Any widely used R.T., such as linear, logistic, polynomial, and partial least-squares regression, can be used to build the quantitative security model. For instance, multiple regression analysis can create a correlation between human characteristics and how people desire to act in terms of cybersecurity [110].-
Clustering is a standard method of unsupervised learning used in machine learning to analyze IoT security data. It may group or cluster data points based on similarity or dissimilarity metrics of security data from IoT devices from various sources. As a result, clustering might make finding hidden patterns and structures in data easier, making it simpler to spot anomalies or attacks in the IoT. Various perspectives, such as partitioning, hierarchies, fuzzy theory, distribution, and grids, can be used to cluster data. Many well-known methods for classifying data include k-means, K-medoids, and the Gaussian mixture model [29].
2.2.3. Rule-Based Techniques
Older patterns are less likely to stand out and aid in the identification or prediction of IoT security issues than newer unfriendly behavior patterns. Selectivity analysis, which examines current practices, may be more beneficial in some cases than conventional data analysis. Another critical goal is to develop a security model for IoT devices that is based on how recently they have been used. Innovative, portable IoT device solutions that take new data trends into account are required as part of the learning-based research on IoT security [30].
By creating various links and patterns based on support and confidence values, rule-based procedures are easy to use and complicate the model. The problem might be lessened with a robust association model. A rule-learning technique that can be used to find trustworthy, non-redundant links between ideas is shown in a earlier work [31]. Policy rules in a plan define which network usage is allowed and which is not. Even cyberattacks with no known vulnerabilities can be stopped by security policy monitoring filters and protections based on rules [32].
2.2.2. Clustering Techniques
2.2.4. Optimization of Security Features and Principal Component Analysis
Clustering is a standard method of unsupervised learning used in machine learning to analyze IoT security data. It may group or cluster data points based on similarity or dissimilarity metrics of security data from IoT devices from various sources. As a result, clustering might make finding hidden patterns and structures in data easier, making it simpler to spot anomalies or attacks in the IoT. Various perspectives, such as partitioning, hierarchies, fuzzy theory, distribution, and grids, can be used to cluster data. Many well-known methods for classifying data include k-means, K-medoids, and the Gaussian mixture model [111].
2.2.3. Rule-Based Techniques
Older patterns are less likely to stand out and aid in the identification or prediction of IoT security issues than newer unfriendly behavior patterns. Selectivity analysis, which examines current practices, may be more beneficial in some cases than conventional data analysis. Another critical goal is to develop a security model for IoT devices that is based on how recently they have been used. Innovative, portable IoT device solutions that take new data trends into account are required as part of our learning-based research on IoT security [114].
By creating various links and patterns based on support and confidence values, rule-based procedures are easy to use and complicate the model. The problem might be lessened with a robust association model. A rule-learning technique that can be used to find trustworthy, non-redundant links between ideas is shown in our earlier work [115]. Policy rules in a plan define which network usage is allowed and which is not. Even cyberattacks with no known vulnerabilities can be stopped by security policy monitoring filters and protections based on rules [116].
2.2.4. Optimization of Security Features and Principal Component Analysis
In the current cyber threat environment, the development and optimization of security features are significant barriers to the success of an ML-based IoT security solution. Security characteristics and IoT data have a direct impact on ML-based security models, necessitating the use of a data-dimensionality-reduction technique. “Feature engineering” is the process of establishing and changing security features or variables so that machine-learning-based security models work properly. Today’s IoT security datasets may contain unused or irrelevant data, making simulation of cyberattacks and other challenges difficult [101]. The forecasting accuracy of a security model can be harmed by extreme variation, overfitting, expensive processing, and time-consuming model setup [93]. A high-dimensional dataset with many security attributes evaluated according to how important or relevant they are may make it easier to create an IoT security model [102]. Existing approaches include the correlation coefficient, the chi-squared test, and analysis of variance. Techniques for embedding information include regularization, Lasso, Ridge, Elastic Net, and tree-based feature importance [84].
2.2.5. Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
In the current cyber threat environment, the development and optimization of security features are significant barriers to the success of an ML-based IoT security solution. Security characteristics and IoT data have a direct impact on ML-based security models, necessitating the use of a data-dimensionality-reduction technique. “Feature engineering” is the process of establishing and changing security features or variables so that machine-learning-based security models work properly. Today’s IoT security datasets may contain unused or irrelevant data, making simulation of cyberattacks and other challenges difficult [33]. The forecasting accuracy of a security model can be harmed by extreme variation, overfitting, expensive processing, and time-consuming model setup [18]. A high-dimensional dataset with many security attributes evaluated according to how important or relevant they are may make it easier to create an IoT security model [34]. Existing approaches include the correlation coefficient, the chi-squared test, and analysis of variance. Techniques for embedding information include regularization, Lasso, Ridge, Elastic Net, and tree-based feature importance [11].
2.2.5. Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
Deep learning usually uses the multi-layer MLP, FFAN. The input layer, the hidden output layers, and the actual output layer are the three layers that make up the traditional M.L.P. design. An AI network links each node in a layer to a specific value in the layer below it. In the end, this number is associated with the layer below it. As the model is being built, MLP employs backpropagation to adjust the internal weight values
[117][35]. This M.L.P. network is used to analyze the NSL-KDD dataset’s malware, explain the IoT parameters, detect malicious traffic coming from IoT devices, and create a model for intrusion detection
[118][36]. The idea divides network data into secure data and unsecure data.
