2. Airports
Airports have economic, environmental, and social impacts on communities. Adoption of social sustainability practices varies among small hub airports and focuses on four categories of stakeholders: Passengers and travellers, employees, communities and local businesses, and concessionaires and tenants
[1]. Some studies compare the world’s leading airports based on passenger surveys, sustainability performance, and differences in sustainability indicators according to sustainability reports prepared according to GRI guidelines
[2]. Others analyse airport efficiency and economic sustainability using the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) method and conclude that airport size, the presence of low-cost airlines, and cargo volumes significantly impact efficiency and economic sustainability, with DEA by means of the basis of multiple inputs and outputs it is possible to measure the relative efficiency of decision-making units. The efficiency of a unit is defined as the weighted sum of its outputs divided by a weighted sum of its inputs, the weights for inputs and outputs are estimated by a linear programming so as to maximize the relative efficiency of each unit. numerous applications employing the DEA methodology have been proposed, and they involve several contexts. Actually, it is designed to evaluate data management units (DMUs) that use multiple inputs to produce multiple outputs without a clear identification of the relation between them, but it has then progressed throughout a variety of formulations and applications to other kinds of industries
[3]. The key operational aspects of the airport industry are examined to assess the degree of responsibility of airport managers in disclosing corporate information about the economic, environmental, and social performance of airports, suggesting that customer orientation, economic viability, and business readiness are operational aspects of great importance
[4]. Therefore, airport management needs to develop an effective business program to improve the existing system’s performance
[5]. In summary, airport performance needs to be evaluated for airports
3. Sustainability and Sustainable Development
Sustainability has become a focus for practitioners and academics due to increasing socioeconomic problems. In Southeast Asia, airport operators have adopted sustainable practices to reduce carbon emissions, reduce waste and wastewater, increase economic contribution, meet passenger needs, and satisfy employee needs. Adopting new technologies for sustainable practices has been slow
[7]. New airport operational sustainability definitions have been developed to help airports develop sustainable management plans, identify problems, and set performance targets
[8]. In developing countries, sustainability and resilience strategies become less important when economic problems and high workloads come into play. However, passengers perceive an airport’s sustainability activities and ethical core and are willing to use airport services again in their future trips
[9]. Some studies investigated the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation on the reputation of Incheon International Airport and found that CSR positively impacts reputation. Therefore, CSR activities can positively influence customer perceptions, strengthen the importance of sustainability, and play an important role in the Korean airport industry
[10]. As a result, sustainability has become as important as management in business, and there is no consensus on a methodology to ensure sustainability in pavement life cycle assessment and analysis. Studies are needed to explore sustainability, explain its importance, and provide research recommendations
Sustainability is an appropriate means to evaluate the performance of airports to ensure sustainable development. The aim is to integrate qualitative and quantitative information with the balanced scorecard for sustainability and use influential network-relationship maps to evaluate the main influences on the performance of international airports in terms of sustainability
[12]. Some research has developed an airport sustainability ranking index that uses 5 dimensions and 25 indicators to assess airport performance on multiple factors. The index can help airport managers coordinate strategies for sustainable energy, water, and environmental development
[13]. In summary, airports’ dependency level is important from economic geography and risk management perspective, as it can provide information on the sustainability and viability of financing airport projects
4. Airline Industry
Global sustainability challenges are transforming the 21st century economy, and the role of sustainability in the airline industry ecosystem requires a systems approach and assessment tool for airport strategy
[15]. Airlines have traditionally been the main players in deciding which new flights to open at a given airport. Still, introducing low-cost airlines has changed the reciprocal role of airlines and airports by requiring forecasting of passenger flows at an airport and the impact of a change in schedule on surrounding airports
Some argue that the introduction of low-cost airlines and the increase in the density of regional and secondary airports in many European countries has changed the mutual role of airlines and airports. Today, airports must demonstrate the sustainability of new routes and forecast the economic impact on their catchment area
[17]. Others focused on evaluating the reliability of the multistage flight network’s (MSFN) flight network considering the time and number of stopovers and developed a search method instead of specifying all minimum capacity vectors in advance.
