Joshua David Stone
ascension theosophy psychology

1. Introduction

Joshua David Stone (7 December 1953 – 13 August 2005) was an American author and teacher in the Ascended Master Teachings (sometimes called the Ascension Movement), a group of religions based on Theosophy. He was an influential Spiritual teacher in the Ascension Movement. Stone had a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology and was a Licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in California USA.

2. 1990s "Spiritual Psychology"

His most prominent topics were ascension and meditation techniques. He also wrote a number of books on the topic of Spiritual Psychology, and later enhanced his publications to an "Easy-to-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path" containing numerous volumes (see Bibliography). With the growing popularity of the World Wide Web, he also composed one of the more comprehensive websites on spirituality which has often been used as a point of reference on New Age topics. Furthermore, he founded an academy for spiritual studies by the name of Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy & Ashram (MSLA) (which then later developed into the I AM University). He served as an "official" spokesperson for the planetary ascension movement and made his mark in the Consciousness Community as a prolific writer, authoring the 15 Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path, published in several languages, as well as seven major Ascended Master Training Courses and several comprehensive Training Programs ranging from Channeling, the Psychology of Astrology, the Book of Life of God, to his legendary 2,000 page Counseling Manual, and much, much more. His major contributions were the propagation of the concepts of "Cosmic Ascension" and "Integrated Ascension".

3. Wesak Celebrations

In the 1990s, Stone also brought Wesak to the West, hosting Ten Wesak Celebrations in Mount Shasta, California, for thousands of people around the World.[1][2] The last Wesak celebration hosted by Stone in Mount Shasta took place in 2004.[3][4][5][6]

He introduced inspired ideas such as striving for "Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness" to become a perfect living reflection of our Creator and transcending the negative ego mind as a requirement to realize God. He was a pioneer in the field of Spiritual Psychology and authored the concept of integrated ascension as well as the noble ideal of striving to become an Integrated Ascended Master , both terms which he coined to stress the importance of mastering and integrating the Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical/Earthly aspects of self to follow an integrated and balanced approach to Self and God Realization.

4. I AM University

In November 2004, he founded and officially launched the I AM University, an acronym that stands for "Integrated Ascended Masters University" The I AM University, originally located near San Luis Obispo, California is today a global Austrian-based educational institution with a single focus: to provide those who can grasp the noble ideal of pioneering in this world as a living Integrated Ascended Master with all the training and tools they need to fulfill this lofty call.[7]

Today the I AM University is regarded by Stone's followers as the most effective Integrated Ascended Master Training Facility on this planet. It stands firmly on the foundation of a comprehensive and ever-expanding curriculum which Stone dedicated his life creating.

In 2005 Dr Joshua David Stone died, leaving his work into the hands of Gloria Excelsias, his long- term personal assistant and protégé. Stone is one of the most widely read authors in the New Age Movement and is regarded by his followers as this planet's most trusted source for integrated Spiritual development.

5. Innovations in Ascended Master Teachings

In the mid-1990s, Stone became the first ascended master teachings teacher ever to admit a UFO related entity, Ashtar (whom he referred to as the Master Ashtar), to the ranks of the ascended masters, by incorporating the teachings of the medium Tuella into his own teachings. Stone portrayed the "Master Ashtar" as commanding a space fleet of thousands of flying saucers watching over Earth,[8] with the extraterrestrial being Vrillon functioning as his communications director.[9] According to Stone, these flying saucers are based on several oblong artificial asteroids about 100 miles in diameter that function as mother ships for the flying saucer fleet, with a total population of millions of extraterrestrials, orbiting in the outer reaches of the Solar System in the Kuiper belt. The saucers in Master Ashtar's flying saucer fleet are manned, he asserted, by both Venusians and aliens from the Galactic Confederation based on the artificial asteroids. According to Stone, the Master Jesus, under his "galactic" name of Sananda,[10] works with Commander Ashtar, and is actually the Commander-in-Chief of the Ashtar Galactic Command flying saucer fleet, with his own command flying saucer (this was originally revealed through Tuella in the early 1980s). According to Tuella and Stone, Pallas Athena (the “twin flame” (celestial wife) of the Maha Chohan in the Ascended Master Teachings) rides with Sananda in his command flying saucer and is second in command of the fleet, while the Commander Ashtar is actually third in command. According to Stone, another name used to denote Commander Ashtar's flying saucer fleet is The Airborne Division of the Great White Brotherhood.[11][12][13]

Stone also pushed the boundaries of the ascended masters teachings by channeling entities dwelling farther out in our galaxy than any other medium had ever attempted to do before. He formulated a chart he called the "Cosmic Map", in which he, for the first time ever for any ascended master teachings teacher, detailed the structure of the ascended master hierarchy within the Milky Way Galaxy. According to writings of Joshua David Stone, this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy—one twelfth of the total volume of the galactic disc—is governed by a cosmic being (Elizabeth Clare Prophet's term—Stone himself uses the term cosmic master instead of cosmic being to denote ascended masters of extraterrestrial origin) named Melchior working out of the constellation of the Great Bear (Alice A. Bailey stated that each of the Seven Rays is focused from the center of the galaxy through one of the seven stars of the Big Dipper). Working with "Melchior" on the governing council of this sector of the galaxy operating from Ursa Major is said to be the [Local galactic sector] cosmic being Melchizedek (not the same being as the terrestrial Master Melchizedek, said by Elizabeth Clare Prophet to be the ascended master that the Biblical Melchizedek became after his death [ascension] on Earth). According to Joshua David Stone, there is a powerful cosmic being functioning at the galactic core of the Milky Way Galaxy named Averran, whom he identified as the governing deity of the Milky Way Galaxy and thus the personification in the ascended master teachings of what in conventional Theosophy is called the Galactic Logos. Working with Averran at the galactic core under his authority are said to be the cosmic beings Vywamus, Lenduce, Adonis and Atlanto.[11][14]

