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Mizrahi, J. Identifying Vocational Deficiencies in Musicians. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 07 March 2025).
Mizrahi J. Identifying Vocational Deficiencies in Musicians. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed March 07, 2025.
Mizrahi, Joseph. "Identifying Vocational Deficiencies in Musicians" Encyclopedia, (accessed March 07, 2025).
Mizrahi, J. (2021, March 15). Identifying Vocational Deficiencies in Musicians. In Encyclopedia.
Mizrahi, Joseph. "Identifying Vocational Deficiencies in Musicians." Encyclopedia. Web. 15 March, 2021.
Identifying Vocational Deficiencies in Musicians

A combination of factors exposes musicians to neuro-musculoskeletal disorders, which lead to pain and damage. These involve overuse due to long playing hours, containing repetitive movements under stressful conditions, usually performed in an unnatural posture. Although the evoked disorders are usually non-traumatic, they may often lead to prolonged or even permanent damage. For instance, in upper string players, these include bursitis and tendinopathies of the shoulder muscles, tendonitis of the rotator cuff, injury at the tendon sheaths, medial or lateral epicondylitis (also known as tennis elbow), myofascial pain, and wrist tendonitis (also known as carpal tunnel syndrome, or De Quervein’s syndrome). In cases of intensive performance, a traumatic injury may result, requiring drastic means of intervention such as surgery. It should be pointed out that the upper body and upper extremities are the most commonly affected sites of playing musicians.

vocation-related neuro-musculoskeletal disorders evaluation of playing-related disorders in professional musicians temporomandibular joint diagnostics of muscular disorders biomechanical aspects of neuro-muscular deficiencies

1. Introduction

Vocation-related deficiencies place a burden on the working individual, society and economy, requiring means to identify, evaluate and alleviate the factors responsible for evoking these deficiencies. Specifically, performing music players are exposed to the hazards of neuro-musculoskeletal injuries due to the high loads their body is subjected to, as well as discomfort and pain. It has been reported that among orchestra musicians, the incidences of pain and/or neuro-musculoskeletal disorders (percentages of tested players in a given group of instruments) are 75% for violin and viola players, 73% for cello, 60% for double-bass, 69% for woodwinds, 39% for brass and 32% for percussion players [1]. Players of the violin and viola are thus specifically recognized as the most susceptible to playing-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMD) [2][3][4][5][6][7][8].

In these players, the muscles and joints of the upper extremity are the most frequently affected, particularly on the left side, and the side on which the instrument is actually being held [7][9][10][11]. The unusual and non-symmetrical postures involved in generating the motion of the upper limb segments have been reported to enhance the formation of PRMD [12]. The neck, shoulder and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are particularly prone to damage due to the continued flexion of the head and the shoulder required to grip the instrument in place. The limbs and trunk are subject to relatively high loading forces, repetitive movements, vibrations and fatigue, and the elbow and fingers are common sites of disorders [11][13][14][15]. In addition, upper string musicians perform nearly incessantly during the concert, which makes them even more susceptible to fatigue and injury.

Common neuro-musculoskeletal deficiencies will include temporomandibular deficiencies (TMD), disorders related to the active muscles involved during playing and disorders related to body posture, kinematics and dynamics. The issues discussed include motion detection and analysis, force and impact, multi-parameter detection and multidimensional analysis, as well as semi-quantitative methods using visual assessment, physical examination and questionnaires.


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