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Lara, C.M.; Torres, T.C.; Mazhar, U.; Cohen, D.G.; Wingert, R.A. The Hippo Pathway in Kidney Development. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 11 February 2025).
Lara CM, Torres TC, Mazhar U, Cohen DG, Wingert RA. The Hippo Pathway in Kidney Development. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed February 11, 2025.
Lara, Caroline M., Toni Castro Torres, Usaid Mazhar, Dorrian G. Cohen, Rebecca A. Wingert. "The Hippo Pathway in Kidney Development" Encyclopedia, (accessed February 11, 2025).
Lara, C.M., Torres, T.C., Mazhar, U., Cohen, D.G., & Wingert, R.A. (2025, January 26). The Hippo Pathway in Kidney Development. In Encyclopedia.
Lara, Caroline M., et al. "The Hippo Pathway in Kidney Development." Encyclopedia. Web. 26 January, 2025.
Peer Reviewed
The Hippo Pathway in Kidney Development

This study dives into the essential issue of sustainable water management techniques in East Africa. Recognizing water as a key component of sustainable agricultural development, the study highlights the importance of a complete approach that takes into account technological, socio-economic, and environmental issues. A detailed, comprehensive review of 109 scientific research articles published between 1993 and 2024 was conducted to acquire a thorough grasp of current sustainable water resource management techniques in East Africa. This in-depth investigation sought to uncover major regional trends, challenges, and opportunities in water resource management. Furthermore, the evaluation aimed to identify specific knowledge gaps impeding the region’s implementation of sustainable water management techniques. As East Africa faces rising problems from climatic variability and change, which have a direct impact on water availability and agricultural output, the need for comprehensive policies becomes clear. The review reveals significant gaps in previous research, including a lack of focus on the socio-economic consequences of water management methods, gender dynamics, long-term assessments, indigenous knowledge integration, and climate change adaptation. By highlighting these areas, the study emphasizes the necessity of future research in addressing these gaps and developing more effective and sustainable water management solutions for East Africa.