According to Stone, the Galactic Confederation of Planets is a galaxy-wide organization.[15]

6. Bibliography

  • The Complete Ascension Manual: How to Achieve Ascension in This Lifetime (June 1994) (Book 1 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:0-929385-55-1
  • Soul Psychology: Keys to Ascension (August 1995) (Book 2 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:0-929385-56-X
  • Beyond Ascension: How to Complete the Seven Levels of Initiation (August 1995) (Book 3 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:0-929385-73-X
  • Hidden Mysteries: ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools and Ascension (June 1997) (Book 4 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:0-929385-57-8
  • The Ascended Masters Light the Way: Beacons of Ascension (April 1996) (Book 5 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:0-929385-58-6
  • Cosmic Ascension: Your Cosmic Map Home (March 1998) (Book 6 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:0-929385-99-3
  • A Beginner's Guide to the Path of Ascension (June 1998) (Book 7 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:1-891824-02-3
  • Golden Keys to Ascension and Healing: Revelations of Sai Baba and the Ascended Masters (October 1998) (Book 8 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:1-891824-03-1
  • Manual for Planetary Leadership (October 1998) (Book 9 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:1-891824-05-8
  • Your Ascension Mission: Embracing You Puzzle Piece (September 1998) (Book 10 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:1-891824-09-0
  • Revelations of a Melchizedek Initiate (October 1998) (Book 11 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:1-891824-10-4
  • How to Teach Ascension Classes (October 1998) (Book 12 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:1-891824-15-5
  • Ascension and Romantic Relationships (February 1, 2000) (Book 13 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:1-891824-16-3
  • Complete Ascension Index (March 2001) (Book 14 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:1-891824-30-9
  • Integrated Ascension: Revelation for the Next Millennium (January 2001) ISBN:0-595-17013-7
  • How to Clear the Negative Ego (February 2001) ISBN:0-595-16932-5
  • Ascension Activation Meditations of the Spiritual Hierarchy: A Compilation (March 2001) ISBN:0-595-17760-3
  • The Full Spectrum Synthesis Bible: Wisdom Quotes of the Masters of All Religions and Spiritual Paths! (March 2001) ISBN:0-595-17517-1
  • Letters of Guidance and Teaching on the Path of Initiation and Ascension (May 2001) ISBN:0-595-18633-5
  • The Ascension Names and Terms Glossary (June 2001) ISBN:0-595-18787-0
  • How to Be Financially Successful: A Spiritual Perspective (Shining the Light) (July 2005) ISBN:1-891824-55-4
Further Reading
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  1. Spirituality & Health Fall 2000: What Goes On There, Really? At the Golden Wesak 2000 by Stephen Kiesling
  2. Touchstone Magazine May 2002: Flying High at Trinity
  3. Mt Shasta Herald, November 24, 2004: Magazine takes over Wesak event for one year,274,0,0,1,0
  4. Common Ground Magazine, May 2006: Wesak: Happy Birthday Buddha
  5. "Ashland Daily Tidings May 11, 2006 Wesak celebrations in Mount Shasta". Archived from the original on 2009-09-09. ;
  6. Awareness Magazine, May/June 2006: Wesak Celebrations Continue in Mount Shasta By Michael Landon
  7. "Dr. Joshua David Stone". Emerald Energies. Archived from the original on 2007-12-27. Retrieved 2009-05-16. "In November 2004 Dr Stone officially launched the "I AM University"…" 
  8. Image of Ashtar:
  9. Image of Vrillon:
  10. Image of Sananda in his dress uniform as Commander-in-Chief of the Ashtar Galactic Command Flying Saucer Fleet:
  11. Stone, Joshua David Cosmic Ascension: Your Cosmic Map Home (March 1998) (Book 6 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:0-929385-99-3
  12. Joshua David Stone: “The Ashtar Command—The Airborne Division of the Great White Brotherhood”:
  13. Ashtar--A Tribute by Tuella (these teachings of Tuella were incorporated into the Ascended Master Teachings in the teachings of Joshua David Stone):
  14. Stone, Joshua David (1998). "The Galactic Core and Cosmic Masters - at bottom of page" (in en-US). - aggregated by Church of the Cosmos : Temple of Light in 2009. ;
  15. Cosmic Ascension: Your Cosmic Map Home (March 1998) (Book 6 of the multi-volume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path) ISBN:0-929385-99-3
Name: Joshua David Stone
Born: Dec 1953
Died: Aug 2005
Titles: Author Teacher
Affiliation: Ascended Master Teachings
Honor: Unknown
Subjects: Others
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