Some research addresses cases of reputation and stakeholder management in the transition to sustainability, focusing on aviation biofuel (biokerosene) and how airlines, airports, and bio-kerosene suppliers collaborate in the process of mutual strategic positioning that supports trust building and market development while promoting positive stakeholder perceptions
[18]. Airlines and passengers are in tension with each other due to the complex supplier-customer structure that requires a multi-level Quality Function Deployment (QFD) model to find a compromise between airline and passenger requirements and ensure the generality and sustainability of the quality implementation
Other literature sources indicate that aviation is a multicultural business environment, and its management requires a high awareness of human factor risks. The objective is to develop a human risk mapping model that considers the interrelationships among risk factors based on a multidimensional approach. Include a new risk mapping model focusing on organisational behaviour and culture to address ergonomic issues in the risk management system. The human factor determines the outcome in any organisation and any decision-making. New models can be useful for managing ergonomic human factors-based risks in aviation maintenance, such as the risk matrix, which contributes to the aviation management and strategy literature
On the other hand, others suggest that risk knowledge has a direct influence on air travel behaviour, with an indirect influence via risk perception
[21], e.g., the current drivers of demand for long-distance passenger travel in Europe and its environmental impact, while long-haul air travel is increasing at an unacceptable rate
[22]. Green life cycle management is also a systems engineering approach to improve the environmental sustainability of the aviation sector
[23]. At the same time, the challenges, opportunities, and key research priorities are discussed
In contrast, in less developed countries, the aviation industry is growing rapidly, but airlines are regularly experiencing financial difficulties. A multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach is used to identify key factors and rank them by their relative importance, revealing that financial factors—e.g., utilisation factor—are the most important and operating revenue per mile is the key variable for this sector
[25]. Furthermore, the explosion of e-commerce has increased the number of transportation requests worldwide, increasing the capacity of communication channels, warehouse space, and pollution, ultimately affecting environmental sustainability
Finally, the number of domestic and international air passengers will reach six billion by 2030, leading to negative impacts, such as on the environment. The goal is to develop new air traffic management and load measurement systems for operators to reduce environmental impacts, carbon emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, noise pollution, and operating costs
[27]. In the United Kingdom, privatised utilities and infrastructure providers have increased labour productivity, lowered prices, improved service quality, and significantly contributed to public finances. Still, the long-term problems remain to be solved
5. Construction
In urban planning, the linkage between urban architecture, technology, neighbourhood management, and the social infrastructure of neighbourhoods is certain. In contrast, social conditions are important in mediating, facilitating, and integrating urban planning discourses
[29]. To illustrate, the Okavango Delta is one of Botswana’s leading tourism areas. It has encouraged the development of associated infrastructure and facilities, including hotels, lodges and camps, airports and airstrips, and other communication facilities in the Ngamiland district. Nevertheless, tourism is beginning to impact the environment negatively
In today’s society, protected areas are expected to justify their existence through the services they provide to society. Tourist data provide a reproducible case study for a better understanding of the sustainability of parks, improving key elements such as location, biodiversity, infrastructure, and cost of camp accommodation. It is thus important to highlight the complex interplay between ecological and built infrastructure
[31], examine landscape design challenges in suburban areas, and discuss planned megaprojects and their implications for future sustainability in mitigation
Noteworthy to mention that despite roads being the primary mode of transportation, the aviation sector accounts for a large share of emissions and energy consumption worldwide. The ensuing upgrading of existing soils to improve the runway needs to be evaluated
[33]. In the Czech Republic, for example, the evaluation of former pond systems is currently being developed at the Czech Technical College in Prague in collaboration with Palacky College in Olomouc. The assessment considers various technical and socioeconomic criteria to determine land use and avoid major incidents
In short, airport pavement design and construction must meet rigorous requirements and higher safety standards. In this case, airport operators are increasingly adopting environmental management plans and green measures, which use construction techniques and innovative materials to achieve sustainability of airfield pavements
[35] operated by local authorities
[36]. Moreover, major infrastructure projects (MIPs) rapidly increase worldwide while providing a conceptual framework for managing value creation in a project provider organisation
6. Building Comfort and Airport Materials
Passengers and employees of airports and airlines spend significant time in airport buildings. Optimal user comfort can be achieved by incorporating natural light and addressing the functional characteristics of air travel while conserving energy. Consequently, many airports worldwide are developing greener business profiles to reduce the environmental and socioeconomic impacts caused by airline operations, such as in the case of the LEED airport sustainability certification scheme
More than 2500 airports worldwide thus represent critical infrastructure serving 4 billion passengers annually. Some propose a framework for assessing airports’ sustainability and improving effective practices such as low-emission electricity procurement and gate facilities to help airports achieve sustainability goals
