Vasila Hajiyeva
vasila azerbaijan vəsilə

1. Introduction

Vasila Hajiyeva (Azerbaijani: Vəsilə Hacıyeva Cümşüd qızı born on April 12, 1969, Baku, Azerbaijan) - is an Azerbaijani political scientist, Professor of Political Science. [1]

2. Education and Degrees

  • Doctor of Sciences on Politics (D.Sc. - equivalent to a Habilitation). (defense-2011, diploma-2012). The Academy of Public Administration at the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku. Thesis titled “Complex Systems Research of Politics”.,[2][3]
  • Post-doctoral researcher. (2007-2009). Department of Political Science and Political Sociology. Institute of Philosophy and Law. Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
  • Candidate of Sciences on Politics (PhD) (defense-2004, diploma-2005). The Academy of Public Administration at the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan. Thesis titled “Information Support of Politics”.,[4][5]
  • Post-graduate student. (1997-2001). The Academy of Public Administration at the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • Systems Engineer. (1986-1991 – higher education). Computer Science. Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan.

3. Academic Titles

  • Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations. By the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission attached to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated March 14, 2017 (Minutes 05-k).[6]
  • Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations. By the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission attached to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 27, 2015 (Minutes 04-k).[7]

4. Research Experience

  • 2016 – 2017 (Spring Semester). Visiting Scholar. Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies. Harvard University, United States .[8], [9]
  • 2014 – 2015. Visiting Scholar. REEES - Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies Centre.[10]

5. Selected Publications

  • Political Organism: Elements, Relations, Processes. 2008. In Azerbaijani. Bakı: “Elm”. 336 s.[11]
  • Complex view to politics. 2003. In Azerbaijani. Bakı: “Azərbaycan Universiteti”. 186 s.[12]
  • EU’s Policy for Azerbaijan: Challenges, Errors and Opportunities. 2015. Akademik Bakış Dergisi. SayıI 52. Kasım - Aralık. Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler E-Dergisi. İktisat ve Girişimçilik Üniversitesi, Türk Dünyası.[13]
  • Problem of Globalizing of Democracy in the Context of Correlation of Local, Regional and Global Conditions. In Proceedings of the 23rd World Congress of Political Science, organized by the International Political Science Association (IPSA), Montreal, Canada, July 19-24, 2014. DASH at Harvard,[14]
  • Correlation between Philosophy and Politics: Complex Systems Approach to the Question. In Proceedings of the 23rd World Congress of Philosophy (WCP 2013), Athens, Greece, August 4 – 10, 2013. DASH at Harvard,[15]
  • Turkey and New World System. 2013. Geostrategy. N 02 (14). Baku.
  • Law Problem of International Relations. 2012. Geostrategy. N 03 (09). Baku.
  • Global Crisis: Reasons, Directions, Solution Ways. 2010. In Russian. Век глобализации. V.1. Москва. Россия.;[16] [21]
  • Two Basic Sides of the Global Order and Disorder in the Modern Period – Democratization and Conflicts. 2010. In Azerbaijani. “Fəlsəfə və sosial-siyasi elmlər” jurnalı, V. 4(28). Bakı.
  • Systematic Approach to the Local, Regional and Global Security. 2009. In Turkish. (Yerel, bölgesel ve küresel güvenliye doğru yaklaşım). “2023” Dergisi, sayı 94, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • On Correlation between Politics and Law. 2009. In Russian. (К вопросу о соотношении политики и права). Мир человека. Философский и общественно-гуманитарный журнал. №2 (40). Алма-Ата, Казахыстан.
  • Azerbaijanizm and Turkizm in the National Ideological System. The Philosopher’s Index. An International Index to Philosophical Periodicals and Books. V.44, N 4, 4-th quarter, P.383, 2010. “Philosopher’s Information Center”, USA; 2009.
  • Conditions of the Optimum Geopolitical Activities. 2009. In Azerbaijani. BDU-nun xəbərləri. Humanitar elmlər seriyası, №1. Bakı.
  • Coordination Between Politics and Economy. 2008. In Azerbaijani. AMEA-nın xəbərləri. İqtisadiyyat elmləri seriyası. N 2. Bakı.
  • The Network of Internal and External Relations of Political System. 2008. In Azerbaijani. “Fəlsəfə və sosial-siyasi elmlər” jurnalı, N 4. Bakı.
  • Relations between Politics and Philosophy in Terms of Ideology. 2008. In Azerbaijani. “Fəlsəfə və sosial-siyasi elmlər” jurnalı, N 4(22). Bakı.
  • Moral Criteria of Politics. 2007. In Azerbaijani. Pedaqoji Universitetin xəbərləri. N 3. Bakı.

