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Want, M.Y.; Bashir, Z.; Najar, R.A.; Want, M.Y. T Cell Based Immunotherapy for Cancer. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 11 September 2024).
Want MY, Bashir Z, Najar RA, Want MY. T Cell Based Immunotherapy for Cancer. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed September 11, 2024.
Want, Muzamil Y., Zeenat Bashir, Rauf A. Najar, Muzamil Yaqub Want. "T Cell Based Immunotherapy for Cancer" Encyclopedia, (accessed September 11, 2024).
Want, M.Y., Bashir, Z., Najar, R.A., & Want, M.Y. (2023, April 24). T Cell Based Immunotherapy for Cancer. In Encyclopedia.
Want, Muzamil Y., et al. "T Cell Based Immunotherapy for Cancer." Encyclopedia. Web. 24 April, 2023.
T Cell Based Immunotherapy for Cancer

T cells are critical in destroying cancer cells by recognizing antigens presented by MHC molecules on cancer cells or antigen-presenting cells. Identifying and targeting cancer-specific or overexpressed self-antigens is essential for redirecting T cells against tumors, leading to tumor regression. This is achieved through the identification of mutated or overexpressed self-proteins in cancer cells, which guide the recognition of cancer cells by T-cell receptors. There are two main approaches to T cell-based immunotherapy: HLA-restricted and HLA-non-restricted Immunotherapy. 

T cells immunotherapy neoantigens cancer antigens TCR engineering

1. Introduction

Cancer is a major public health challenge, affecting millions of people worldwide. Despite significant advances in cancer therapy, cancer remains a leading cause of death, accounting for approximately 10 million deaths annually. The immune system plays a vital role in protecting the host from malignant cells, and harnessing its potential has been a focus of cancer therapy research for decades. T cells are a critical component of the adaptive immune system, and their ability to recognize and eliminate cancer cells has led to significant advances in cancer immunotherapy. In the mid-twentieth century, the concept of lymphocytes as mediators of anti-tumor surveillance was first proposed by Thomas and Burnett, but it was not until later that T cells were identified as the major mediators of adaptive immunity [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. Today, the role of T cells in cancer immunotherapy is a rapidly expanding area of research.
The development of T cells begins in the bone marrow, where they originate from progenitors that migrate to the thymus for maturation. Upon maturation in the thymus, T cells differentiate into two main lineages—conventional αβ T cells and unconventional γδ T cells—that can be distinguished by the expression of αβ or γδ T cell receptors, respectively. Conventional αβ T cells comprise various subsets, including cytotoxic T cells, helper T cells, regulatory T cells, natural killer T cells, and memory T cells, each with distinct functions in immune response. While the thymus output of naive T cells decreases with age, human naive T cells have a long intrinsic lifespan and turnover rate, making them a promising candidate for immunotherapy [8][9][10][11][12].
T cells have revolutionized cancer treatment, and their use as adoptive T cell therapy has shown great success for some cancers. However, the success of adoptive T cell therapy depends on various factors, such as the choice of T cell subset, target antigen, and immune evasion mechanisms employed by cancer cells. Additionally, the tumor microenvironment can influence T cell function and promote immune escape, highlighting the need for combination therapies targeting both the cancer cells and the immune system. Nevertheless, the potential of T cells to recognize and eliminate cancer cells has opened new avenues for cancer immunotherapy, providing hope for a future where cancer can be effectively treated and cured. 

