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Kim, H.; Lamichhane, N.; Kim, C.; Shrestha, R. Infrared Thermography in Building Diagnostics and Condition Monitorin. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 13 January 2025).
Kim H, Lamichhane N, Kim C, Shrestha R. Infrared Thermography in Building Diagnostics and Condition Monitorin. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed January 13, 2025.
Kim, Hojong, Nirjal Lamichhane, Cheolsang Kim, Ranjit Shrestha. "Infrared Thermography in Building Diagnostics and Condition Monitorin" Encyclopedia, (accessed January 13, 2025).
Kim, H., Lamichhane, N., Kim, C., & Shrestha, R. (2024, February 09). Infrared Thermography in Building Diagnostics and Condition Monitorin. In Encyclopedia.
Kim, Hojong, et al. "Infrared Thermography in Building Diagnostics and Condition Monitorin." Encyclopedia. Web. 09 February, 2024.
Infrared Thermography in Building Diagnostics and Condition Monitorin

Infrared thermography is a non-destructive technique that uses infrared radiation to visualize surface temperature variations. It is a versatile tool that can be used to detect a variety of problems in buildings, including insulation deficiencies, moisture intrusion, structural compromise, and electrical faults.

infrared thermography building non-destructive testing and evaluation condition monitoring

1. Introduction

The demand for sustainable and efficient building techniques has never been larger in an era of growing urbanization and increased infrastructure complexity. A vital element of modern society is the physical environment, which includes anything from extensive industrial facilities to residential and commercial buildings. The rising thermal stresses on these structures, however, have increased along with the expansion of urbanization. As the urban landscape develops, buildings must adapt to handle the growing concerns of resource scarcity, environmental sustainability, and population congestion [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Condition monitoring and building diagnostics have become crucial techniques for ensuring the long-term performance and safety of buildings. They play a vital role in inspecting, maintaining, and improving the infrastructure that underpins the built environment. The art and science of assessing a building’s structural integrity and functionality is known as building diagnostics. It involves a systematic analysis of systems, structural components, and building materials to identify any flaws, vulnerabilities, and potential hazards [7][8][9][10]. In contrast, condition monitoring focuses on continuously observing and assessing the physical condition of a building or its individual components. These processes are now crucial for preventing structural failures, improving energy efficiency, and extending the lifespan of buildings [11][12][13][14].
In recent years, there has been a remarkable transformation in the field of building diagnostics and condition monitoring, driven by the integration of cutting-edge technologies and innovative methodologies. The substantial progress in non-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) techniques has played a vital role in directing this shift. Among the advanced NDT&E techniques available to researchers and practitioners, IRT has emerged as a versatile and non-invasive technology, allowing full insights into the structural integrity and performance of buildings [8][15][16][17].
IRT has emerged as a non-destructive, non-intrusive, and non-contact methodology that facilitates the visualization of thermal patterns, known as thermograms, across the surfaces of objects, entities, or systems. This visualization is achieved by employing specialized equipment, such as an infrared camera, designed for infrared (thermal) imaging [18][19][20][21]. Over the past few decades, the utilization of NDT&E technology has become increasingly prevalent, with its applications continuously expanding to research and development (R&D) in various industries, structural health monitoring, material characterization, manufacturing quality assurance, energy cost reduction, surveillance, night vision, agriculture, medical science, and many more [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. In recent times, there has been a growing demand for the quantitative assessment of buildings and structures [20][30][31][32][33][34]. In response, the use of IRT technology has proven to be valuable as a measurement tool, particularly for assessing heat dissipation [35][36][37][38]. IRT, a cornerstone of NDT&E methodologies, has risen to prominence as a versatile and invaluable tool for comprehensively assessing the health of buildings [39][40][41][42][43]. Characterized by its non-invasive and non-contact nature, IRT presents a unique approach to diagnosing hidden issues that may otherwise elude conventional inspection methods [44][45][46][47]. By capturing and converting the thermal radiation emitted by objects into visual representations, this technique unveils temperature distributions across various building components, exposing subtle anomalies and irregularities that often foretell more significant problems.

2.  Infrared Thermography in Building Diagnostics and Condition Monitorin

IRT, an invaluable NDT&E technique, has emerged as an essential asset for building diagnostics and diverse industrial applications. Its ability to capture thermal patterns and temperature variations across surfaces provides invaluable insights into the condition of structures and systems [18][48]. IRT operates on fundamental principles like emissivity and spectral range, allowing it to visualize temperature differences indicative of issues such as compromised insulation, hidden defects, moisture intrusion, and energy inefficiencies. It comes in two primary approaches, passive and active thermography, each suited to specific inspection needs, from identifying surface-level anomalies to probing deeper into subsurface defects. In building diagnostics, IRT excels in its capacity to detect thermal anomalies and facilitate early intervention, ultimately enhancing energy efficiency and ensuring the structural integrity of buildings [49][50]. Ongoing technological advancements, including higher-resolution cameras and multi-spectral imaging, continue to broaden its diagnostic capabilities, making IRT a cornerstone in shaping more sustainable and resilient structures [51][52][53]. Furthermore, its non-invasive and non-contact nature lends itself well to condition monitoring across various industries.

