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Editorial Office, E. Andromeda. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 11 February 2025).
Editorial Office E. Andromeda. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed February 11, 2025.
Editorial Office, Encyclopedia. "Andromeda" Encyclopedia, (accessed February 11, 2025).
Editorial Office, E. (2024, February 29). Andromeda. In Encyclopedia.
Editorial Office, Encyclopedia. "Andromeda." Encyclopedia. Web. 29 February, 2024.

Andromeda, named after the mythical princess in Greek mythology, is one of the 88 constellations officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Located in the northern celestial hemisphere, Andromeda is renowned for hosting the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), the closest spiral galaxy to our own Milky Way, making it a captivating subject for both amateur stargazers and professional astronomers alike.

constellation astronomy IAU

1. Introduction

Andromeda is one of the 88 constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Named after the princess Andromeda from Greek mythology, this celestial region holds significance both culturally and scientifically. Situated in the northern celestial hemisphere, Andromeda is home to several notable stars and deep-sky objects, including the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), one of the nearest spiral galaxies to our Milky Way. Its rich history and astronomical importance make it a compelling subject for exploration and study.

2. Celestial Coordinates

Located in the northern celestial hemisphere, Andromeda spans a declination range of approximately +21° to +53° and a right ascension range of about 0h 40m to 2h 30m (Figure 1). Its neighboring constellations include Cassiopeia, Perseus, Pegasus, and Pisces. Andromeda is best observed during the autumn months in the northern hemisphere when it appears high in the sky.

Figure 1. IAU chart of Andromeda. Source: IAU and Sky & Telescope. Reproduced under CC BY 4.0 license. 

3. Historical Background

The constellation Andromeda holds a significant place in the annals of astronomy and human culture, with its origins deeply rooted in ancient mythology and early astronomical observations. From the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Greece to the Renaissance astronomers of Europe, Andromeda has captured the imagination of people across time and space.

In Greek mythology, Andromeda is perhaps best known as the daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia, rulers of the ancient kingdom of Ethiopia. The story of Andromeda's plight is intertwined with the tale of her mother's hubris, as Queen Cassiopeia boasted of her own beauty, claiming it surpassed even that of the sea nymphs known as the Nereids. Outraged by this claim, the sea god Poseidon sent a fearsome sea monster, Cetus, to terrorize the kingdom. To appease Poseidon's wrath and save her people, Cassiopeia was forced to sacrifice her daughter Andromeda by chaining her to a rock along the coast.

In some versions of the myth, Andromeda's rescue comes at the hands of the hero Perseus, who happens upon her while on a quest to slay the Gorgon Medusa. Perseus, armed with the winged sandals of Hermes, the shield of Athena, and the severed head of Medusa, confronts the sea monster Cetus and saves Andromeda from her fate. The pair eventually marry and live happily ever after, immortalized among the stars as constellations.

The story of Andromeda and Perseus has been recounted in countless works of art, literature, and music throughout history, symbolizing themes of heroism, love, and sacrifice. The constellation Andromeda itself is depicted as a chained figure, representing Andromeda's captivity on the rock.

Andromeda's celestial prominence extends beyond Greek mythology to other ancient cultures as well. In Mesopotamia, the region corresponding to modern-day Iraq, Andromeda was associated with the goddess Ishtar, who was often depicted in similar poses as the Greek Andromeda. Babylonian astronomers cataloged the stars of Andromeda along with other constellations as part of their efforts to track celestial phenomena and predict astronomical events.

During the Hellenistic period, Greek astronomers such as Hipparchus and Ptolemy further refined the cataloging of constellations, including Andromeda, in their seminal works on astronomy. Ptolemy's Almagest, written in the 2nd century AD, listed Andromeda among the 48 constellations known to ancient astronomers. The depiction of Andromeda in the Almagest closely resembles the modern interpretation, with the constellation's distinctive shape and position in the northern sky.

In medieval Europe, Andromeda continued to be depicted in celestial maps and manuscripts, often alongside other figures from Greek mythology. The Renaissance astronomer Johannes Hevelius included Andromeda in his influential star atlas, Firmamentum Sobiescianum, published in 1690. Hevelius's detailed illustrations of the constellation helped to popularize its recognition among astronomers and stargazers of his time.

Today, Andromeda remains an enduring symbol of the human quest for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos. Its rich mythology and historical significance serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of astronomy, culture, and storytelling throughout the ages. As we gaze upon the constellation Andromeda in the night sky, we are reminded of the timeless tales and enduring mysteries that have shaped our understanding of the universe.

4. Notable Stars

Alpha Andromedae (Alpheratz): Alpha Andromedae, also known by its traditional name Alpheratz, serves as the brightest star in the constellation Andromeda. Despite its prominence, Alpheratz is technically shared with the neighboring constellation Pegasus, where it serves as the northeastern vertex of the Great Square of Pegasus. Alpheratz is a binary star system composed of a spectroscopic binary, consisting of two stars that orbit each other too closely to be individually resolved by telescopes. The primary star is a blue-white subgiant with a luminosity approximately 150 times that of the Sun, while the secondary star is a main-sequence star. Together, they form a visually striking pair that adds to the beauty of the constellation.