East Africa integrated approach gender dynamics indigenous knowledge long-term impact climate change adaptation
Sustainable water management in agriculture is a pressing global concern as water scarcity, environmental degradation, and food security challenges escalate. The need for effective water management practices is particularly pronounced in East Africa, a region grappling with a complex interplay of climate variability, population growth, and economic constraints [1][2]. Globally, scholars emphasize adopting sustainable water management practices to ensure long-term agricultural productivity and resilience [2][3][4]. This framework encompasses strategies, including efficient irrigation technologies, rainwater harvesting, and integrated water resource management [5][6][7].
On the other hand, the global water shortage is posing a serious danger to agricultural sustainability, especially as the world’s population grows and the demand for water resources increases [3][6]. These practices include a variety of measures, such as effective irrigation, rainwater collection, and integrated water resource management [6][7]. Thus, employing these solutions can address water scarcity concerns while also ensuring agriculture’s long-term viability. Sustainable water management in agriculture has arisen as a major global concern, particularly in East Africa, where water shortages, climate change, and population increase all offer substantial challenges to agricultural production and food security [8][9][10]. Effective water management strategies are urgently required to ensure agricultural systems’ long-term viability and community well-being. In East Africa, consisting of countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Rwanda, the challenges in managing water resources for agriculture are distinct compared to global challenges due to agro-climate conditions and norms [8][9]. The region faces susceptibility to climate change-induced droughts and erratic rainfall patterns, aggravating water scarcity and impacting crop yields and livelihoods [9][11][12][13]. The East African region is especially exposed to the negative consequences of climate change, such as repeated droughts and irregular rainfall patterns [12][13]. These climate variations have a direct impact on water availability, posing considerable problems to agriculture and livelihoods [10][13][14]. The region’s poor irrigation system, which irrigates less than 2% of farmed land sustainably, exacerbates water scarcity [12][14]. Countries such as Ethiopia (1.8%), Kenya (1.7%), Tanzania (1.1%), and Uganda (0.09%), for example, confront similar restrictions despite their differences in population size. Furthermore, climate change is predicted to have a considerable impact on Ethiopia, which has a large population. Kenya and Somalia are also at risk [15][16].
The interplay of rapid population expansion, urbanization, and conflicting water needs from other industries puts further strain on already limited water resources [17][18]. The region’s susceptibility to climate change-related issues, such as rising temperatures and changed precipitation patterns, exacerbates these difficulties [16][17][18]. As a result, efficient water management methods are critical for mitigating the effects of climate change while also ensuring long-term water security for the region’s rising population.
Sustainable water management strategies are critical for resolving East Africa’s serious issues of water scarcity, environmental degradation, and rising agricultural demand [12][19][20]. Water resources can be conserved, agricultural production improved, and ecosystems protected by using a range of solutions, including effective irrigation techniques, rainwater gathering, and integrated water resource management [17][19][20]. Studies show that East African countries like Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda need to prioritize sustainable water resource management alongside enhanced water security. Efficient water use is a cornerstone of sustainability, and precision irrigation, rainwater collecting, and good soil moisture management are critical for increasing water use efficiency in agriculture [21][22][23]. These measures not only increase crop output, they also help to conserve water resources and ensure responsible resource management. Consequently, novel and eco-friendly irrigation techniques, such as drip and spray irrigation, are becoming increasingly essential in terms of water conservation and environmental impact [22][24][25][26]. These technologies provide better precision in encouraging a more sustainable irrigation method that is consistent with the ideals of resource conservation and environmental care. This change to more efficient irrigation technologies is critical for balancing agricultural needs and environmental conservation.
In terms of technological approach, Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) promotes a comprehensive strategy that recognizes the interconnection of water sources, land use, and ecosystem health [27][28]. IWRM frameworks promote coordinated decision-making by acknowledging the interdependence of various water usage [29][30]. This integrated strategy guarantees that water resources are allocated in a balanced and sustainable manner, taking into account the needs of different sectors as well as the environment. In the face of escalating climate change consequences, implementing climate-resilient methods is critical for long-term water management [30][31][32][33]. This includes applying adaptive strategies to adjust for shifting precipitation patterns, temperature fluctuations, and changing climatic circumstances. Climate-resilient water management strategies help agricultural systems stay sustainable by preparing them for future environmental uncertainty.
Also, inclusive and participatory techniques involving local people are also required for successful sustainable water management [34][35][36]. Engaging stakeholders in decision-making processes, recognizing indigenous knowledge, and supporting community-led initiatives all improve the social acceptability and effectiveness of water management solutions. Local communities play an important role in establishing and maintaining sustainable water management practices. A holistic approach to sustainable water management must take into account both water quality and quantity [37][38][39]. Monitoring and protecting water quality includes assessing the potential effects of agricultural activities on water bodies, reducing pollution risks, and ensuring that water resources are safe for both ecosystems and human consumption. Maintaining the availability and quality of water supplies is critical for long-term viability. As a result, good governance and policy integration are essential for adopting sustainable water management methods [38][39][40]. Effective water resource management can be achieved by establishing robust governance frameworks and implementing well-coordinated policies, ensuring that initiatives are properly executed, monitored, and enforced, thus creating an environment conducive to the flourishing of sustainable water management practices, particularly concerning water. The review study found that there is a geographic concentration on regions experiencing significant water issues, such as water scarcity, sustainable water management practices, and related issues, with approximately 65% of recent articles addressing global water concerns, with a focus on Africa and a comparative analysis of developing and developed countries [6][10][21][24][26][32]. Furthermore, developing tendencies in Asia and the Americas are discussed in the literature [8][22]. Thus, studies highlight the critical importance of water resources in the global discourse on sustainability.
The primary theme of this research is water resource management, which includes both integrated and sustainable approaches [13][21][32]. This emphasis is understandable, given the critical role water plays in sustaining many ecosystems. Water is critical to wetland and marine settings, as well as agricultural ecosystems that provide food. The growing global population and estimated growth in food demand by 2050 require a large increase in global output [13][22]. This increase could be achieved in a variety of ways, including increasing the cultivated area, intensifying production on existing land, and building integrated management systems that maximize resource usage [3][9][14]. However, different production scenarios have differing effects on water supplies. In scenarios with lower production efficiency, satisfying 2050 food demand will most certainly necessitate both an increase in water resource usage and a significant extension of cultivated area worldwide [10][17][22]. This demonstrates the interdependence of food security and water availability. Furthermore, forecasts show that increases in irrigation water usage to fulfill rising food demand will be much greater in developing countries than in industrialized countries. This mismatch reflects many developing economies’ reliance on agriculture, as well as their restricted access to efficient irrigation methods and water management infrastructure.
For millennia, East Africa’s different populations have relied on the region’s intricate network of water resources for food and survival [13][16][19][41]. These communities have a thorough awareness of their local waterways, including rivers, lakes, wetlands, and groundwater systems. This intimate knowledge has resulted in the creation of sophisticated water management methods that are suited to their unique needs and environmental situations. These initiatives did not rely exclusively on actual hydrological and technological knowledge, such as irrigation techniques or well construction. Crucially, traditional water management in East Africa was intricately linked to cultural, spiritual, and political factors [17][41]. Water sources were frequently revered, appearing in rites and celebrations that strengthened community relationships and reverence for the natural environment. Access to and control over water resources influenced social hierarchies and power relations within and across tribes [7][8][41]. These diverse areas of knowledge collaborated to create comprehensive and regionally adapted water management systems that protected livelihoods and promoted social peace. However, since the late twentieth century, East Africa’s attitude to water management has shifted dramatically [39][41]. Water is becoming a more significant component of national economic and social development projects [32][39]. Governments and organizations have made considerable expenditures on large-scale water projects with the purpose of increasing water access and boosting economic growth [6][7]. Despite decades of work and enormous financial investment, the desired outcomes have yet to be achieved [13][20]. The review identifies a significant gap in East Africa’s sustainable water management practices, which is due to a lack of integrated water resource management implementation, insufficient stakeholder and government cooperation and commitment, and an imbalance between smallholder farmers’ indigenous knowledge and contemporary approaches [16][17]. Hence, coordinated efforts at local, national, and regional levels, coupled with formulating adaptive policies that consider socio-economic and environmental dynamics, are essential for fostering a supportive and enabling environment for sustainable water management. Therefore, the review study aimed to address the essential need for sustainable water management methods in East Africa to ensure long-term agricultural output and resilience in the face of water scarcity, climate change, population growth, and economic constraints.


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