Professionals can maximize its utility by aligning the specifications of infrared cameras with the unique requirements of building assessments, ensuring the precise identification of thermal anomalies, structural irregularities, and energy inefficiencies. IRT’s fundamental principles, grounded in thermal radiation physics and the conversion of emitted infrared waves into visual data, empower building inspectors and maintenance professionals with crucial insights into the condition of buildings [54][55][56]. The integration of IRT with complementary techniques, such as ultrasonic testing, enhances the precision of NDT&E examinations, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of structural health. The article also emphasizes the significance of adhering to industry standards to ensure consistent and professional IRT inspections [57]. Real-world case studies further underscore the practical utility of IRT in building diagnostics, demonstrating its ability to identify hidden issues, prevent damage, and improve energy efficiency [58][59]. These examples highlight the value of early detection and proactive intervention, made possible through IRT, in ensuring the longevity and sustainability of buildings. Additionally, the article recognizes the need for a more detailed exploration of factors influencing delamination detection, including delamination size, depth, material composition, and measurement conditions. By addressing these factors, future research aims to enhance the accuracy and reliability of IRT-based delamination detection, contributing to advancements in building diagnostics and infrastructure assessments [18][60]. Overall, the article reinforces the pivotal role of IRT in shaping the future of building diagnostics and condition monitoring, offering insights that inform maintenance practices, optimize energy efficiency, and ensure the structural longevity of buildings [61]

In order to completely evaluate the state and thermal properties of a building, a variety of cutting-edge technologies are used in the inspection process. A thermal camera, a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS), and a visible light camera are some of these equipment types. The thermal camera is crucial in recording photos of the surface temperature of the building, which enables the identification of thermal variations inside the building. The TLS also painstakingly generates a perfect 3D point cloud that provides a precise representation of the building’s shape and spatial dimensions. The visible light camera, on the other hand, records typical visible light photos that show how the structure appears. There are numerous crucial steps in the image processing process. The three sensors first combine to obtain thorough information about the structure [62][63][64]. After that, multi-sensor image preprocessing is applied to the captured pictures to remove any distortions or noise that could have developed during data collection. The following phase is multi-sensor image matching, which involves lining up the pictures from the three sensors to make it easier for the computer to identify similar regions in each image. Finally, multi-sensor image registration is used to combine the registered pictures into a single, meaningful representation by utilizing the data from all three sensors. This innovative method produces several hybrid products, most notably the “thermal orthophoto” and the “thermal 3D model”. The visible light picture and temperature information from the thermal camera are seamlessly combined to create a thermal orthophoto. The combination makes it easier to identify sections of the building with different temperatures, which is helpful for activities like finding temperature anomalies. The thermal 3D model, on the other hand, uses information from the thermal camera to overlay temperature data onto a 3D point atmosphere, therefore mapping the building’s thermal characteristics. With the help of this depiction, it is simpler to identify any probable hot or cold regions inside the building and to comprehend the thermal features 

The multi-sensor image processing system is useful for a variety of activities, including 3D modeling and mapping, building inspections, maintenance, energy audits, security, and surveillance operations, and planning for disaster response. It is a useful tool in a variety of sectors due to its adaptability and capacity to deliver complete data.

Building owners may improve the energy efficiency of their structures by making educated decisions using this information. For instance, they could decide to update to a more energy-efficient heating and cooling system or insulate the wall. Overall, the photo demonstrates how well IRT surveys work at detecting where heat is lost from a structure. These studies can considerably improve a building’s energy efficiency and save energy costs.
Linear thermal bridging happens along continuous building envelope components like metal beams or columns. Regardless of regions of insulation, these components can transfer heat from the inside of the structure to the outside [62]. Both geometrical and linear thermal bridging may be found using the IRT survey. The owner of the building can take action to increase the building’s energy efficiency by determining the regions of heat loss. Building corners, where the walls and roof converge, are potential locations of geometric thermal bridging, whereas the roof’s metal beams likely experience linear thermal bridging [62].

3. Conclusions

IRT certainly has become an essential tool in the field of building diagnostics. It is considered advantageous in identifying a variety of problems within buildings, including improper insulation, moisture penetration, structural damage, and electrical faults. This is due to its unique capacity to perceive non-invasive surface temperature fluctuations. This ability is crucial for avoiding catastrophic failures and enabling quick energy-saving measures. IRT’s capabilities have also been enhanced by the use of modern image processing technologies and artificial intelligence methods, which enable automatic decision-making through real-time pseudo-color-coded visuals that clearly show an object’s state and highlight defects. In addition to civil constructions, electrical installations, equipment, material deformation under various loads, corrosion damages, welding processes, and applications in sectors including nuclear, aerospace, food, paper, wood, and plastics, IRT’s adaptability embraces a variety of subjects. IRT has the potential to become even more powerful as technology progresses, especially with the development of more sensitive cameras and the integration of artificial intelligence. This development offers less downtime, reduced maintenance costs, reduced accident risks, increased production, and growth across industries. IRT is the most frequently used method in the field of NDT&E. It effectively addresses issues associated with preventing failures and enhancing structural and component reliability by providing accelerated inspection rates, increased resolution and sensitivity, and the capacity to detect defects over the span of structure, component fabrication, and the operational lifetime.


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