6. Fields of Interest

Political theory, complexity theory, democracy, international relations, world politics and comparative politics

7. International Relations

7.1. Editorial Membership

  • Editorial Advisory Board member. New Horizons. Research Journal. Faculty of Social Sciences. Greenwich University. Karachi-Pakistan.[17]
  • Editorial Board member. Metaphysics. International Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Journal. ISSN 2616-6879. Baku. Azerbaijan. [18]

7.2. Projects

Institutional Coordinator. Erasmus Mundus 2013 ‒ 2017. Partnership title: “Education Force: Driving Mobility for EU - East Europe cooperation” [19]

Further Reading
In this part, we encourage you to list the link of papers wrote by the character, or published reviews/articles about his/her academic contributions. Edit


  1. Hajiyeva, Vasila. The academic title of Professor by the Supreme Attestation Commission. [1] (PDF)
  2. Hajiyeva, Vasila. The academic degree of Doctor of Sciences on Politics by the Supreme Attestation Commission. [2] (PDF)
  3. Hacıyeva, Vəsilə Cümşüd qızı. Siyasət institutunun kompleks-sistemli tədqiqi [Mətn] : siyasi e. d-ru a. dər. al. üçün təq. ol. dis.: 23.00.02 /V. C. Hacıyeva ; AMEA, Fəlsəfə, Sosiologiya və Hüquq İn-tu. Bakı. 2011. [3]
  4. Hajiyeva, Vasila. The academic degree of Candidate of Political Science by the Supreme Attestation Commission. [4] (PDF)
  5. Hacıyeva, Vəsilə Cümşüd qızı. Siyasət və onun informasiya təminatı [Mətn] : siyasi e. n. a. dər. al. üçün təq. ol. dis.: 23.00.02 /V. C. Hacıyeva ; Azərb. Resp. Prezidenti Yanında Dövlət İdarəçilik Akademiyası. Bakı. 2004. 143 səh. [5]
  6. Hajiyeva, Vasila. The academic title of Professor by the Supreme Attestation Commission. [6] (PDF)
  7. Hajiyeva, Vasila. The academic title of Associate Professor by the Supreme Attestation Commission.[7] (PDF)
  8. Fellows and Visiting Scholars Arrive for the 2016–2017 Academic Year. [8]
  9. Harvard certificate of Vasila Hajiyeva. [9] (PDF)
  10. Eramus Mundus ABC Freitag, 14. November 2014 Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria. [10]
  11. Siyasi orqanizm: elementlər, əlaqələr, proseslər. [11]; [12]
  12. Siyasət institutuna kompleks baxış;theme=e-kataloq
  13. EU’s Policy for Azerbaijan: Challenges, Errors and Opportunities. [13], [14]
  14. Problem of Globalizing of Democracy in the Context of Correlation of Local, Regional and Global Conditions. [15]
  15. Correlation between Philosophy and Politics: Complex Systems Approach to the Question. [16]
  16. Глобальный кризис: причины, направления и пути преодоления
  17. New Horizons. Research Journal. [17],[18], [19]
  18. Metafizika [20]
  19. Education Force: Driving Mobility for EU - East Europe cooperation
Name: Vasila Hajiyeva
Born: Apr 1969
Baku, Azerbaijan SSR
Title: Political Scientist
Affiliation: Unknown
Honor: Unknown
Subjects: Others
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