Beta Andromedae (Mirach): Beta Andromedae, commonly known as Mirach, is another prominent star in the constellation. Mirach is a red giant star located approximately 200 light-years from Earth and shines with a distinct orange-red hue. With an apparent magnitude of about 2.05, Mirach is easily visible to the naked eye and serves as a convenient reference point for locating other celestial objects within Andromeda. In addition to its astronomical significance, Mirach holds cultural significance as it has been referenced in various works of literature and mythology throughout history.

Gamma Andromedae (Almach): Gamma Andromedae, also known as Almach, is a multiple star system located approximately 350 light-years from Earth. Almach is notable for its striking color contrast, with its primary component appearing golden-yellow and its companion star appearing blue. Through a telescope, Almach resolves into a binary system consisting of two pairs of stars. The primary pair consists of a yellow giant star and a blue-white main-sequence star, while the secondary pair consists of two fainter stars. Almach's captivating colors and intriguing stellar arrangement make it a popular target for amateur astronomers.

Delta Andromedae (Adhil): Delta Andromedae, also known as Adhil, is a binary star system located approximately 100 light-years from Earth. Adhil consists of a primary star classified as a white subgiant or giant and a fainter companion star that orbits it. The primary star exhibits periodic variations in brightness due to its companion star eclipsing it as seen from Earth. Adhil's variability makes it an interesting target for astronomers studying binary star systems and stellar evolution.

5. Deep-Sky Objects in Andromeda

Andromeda Galaxy (M31): The crown jewel of Andromeda's deep-sky objects is undoubtedly the Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31 (M31). Located approximately 2.537 million light-years from Earth, M31 is the nearest spiral galaxy to our own Milky Way and is one of the most massive galaxies in the Local Group. Spanning an impressive diameter of about 220,000 light-years, the Andromeda Galaxy is visible to the naked eye under dark sky conditions and appears as a faint, elongated patch of light in the night sky.

Observations of the Andromeda Galaxy have provided astronomers with valuable insights into galaxy formation, structure, and dynamics. M31 exhibits spiral arms, dust lanes, and numerous stellar populations, making it an ideal laboratory for studying the processes driving galaxy evolution. Moreover, the Andromeda Galaxy's proximity to the Milky Way offers astronomers a unique opportunity to compare and contrast the properties of two similar galaxies.

Satellite Galaxies of Andromeda: In addition to the Andromeda Galaxy itself, Andromeda is accompanied by several satellite galaxies, including M32 and M110. These dwarf galaxies orbit M31 and provide further insights into the dynamics of the Andromeda system.

M32, also known as NGC 221, is a dwarf elliptical galaxy located approximately 2.65 million light-years from Earth. It is one of the brightest satellite galaxies of M31 and is classified as a dwarf spheroidal galaxy. M32's close proximity to the Andromeda Galaxy has led to tidal interactions between the two galaxies, resulting in distortions in M32's structure.

M110, also known as NGC 205, is another dwarf elliptical galaxy orbiting the Andromeda Galaxy. Located about 130,000 light-years from M31, M110 is one of the largest satellite galaxies of Andromeda and contains a significant population of older stars. Astronomers have studied M110 to gain insights into the history and evolution of the Andromeda Galaxy and its satellite system.

Nebulae and Star Clusters: Andromeda is also home to several nebulae and star clusters, although they are less prominent than the Andromeda Galaxy and its satellites. These include planetary nebulae, open clusters, and globular clusters scattered throughout the constellation.

One notable example is NGC 7662, also known as the Blue Snowball Nebula, a planetary nebula located approximately 1.6 kiloparsecs (about 5,200 light-years) from Earth. NGC 7662 exhibits a striking blue-green coloration and is a popular target for amateur astronomers due to its relatively high surface brightness.

Additionally, Andromeda hosts several open clusters, such as NGC 752 and NGC 7686, which contain young, hot stars that illuminate their surrounding gas and dust clouds. These clusters serve as laboratories for studying stellar evolution and the formation of new stars within the galaxy.

6. Modern Observations and Scientific Significance

Modern observations of the Andromeda Galaxy have provided astronomers with valuable insights into galaxy formation, evolution, and structure. Studies of M31 have revealed its complex spiral arms, dust lanes, and stellar populations, shedding light on the processes driving galaxy formation and dynamics. Astronomers have also used the Andromeda Galaxy as a benchmark for understanding the properties and behavior of similar galaxies throughout the universe.

Furthermore, Andromeda plays a crucial role in cosmological studies, particularly in determining the expansion rate of the universe and the distribution of dark matter. Measurements of the distance to Andromeda, combined with observations of its redshift, have provided valuable constraints on the Hubble constant, a fundamental parameter in cosmology.

In recent years, advanced telescopes and instruments, such as the Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based observatories equipped with adaptive optics, have enabled astronomers to study Andromeda in unprecedented detail. These observations have led to discoveries of new stellar populations, star clusters, and planetary nebulae within the galaxy, enhancing our understanding of its structure and evolution.

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Entry Collection: Constellations
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Update Date: 29 Feb 2024
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