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2 Roll back entry to make some changes. Meta information modification 406 2021-04-12 07:42:29 | |
3 Acoustics has been indexed into the Emerging Sources Citation Index in Web of Science. + 14 word(s) 420 2021-04-25 08:25:53 | |
4 format correct Meta information modification 420 2021-09-26 08:53:30 |

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Wang, W. Journal Acoustics. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 02 September 2024).
Wang W. Journal Acoustics. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed September 02, 2024.
Wang, William. "Journal Acoustics" Encyclopedia, (accessed September 02, 2024).
Wang, W. (2021, April 12). Journal Acoustics. In Encyclopedia.
Wang, William. "Journal Acoustics." Encyclopedia. Web. 12 April, 2021.
Journal Acoustics

Acoustics (ISSN 2624-599X) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of acoustics science and engineering published quarterly online by MDPI. It is indexed by the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) in Web of Science.

Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 11.7 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 2.9 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the second half of 2020).

Acoustics Aeroacoustics Ultrasonics Noise Building Acoustics Room Acoustics Computational Acoustics Hearing Audio Psychological Acoustics Musical Acoustics Bioacoustics


Acoustics (ISSN 2624-599X) is dedicated to the scientific dissemination of rigorously peer-reviewed publications regarding acoustics. Being open access and online available, it is able to offer excellent visibility and a fast processing time from submission to publication. The journal aims to provide an inter-disciplinary forum to showcase state-of-the-art research challenges on acoustics science and engineering.

Acoustics publishes full research papers, communications and review articles. There is no restriction on the length of papers or charge for extra colors, etc. Electronic files supplying details of calculations and experimental procedures as well as sound files can be deposited as supplementary materials.


  • Linear and Nonlinear Acoustics, Physical Acoustics
  •  Acoustic Waves
  •  Virtual Acoustics
  •  Aeroacoustics
  •  Infrasound
  •  Underwater Acoustics
  •  Sonar Systems
  •  Ultrasonics
  •  Acoustic Materials and Metamaterials
  •  Acoustical Microscopy
  •  Engineering Acoustics
  •  Structural Acoustics and Vibration
  •  Environmental Acoustics
  •  Soundscape
  •  Noise and Noise Control
  •  Building Acoustics
  •  Room Acoustics
  •  Duct Acoustics
  •  Acoustical Measurements
  •  Computational Acoustics, Modelling
  •  Acoustic Signal Processing
  •  Acoustic Sensing
  •  Acoustic Imaging
  •  Hearing
  •  Audio
  •  Psychological Acoustics
  •  Speech, Voice Recognition and Control
  •  Musical Acoustics
  •  Bioacoustics

Most Cited & Viewed

1. Turbomachinery Noise Predictions: Present and Future;

2. Historical Acoustics: Relationships between People and Sound over Time;

3. Towards Italian Opera Houses: A Review of Acoustic Design in Pre-Sabine Scholars;

4. Acoustical Impact of Architectonics and Material Features in the Lifespan of Two Monumental Sacred Structures;

5. Self Noise Reduction and Aerodynamics of Airfoils with Porous Trailing Edges;

6. Acoustic Black Holes in Structural Design for Vibration and Noise Control;

7. The Acoustics of the Choir in Spanish Cathedrals;

8. Sound Archaeology: A Study of the Acoustics of Three World Heritage Sites, Spanish Prehistoric Painted Caves, Stonehenge, and Paphos Theatre;

9. Experimental Study of Airfoil Leading Edge Combs for Turbulence Interaction Noise Reduction;

10. Study on the Output Performance of a Nonlinear Hybrid Piezoelectric-Electromagnetic Harvester under Harmonic Excitation

Special Issues

1. Room Acoustics

2. Acoustics in Biomedical Engineering

3. Resonators in Acoustics

4. Elastic Wave Scattering in Heterogeneous Media

5. Advanced Modelling, Simulations and Measurements for Sound Insulation in Buildings

6. Binaural Audition

7. Acoustics, Soundscapes and Sounds as Intangible Heritage

Topical Collections

1. Historical Acoustics

2. Featured Review in Acoustics Science

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Update Date: 26 Sep 2021
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