2.2.6. Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
Another variety of artificial neural networks is the recurrent neural network. A directed graph representing time is constructed from the connections between the nodes. In the R.N.N. model, neural feed-forward networks are used. It looks at its internal state, or memory, to determine how long different input sequences last. IoT security, natural language processing, and speech recognition can all benefit from the RNN model’s capabilities to manage sequential data effectively
[119][37]. IoT devices that are connected provide a lot of sequential data, including information that changes over time and network traffic flows. Recurrent connections in neural networks can uncover potential defense vulnerabilities when a threat’s communication patterns change over time. This is because it has a powerful model for predicting time series because of its long short-term Memory, which allows it to remember what it has been told in the past.
The detection and prevention of malware, spoofing, and computer virus attacks across a wide range of IoT devices can be made using a variety of deep learning models and hybrid network models
[121][38]. One type of deep learning model that could be used to protect IoT devices is a DBN-based security model
[122][39]. The authors looked at multiple approaches to in-depth learning.
2.3. Research Issues and Directions
As a result, through current and future research and development,
weit address
es the issues raised in this section and attempt to identify the best strategies for protecting IoT networks and devices. As a result, determining the best learning strategy for a specific IoT security scenario can be time consuming. This is conducted so that the results of various learning algorithms can differ depending on the quality of the input
[84][11]. The model’s efficacy, precision, and labor requirements may be jeopardized if the incorrect learning method is used. Additionally, redundant IoT security data could lead to the gathering of irrelevant data and inaccurate conclusions. Machine learning or deep learning security models may not perform as well, be less accurate, or even be completely ineffective if the IoT data are incomplete in some way, such as by not being representative, being of poor quality, having irrelevant features, or being too small for training
Here are a few possible future paths for study on IoT security:
Because of the way the IoT works, gathering security information can be difficult. A dynamic feature of the IoT known as heterogeneity was briefly discussed. It enables the routine collection of massive amounts of data from various sources. Data collection for IoT security is difficult. When working with IoT data, it is critical to understand the data collection process
[62][41]. Statistics that are inaccurate or incomplete, outliers, and other flaws may jeopardize the security of the aging process or insufficient IoT devices
[122][39]. The machine learning or deep learning methodology of IoT security has a significant impact on data quality and training availability, which has a significant impact on the IoT security model. IoT environments generate a lot of security data, which are hard to manage and clean up. Learning algorithms must be improved, or new data preparation techniques must be devised for them to be helpful in IoT security
[135][42]. An effective IoT security solution must include the constraints or capabilities of IoT systems and devices. A device’s ability to store, compute, process, make decisions, and communicate must therefore be balanced with security. Therefore, choosing the best machine learning or deep learning algorithms requires extensive research
42.3.1. Poor Management
Systems based on the IoT are having trouble because of poor management. The problem is that most of the time, software engineers try to figure out how to extract useful data from sensors
[138][44]. They do not care how data are gathered, just that it is. It is easier for attackers to hack a system and steal sensitive user data when there is no guarantee. Developers must start concentrating on data acquisition as a result
42.3.2. Naming and Identity Management
To communicate with other components of a network, each component needs to have its own identity. Therefore, a technique for dynamically identifying each network node with a special identification must exist
[140][46]. When the IoT first started, IPv4 was used to give each networked device a special identifier. Because the number of Internet of Things devices is increasing, IPv6 is used to give each one a distinct name.
2.3.3. Trust Management and Policy
The idea of trust is important and complicated. It is also necessary to have scalability, dependability, strength, and availability. It goes above taking safety procedures. IoT apps ask their users for sensitive information with their permission. Therefore, a privacy guarantee is necessary. User data are protected and cannot be accessed without permission. Academics have suggested a range of strategies for improving both trust and privacy in scholarly writings. These strategies for protecting trust and privacy in IoT applications have been ineffective. These issues are currently at the forefront of research on the Internet of Things as a result
2.3.4. Big Data
Currently, billions of devices are connected to the web, forming what is known as the IoT. Huge volumes of information are being generated by these devices. IoT struggles with the transmission and processing of massive datasets. Therefore, such a system is essential in order to solve the problem of big data
2.3.5. Security
Information security implementation in the IoT is challenging. Users communicate private data to complete tasks. There are various possible opponents for user privacy. Therefore, security measures should be implemented to safeguard user data and discourage unauthorized access
2.3.6. Storage
IoT devices must also be secure to use. Sensors keep an eye on the surroundings and send the information they gather to computers. Because there is no encounter measurement, the security of data storage devices cannot be guaranteed. As a result, there needs to be a way to stop unauthorized access to or monitoring of sensitive data
2.3.7. Authentication and Authorization
User IDs can be verified using several different techniques. The most common approach is to use a login and password, but there are other options as well, such as an access card, retina scan, voice recognition, or fingerprints. Authorization can also be obtained through access control. It is a method of protecting a system by only allowing those who need access to use it. The system has become complex because it consists of so many nodes and components. The traditional methods of authentication and permission have failed in large-scale networks. Although concerns with authentication and authorization have been researched, they still need to be fixed. To solve these challenges, such an approach is necessary
2.3.8. Secure Network
Man-in-the-middle and denial-of-service attacks are only two examples of the multiple ways the transport layer of a network can be used. An attack that prevents user’s access to the targeted system, device, or network resource is known as a denial-of-service attack
[146][52]. A cyberattack known as “man-in-the-middle” occurs when an attacker pretends to be a third party and transmits and detects messages between two objectives who believe they are speaking directly to one another. Therefore, a set of protections must be put in place to guarantee the security of the network layer
Therefore, it is challenging to create new, lightweight algorithms or procedures for IoT devices without first weighing the advantages and disadvantages of current teaching techniques