2. Antigenic Targets for T Cell Immunotherapy

Antigenic targets for T cell immunotherapy are crucial for the development of effective cancer treatments. The first human tumor antigen was discovered by Van der Bruggen et al. in 1991; it was named MZ2-E and was expressed in melanoma cells [7]. Consequently, cytotoxic T lymphocytes from melanoma patients recognized the melanoma cell line of HLA-A1 patients expressing the MZ2-E. Therefore, their group proposed that precise immunotherapy could be provided to HLA-A1+ melanoma patients expressing the MZ2-E antigen. Since then, various biochemical and genetic approaches have been developed to identify tumor antigens recognized by T cells. The biochemical approach involves eluting the HLA-peptide complex from tumor cells, followed by mass spectrometric sequencing to identify the antigenic peptides presented by the HLA molecules. In contrast, the genetic approach comprises two strategies: forward immunology and reverse immunology. The forward immunology approach involves cloning tumor-reactive T cells from patients and screening a cDNA library from patient-derived tumor cells to identify the antigens recognized by these T cells. On the other hand, the reverse immunology approach uses genome sequencing to identify mutations and predict potential HLA-binding antigens in the patient’s tumor. The peptide candidates are then screened for their ability to activate T cells in vitro [13]. T cells can target both HLA-restricted and HLA-non-restricted antigens found on the target cells. HLA-independent T cell immunotherapy targets antigens expressed on the surface of tumor cells. In contrast, HLA-dependent T cell immunotherapy targets antigens bound to HLA molecules on the surface of cells, known as the immunopeptidome.

2.1. Identification of Tumor Antigenic Epitopes for T Cell Immunotherapy

T cell immunotherapy is a promising approach for cancer treatment, but identifying tumor-reactive T cells and their target antigens is crucial for its success. There are two approaches to identifying these antigens: the indirect method, which involves screening candidate antigen targets of T cells from tumors in the laboratory, and the direct method, which involves isolating and identifying tumor-reactive T cells from tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) or peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) in patients. It is crucial to validate the reactivity of T cells towards tumors by studying the interactions between cancer cells and T cells in more depth. However, identifying T cells and their corresponding receptors with the ideal affinity for cancer antigens is challenging, as these antigens are often unmutated self-proteins expressed at higher levels in cancer cells than in normal tissues.
To generate antitumor T cells with optimal affinity of T cell receptor (TCR) to cancer-associated antigens, Obenaus et al. (2015) reported the potential of using antigen-negative humanized mice to generate T cells with a diverse human TCR repertoire and isolated the TCR specific to cancer antigens MAGE-A1 and NY-ESO-1, which have better affinity compared to human-derived TCRs [14]. Several other studies have attempted to enrich naturally occurring T cells from cancer patients by co-culturing TILs or PBLs with autologous tumors and expanding tumor-specific T cells before infusing them back into the patient [15][16][17][18]. However, the low frequency of T cells specific for these antigens makes it difficult to identify TCR T cells specific for cancer antigens. More recently, Arnaud et al. (2022) described a prediction method called NeoScreen that potentially identifies rare tumor antigens and their cognate TCR from TILs, enabling the selective expansion of antigen-specific T cells [19]. They reported that T cells transduced with target specific TCR identification via NeoScreen mediate tumor regression in preclinical models of cancer. Several T cell-based strategies have been developed to target tumor antigens that are well tolerated and show clinical promise in cancer patients. Overall, identifying tumor antigenic epitopes for T cell immunotherapy is crucial for the success of this promising approach to cancer treatment.

2.2. HLA Restricted T Cell-Based Immunotherapy

HLA dependent T cell-based immunotherapy employs the use of lymphocytes with minimally modified TCR or naturally occurring TCR directed against the tumor-specific antigen processed and presented by antigen-presenting cells via HLA molecules. This approach utilizes the ability of T cells to recognize the tumor antigens including cancer-associated or tumor-specific antigens presented by the antigen-presenting molecules on the cell surface. Many approaches have been employed for cancer immunotherapy in patients, such as endogenous T cells targeting undefined or defined antigens including cancer-associated or cancer-specific antigens.

2.3. Non-HLA Restricted T Cell-Based Immunotherapy

HLA-independent TCR-based T cell immunotherapy employs use of lymphocytes modified with TCR that are directed against the tumor antigens directly presented on the tumor cells. This approach utilizes a chimeric receptor introduced into the immune effector cells, such as T cells, natural killer cells or gamma delta (γδ) T cells to recognize tumor cell surface proteins and are commonly called as chimeric antigen receptor T or natural killer cells.


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Subjects: Immunology
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