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1 Our review implies a critical role of AQPs in normal and pathophysiological cardiac function, but also shows that much work remains to be done to elucidate their exact role in electrical and mechanical cardiac functioning. + 1425 word(s) 1425 2020-04-10 08:39:25 |
2 insert the correct reference citation. -598 word(s) 827 2020-04-11 04:31:12 | |
3 Change subject from Physiology to Aquaporin in biochemistry -598 word(s) 827 2020-04-11 05:33:34 | |
4 Increase the exposure -7 word(s) 820 2020-10-29 09:42:29 | |
5 removed from Entry Collection Meta information modification 820 2021-09-06 11:54:53 | |
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Verkerk, A.O.; Lodder, E.M.; Wilders, R.; Verkerk, A. Mammalian Aquaporins. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 10 February 2025).
Verkerk AO, Lodder EM, Wilders R, Verkerk A. Mammalian Aquaporins. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed February 10, 2025.
Verkerk, Arie O., Elisabeth M. Lodder, Ronald Wilders, Arie Verkerk. "Mammalian Aquaporins" Encyclopedia, (accessed February 10, 2025).
Verkerk, A.O., Lodder, E.M., Wilders, R., & Verkerk, A. (2020, April 10). Mammalian Aquaporins. In Encyclopedia.
Verkerk, Arie O., et al. "Mammalian Aquaporins." Encyclopedia. Web. 10 April, 2020.
Mammalian Aquaporins

Mammalian aquaporins (AQPs) are transmembrane channels expressed in a large variety of cells and tissues throughout the body. They are known as water channels, but they also facilitate the transport of small solutes, gasses, and monovalent cations. To date, 13 different AQPs, encoded by the genes AQP0AQP12, have been identified in mammals, which regulate various important biological functions in kidney, brain, lung, digestive system, eye, and skin. Consequently, dysfunction of AQPs is involved in a wide variety of disorders. AQPs are also present in the heart, even with a specific distribution pattern in cardiomyocytes, but whether their presence is essential for proper (electro)physiological cardiac function has not intensively been studied. In a recent review published in Int. J. Mol. Sci. (, we summarizes recent findings and highlights the involvement of AQPs in normal and pathological cardiac function. We conclude that AQPs are at least implicated in proper cardiac water homeostasis and energy balance as well as heart failure and arsenic cardiotoxicity. However, our review also demonstrates that many effects of cardiac AQPs, especially on excitation-contraction coupling processes, are virtually unexplored.

Aquaporin water channel heart myocyte edema failure energy electrophysiology ion channels Ca2+ transient.

1. Introduction

Aquaporins (AQPs) constitute a major and diverse transmembrane channel family found in most living organisms [1][2][3]. They facilitate movement of water along osmotic gradients and were originally named water channels [4]. Water constitutes approximately 70% of organism mass [5], and therefore, AQPs—together with simple water diffusion across the hydrophobic bilayer—are important for many different (patho)physiological processes (for reviews, see [6][7]).

AQPs are relatively small membrane proteins that constitute a monomer containing six transmembrane spanning domains, intracellular C- and N-termini, and a central water pore [5][8][9][10]. In the plasma membrane, four monomers form a functional tetramer, with each monomer functioning independently. Although somewhat controversial, the central tetrameric pore of some AQPs has been proposed to conduct also small solutes, monovalent anions, heavy metal ions, and gasses, i.e., O2and CO2. AQP channels are voltage independent and do not show gating properties. To date, 13 AQPs are known in mammals (AQP0–12, encoded by the genes AQP0AQP12), and they are divided into three subfamilies based on their pore selectivity. Table 1 summarizes the subdivision of the mammalian AQPs and their non-controversial basic properties. In short, AQPs 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 belong to the classical water selective AQPs. AQPs 3, 7, 9, and 10, also named aquaglyceroporins, are less water permeable, but they also pass small neutral solutes, such as glycerol and urea. AQPs 11 and 12, initially named AQPX1 and AQPX2, are classified to another AQP subfamily, named unorthodox aquaporins, the properties of which are less clear.

2. Mammalian AQPs Types

The mammalian AQPs are present in many cell types and organs, for example in kidney, brain, lung, digestive system, eye, and skin [7]. It is generally accepted that they have important (patho)physiological roles in, for example, water reabsorption in the kidney, water exchange across the blood–brain barrier, and growth and vascularity of tumors. We refer to several extensive reviews for their role in normal physiological processes as well as their pathophysiological function in the above-mentioned organs, cancer, and obesity [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. AQPs are also found in the heart and cardiomyocytes [20][21][22], but their role in normal heart function and cardiac disorders has not intensively been studied [23]. In a recent review [24], we first provide a brief overview of the presence of AQPs in the heart. Subsequently, we highlight their (patho)physiological role, which has primarily been studied using AQP knock-out transgenic mice. In our review, we conclude that AQPs are not only important for cardiac water homeostasis, but may also affect cardiac excitation-contraction coupling—either directly or indirectly via dysfunction of other organs—due to their permeability to glycerol, arsenite, and other small, neutral solutes as well as to interactions with various ion channel proteins and connexins. However, as set-out in our review [24], despite the great progress in the determination of the characteristics and functions of AQPs in the heart, various effects of cardiac AQPs seem still unknown.

Table 1.Summary of mammalian AQPs and their basic properties.

HGNC Gene symbol






water-specific channels

H2O, CO2



water-specific channels





H2O, urea, glycerol, NH3, arsenite



water-specific channels



water-specific channels




water-specific channels

H2O, NH3, anions




H2O, urea, glycerol, NH3, arsenite


water-specific channels

H2O, urea, NH3



H2O, urea, glycerol, NH3, arsenite



H2O, urea, glycerol



unorthodox aquaporins




unorthodox aquaporins




unorthodox aquaporins




water-specific channels


CHIP28 = channel-forming integral membrane protein of 28 kDa; WCH-CD = water channel- collecting duct; GLIP = glycerol intrinsic protein; MIWC = mercurial-insensitive water channel; AQP2L = AQP2-like; AQPap = aquaporin adipose; AQPX1 and AQPX2 = aquaporin-like channels of a new subfamily; INSSA3 = insulin synthesis associated 3; MIP = major intrinsic protein of lens fiber. Modified from [9][10][25][26].


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