its mainda canela e seus principais constituentintes.
2.1. CinnamÓleon Essential Oicial de Canela
CEOs are complex mixtures of aromatic products from the secondary metabolism of plants, normally produced by secretory cells or groups of cells from different parts of the plant, such as stems, roots, leaves, flowers, and fruits
[38][39][38,39]. The essential oil content may vary according to the species, physical form of the sample, part of the plant used (
Table 2), geographical origin, and stage of development of the plant
The constituents of CEOs can belong to several classes of compounds, with emphasis on terpenes and phenylpropenes, which are the classes of compounds commonly found. Monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are the most frequently found terpenes in EOs, as well as diterpenes, and minor constituents
Different parts of cinnamon, bark, leaves, branches, fruits, and roots can be used for the production of essential oils by distillation and oleoresins by solvent extraction
[41]. The volatile components of the EO are present in all parts of the plant (
Table 2) and can be classified into monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and phenylpropenes, with main constituents such as
trans-cinnamaldehyde (bark), eugenol (leaves), and camphor (root)
Table 2. Volatile compounds present in the bark and leaf of C. verum and C. cassia essential oils.
activities. Despite having good biological properties, eugenol has low solubility in water
[53][55], and sensitivity to light
CEO contains some vital bioactive components in the form of terpenes and aromatic compounds, giving it remarkable biological properties. Thus, CEO has been widely used as a raw material in the medicine industry, as natural additives, condiments, and flavorings in the food industry, and in perfumery
The main responsibility for the biological activities is often attributed to the major compounds present in the oil, such as the volatile fraction and the phenolic compounds
[55][57]. In addition, biological activities can also be related to the joint contribution of different compounds, with minor components producing a synergistic effect with the others
Table 3 provides an overview of the diverse biological activities associated with various species of Cinnamomum. The compounds found in cinnamon have demonstrated a wide range of biological effects, including antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, insecticidal, and antidiabetic activities. This compilation highlights the multifaceted potential of Cinnamomum in various fields, from traditional medicine to modern pharmaceutical research, pest control, and diabetes management.
Table 3. Biological, insecticidal, and antidiabetic activity of cinnamomum.
Cinnamaldehyde is a yellowish oily liquid responsible for the strong odor and sweet taste of cinnamon
[17] and the main constituent of EO. It is recognized as safe by the United States Food and Drug Administration and the Association of flavor and extract manufacturers, receiving status A, that is, it can be used in food
[43][45]. Its commercial use is limited due to its low solubility in water and sensitivity when exposed to light and air for prolonged periods
[44][46]. Friedman; Kozuke; Harden
[45][47] evaluated the stability of
trans-cinnamaldehyde present in EO at different temperatures and observed that around 60 °C the compound was decomposed. Das, Gitishree et al.
[46][48] report that cinnamaldehyde has a biological effect and is quickly oxidized into cinnamic acid, and as a product of its degradation, benzoic acid is excreted by the urinary system.
Due to cinnamic acid and cinnamaldehyde, cinnamon has protective effects against cardiotoxicity produced by the compound isoproterenol
[47][49]. In addition, cinnamon is associated with the inhibition of fatty acids such as arachidonic acid, which has an inflammatory effect. The compound eugenol, identified in cinnamon extracts, has an antioxidant effect, helping to inhibit lipid peroxidation and the generation of reactive oxygen species
Eugenol is the main volatile compound of OECF
[49][51]. It is an aromatic substance with a pleasant odor and taste, belonging to the class of phenylpropanoids
[50][52]. It is usually found as a yellowish oily liquid
[51][53]. Like cinnamaldehyde, eugenol is also recognized as a safe food by the Food and Drug Administration
[52][54]. Eugenol has antimicrobial
[4][5][4,5], antifungal
[6][7][6,7], anti-inflammatory
[9][10][9,10], and antioxidant
CEO can be used in culinary preparations due to its sweet and spicy aroma and flavor. It is generally used in seasonings for meat, fish, sauces, roasts, and beverages; in bakery and pastry products as an alternative to preservatives
[13]; and in chewing gum as a flavoring agent
[14]. With the growth in demand in the food, perfumery, and cosmetics industries, the market for natural aromatic raw materials is expanding exponentially to meet your needs. To meet this search for aromatic products, research has focused on compounds from biotechnological processes used in the production of aromas and fragrances from other plant origins
2.2. Adulteration of Cinnamon Essential Oils (CEOs)
With the growth in demand in the food, perfumery, and cosmetics industries, the market for natural aromatic raw materials is expanding exponentially to meet your needs. To meet this search for aromatic products, research has focused on compounds from biotechnological processes used in the production of aromas and fragrances from other plant origins
Intentionally altered products with hidden properties or quality and incomplete and unreliable information define adulteration. In general, counterfeiting involves actions that deteriorate the specific properties of the products while maintaining their characteristic indicators, such as appearance, color, consistency, and aroma
Currently, the authenticity of food and food ingredients is a major challenge, as it is often related to fraud. Food adulterations have been occurring for a long time, with the difference that they have been improved over the years, accompanying or even advancing in the field of research into new methods. A greater number of adulterations among raw materials are found in spices, edible oils, honey, milk and its derivatives, fruits and fruit juice, coffee, flour, and meat products
Among the raw materials, cinnamon is one of the spices commonly adulterated. These adulterations can include species (mixing different species of Cinnamomum), origin (incorrectly labeling the country of origin), additives and fillers (adding other substances such as starch, sawdust, or other spices), and oil (adulterating EOs derived from cinnamon with synthetic or cheaper oils).
