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HandWiki. John Olsen Lear. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 30 June 2024).
HandWiki. John Olsen Lear. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed June 30, 2024.
HandWiki. "John Olsen Lear" Encyclopedia, (accessed June 30, 2024).
HandWiki. (2022, December 14). John Olsen Lear. In Encyclopedia.
HandWiki. "John Olsen Lear." Encyclopedia. Web. 14 December, 2022.
John Olsen Lear
ufo collusion conspiracy

1. Introduction

John Olsen Lear (December 3, 1942 – March 29, 2022) was an influential conspiracy theorist, record-breaking pilot, and a one-time candidate for State Senate.[1][2][3]

Unlike previous UFO conspiracy theorists, Lear promoted a story of alien collusion with secret governmental forces.[1] Lear's tale left a lasting influence on the UFO movement -- one author observed "in the early years [UFO writers] did not, by and large, embrace strong political positions. [Lear and his partner] were the tip of a spear asserting that the number one thing we had to fear was not little green men, but the government that colluded with them, appropriating their technology against us." [1][2][4]

2. Early Life

John Olsen Lear was born on December 3, 1942 to industrialist and future Learjet founder Bill Lear and his wife Moya Marie Olsen Lear.[5][6] He was named after his maternal grandfather, famous comedian John Olsen.[5] His second and third birthday parties were covered in the "Society" page of an Ohio paper.[7][8]

Lear graduated from the Institut Le Rosey boarding school in Switzerland and attended Wichita State University.[9][10] Lear claimed that in 1959 he had become the youngest American to ever climb Switzerland's Matterhorn.[11]

3. Career

In 1965, Lear was employed by the Paul Kelly Flying Service when its founder was killed while piloting a LearJet. Lear testified at the Civil Aeronautics Board investigation into the crash.[12]

Between May 23 and 26, 1966, Lear and a crewmate flew a record-breaking flight around the world in a LearJet that covered 22,000 miles in 50 hours and 39 minutes.[13]

In August 1966, Lear was featured in the Wichita Press after he piloted a LearJet carrying the rock band The Byrds and the trip inspired them to write a song about the plane.[14] The track, titled "2-4-2 Foxtrot (The Lear Jet Song)", samples Lear's voice as he speaks over the radio.[14][15]

In 1968, Air Force personnel from Hamilton Air Force Base launched a rescue effort to help Lear land after heavy San Francisco fog interfered with landing. Traffic was cleared from the Golden Gate Bridge in anticipation of a forced landing. After a helicopter pilot established visual contact, Lear was able to successfully land at the base.[16]

Lear flew cargo planes for the CIA during the Vietnam era.[17] He claimed to have flown "secret missions for the CIA" between 1967 and 1983.[18]

4. UFO Claims

In 1987, Lear released a press statement claiming that the US government has close contacts with extraterrestrials and were secretly "promoting" films like E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial and Close Encounters of the Third Kind to influence the public to see extraterrestrials as "space brothers".[19] That year, he was interviewed by journalist George Knapp.[20]

In 1989, Lear served as "State Director" for MUFON, hosting the 1989 symposium "The UFO Cover-Up: A Government Conspiracy?"[2] Despite initial objections from MUFON founder Walt Andrus, Lear was able to submit a slate of speakers after he threatened to split the symposium. [2] At that same symposium, Roswell author Bill Moore tearfully confessed to having intentionally spread disinformation to UFO researcher Paul Bennewitz on behalf of purported counter-intelligence agent Richard Doty. [2] Lear's speakers were slated to provide allegedly-independent verification of the Bennewitz claims. [2] One of those speakers, Bill Cooper, would later break with Lear after accusing him of being an intelligence agent.[1] Lear promoted alleged UFO whistle-blower Bob Lazar and his tales of Area 51.[17]

Lear made multiple appearances on fringe TV shows, including Ancient Aliens, America's Book of Secrets,Brad Meltzer's Decoded, and The Unexplained Files. [21] From 2003 to 2015, Lear was a regular guest on Coast to Coast AM.[22]

5. Personal Life and Death

In 1970, Lear married Marilee Higginbotham, owner of a California fashion modelling agency, at a ceremony in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles.[9]

Lear died on March 29, 2022.[17][23]

Further Reading
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  1. Dickey, Colin (August 28, 2018). "A Pioneer of Paranoia". 
  2. Jacobson, Mark (2018). Pale Horse Rider: William Cooper, the Rise of Conspiracy, and the Fall of Trust in America. Blue Rider Press. ISBN 978-0399169953. 
  3. Pilkington, Mark (July 29, 2010). "Mirage Men: A Journey into Disinformation, Paranoia and UFOs.". Little, Brown Book Group. 
  4. Bishop, Greg (February 8, 2005). "Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth". Simon and Schuster. 
  5. "5 May 1943, Page 10 - Arizona Republic at". 
  6. "9 Dec 1942, 5 - The Dayton Herald at". 
  7. "8 Dec 1944, Page 2 - The Piqua Daily Call at". 
  8. "5 Feb 1943, Page 2 - The Piqua Daily Call at". 
  9. "14 Sep 1970, 42 - The Los Angeles Times at". 
  10. "24 Jun 1971, Page 16 - Reno Gazette-Journal at". 
  11. "Aerial Revelations". 
  12. "2 Mar 1966, 10 - The Wichita Beacon at". 
  13. "Lear Jet 23". 
  14. "28 Aug 1966, 63 - The Wichita Eagle at". 
  15. "2-4-2 Fox Trot (The Lear Jet Song)". 
  16. "23 Oct 1968, Page 24 - News Record at". 
  18. Affadaviit by John Lear
  19. Barkun, Michael (March 31, 2003). "A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America". University of California Press. 
  21. "John Lear". 
  22. "John Lear". 
  23. Statement from journalist George Knapp
Name: John Olsen Lear
Born: Dec 1942
Died: Mar 2022
Titles: Conspiracy Theorist Pilot
Affiliation: Wichita State University
Honor: Unknown
Subjects: Others
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Update Date: 14 Dec 2022
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