[39]. Sustainability is becoming a priority for airport projects, as are pavement treatments with life-cycle cost analysis. Aviation infrastructure development is critical to economic and social growth
Thus, the construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation cost of airport pavements is enormous. Some case studies illustrate the impact of economic evaluation on decision-making for projects where the use of crack-sealed pavements (CSOL) is 35.8% and 28.3% more cost-effective than Portland cement concrete (PCC) and hot mix asphalt (HMA), respectively
[41], as well as the central role that local governments play in the impacts of infrastructure development on soil, water, air, and wildlife species, and the strategies for mitigating and adapting wildlife populations at airports
[42]. In today’s rapidly changing global economy, airports play an important role in measuring and managing sustainable performance based on economic, social, and environmental parameters
Nevertheless, developed and less developed countries take different approaches to formulating strategic plans for aviation. These plans are often dictated by local political pressures and influenced by uncoordinated foreign aid, with private airports being more efficient than those with a mixed ownership/management model
[44]. For example, a lawn mower reduces staffing requirements and local emissions. However, staff are still needed for inspections and maintenance
[45]. At the same time, autonomous vehicles equipped with integrity enhancement systems can also potentially increase the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of airport operations on the ground
Finally, another stream of literature examines the quality of service (QoS) assessment process at airport terminals to find gaps, highlight trends, and discuss current challenges, such as the lack of applications
[47]. Moreover, some considerations are given on how to manage the air cargo handling process qualitatively, with certain requirements, such as competent cargo staff, procedures, cargo information system, infrastructure with sufficient capacity, and process management, showing that the environmental and safety aspects of the process are of significant importance for sustainability
[48], which is also in line with the balanced scorecard perspective, system sustainability, and safety requirements
7. Energy Management
Airports use fossil fuels and electricity to meet various operational needs, including heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), and lighting. For instance, a best energy management practice is implementing an energy monitoring system. Literature posits that an airport’s energy management practices indicate sustainability. However, implementation depends on site characteristics, including climate, occupancy levels, and hours of operation, and an index can help airport managers coordinate strategies for the sustainable development of energy, water, and environmental systems
[13]. Also, the aviation industry is responsible for many emissions and energy consumption, such as upgrading existing soils through cement stabilisation
On the other hand, on-site renewable energy is another typical indicator of sustainability discussed in the literature. Airports are ideal candidates for using on-site renewable energy, such as photovoltaic (PV) systems, which ideally meet both the airports and the community’s electricity needs, also in terms of waste management, reducing waste per passenger and aircraft movement
8. Air Quality and Water Management
Exposure to indoor air pollutants can negatively impact human health, including increased risk of respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, and death. Indoor air quality research focuses on the pollutants and factors contributing to occupant exposure in facilities such as terminals and control towers
[13]. Research on emissions from ground handling equipment, ground power units, and aircraft engines is more limited than research on aircraft emissions
Conversely, airports consume water for indoor and outdoor operations. They can reduce water consumption by using water-efficient fixtures, reducing irrigation needs, and using alternative water sources. Rainwater harvesting, wastewater reclamation, greywater reuse, seawater reuse, and greywater reuse have already been explored
[47]. As the world’s population grows, pressure on finite water resources increases, especially in desert areas. Satellite measurements of land subsidence can serve as the basis for many aspects of sustainable water resource management plans that will need to be developed and implemented in the coming years
9. Business
Some studies suggest that developing a public-private partnership business centre in the region, especially in the airport area, will improve regional economic equity. The results suggest a cooperative agreement between the local government and airport management benefits both parties
[53]. For example, cooperation between Seville-San Pablo Airport and Seville public-private organisations has helped to improve the accessibility and brand image of Seville as a tourist destination and to control rising costs, optimise processes, reallocate resources, and especially improve access by air
[54]. Also, the pandemic COVID -19 caused significant disruption to the airline industry, including the closure of flights in many markets
Second, values are important in understanding managerial behaviour, as some studies identify the values that influence an organisation’s business approach and determine managers’ value hierarchy using factor analysis
[56]. Some studies have applied ideas from organisational ecology to understand the economic strategies and socioeconomic incompatibilities between different business models
[57]. On the other hand, methods to improve energy management in airports have been proposed, showing potential for energy savings
Finally, concerning the economic evaluation of greenhouse gas savings and economic benefits associated with sustainable water and energy management, some airports have shown positive steps toward sustainability
[59], some have shown a significant economic impact on the different environments studied
[60], while airports link distant goals but do not prioritise environmental management issues