Due to its high added value and high cost, true cinnamon is highly prone to adulteration with false cinnamon species, which are of lower quality and cheaper, causing potential health risks and making the product unsafe for the consumer. This practice is usually carried out in powder form, which makes it difficult to discriminate between cinnamons as their characteristics are lost during the process
Furthermore, true cinnamon can be adulterated with other types of spices, such as clove and chili powder, and clove and cinnamon oil, as reported by Gopu et al.
[80][82]. Cinnamon fraud triggered research for the development of new, more accurate, reliable, and sensitive analytical methods in order to identify and quantify potential adulterants in true cinnamon more quickly and efficiently, ensuring food safety. Among the methods developed, chromatography is based on the determination of the main active compounds of cinnamon or adulterants, called marker compounds, such as cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, linalool, and coumarin, among others
Cinnamon adulterations do not only occur in the form of powder, frauds are also found in CEO by mixing other compounds or even false cinnamon species. Through physical–chemical and instrumental analyses, the CEOs purity can be proven through qualitative and quantitative analyses, that is, determining the constituents or identifying the compounds present in the oil, respectively
To prevent the entrance of adulterated cinnamon products into local markets, the regulatory sector takes several steps: product testing and certification are performed by implementing regular product testing to verify the authenticity and quality of cinnamon products; certifying authentic products with recognized standards can help consumers identify genuine products; labeling regulations require accurate information about the species, country of origin, and any additives or fillers in the product; clear and transparent labeling helps consumers make informed choices; traceability systems that track the supply chain of cinnamon products from production to market, which can help identify and eliminate adulterated products at different stages; import controls and inspections to ensure that products entering the country meet regulatory standards, which includes checking for proper documentation and compliance with labeling regulations; public awareness and education about the different types of cinnamon and their characteristics—informed consumers are less likely to purchase adulterated products; penalties and enforcement for those found guilty of adulteration, and rigorous enforcement of these penalties, which can act as a deterrent to unethical practices; collaboration with industry and associations to establish self-regulation practices and codes of conduct that promote authenticity and quality; and international cooperation with international regulatory bodies and other countries to share information and best practices in combating cinnamon adulteration, especially when products are imported.
For the regulation of EOs, the molecules must come from the raw material of the reference plant to be considered and labeled as 100% pure and natural
[78][80]. Adulteration of CEOs can be divided into four types
[79][81]: essential oil diluted with a solvent that has similar physicochemical characteristics, such as vegetable oils or organic solvents; cheaper CEO, but similar in origin or chemical composition, mixed with authentic CEO; unique natural or synthetic compounds added to mimic aromatic characteristics or composition; and/or substituting with low-value or blending CEOs.
As they are complex matrices, the EOs need to be analyzed by different techniques to ensure quality, safety, and authenticity, in addition to ensuring safety for consumers. As a result, a wide range of techniques have been reported, including organoleptic, physical, and chemical methods. However, these techniques, for the most part, require specialized people, have a high investment cost, are time-consuming, and some degrade the samples
Molecules produced from natural reagents, also known as semi-synthetic compounds, can be used to adulterate specific EOs
[78][80]. Cinnamaldehyde molecules can be produced from the benzaldehyde found in bitter almonds and used as an adulterant
[82][84]. There are several scams associated with bitter almond and CEO, and since the false origin is cheaper than the Ceylon origin, blends between these CEOs are common. Despite this, it is possible to detect this type of adulteration by analyzing differences in composition between EOs or by spectroscopic analysis
s adultera
tions along the food chain ções ao longo da cadeia alimentar represent
a health hazard, and continuous vigilance isam um perigo para a saúde e a vigilância contínua é fundamental
in terms of food safety, regarding research and development of analytical methods toem termos de segurança alimentar, no que diz respeito à investigação e desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos para detect
ar adultera
tions andções e contamina
tion in food from the raw materials usedções nos alimentos a partir das matérias-primas utilizadas [26 ] [26].