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HandWiki. Arsenate Minerals. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 06 February 2025).
HandWiki. Arsenate Minerals. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed February 06, 2025.
HandWiki. "Arsenate Minerals" Encyclopedia, (accessed February 06, 2025).
HandWiki. (2022, November 25). Arsenate Minerals. In Encyclopedia.
HandWiki. "Arsenate Minerals." Encyclopedia. Web. 25 November, 2022.
Arsenate Minerals

Arsenate minerals usually refer to the naturally occurring orthoarsenates, possessing the (AsO4)3− anion group and, more rarely, other arsenates with anions like AsO3(OH)2− (also written HAsO42−) (example: pharmacolite Ca(AsO3OH).2H2O) or (very rarely) [AsO2(OH)2]− (example: andyrobertsite). Arsenite minerals are much less common. Both the Dana and the Strunz mineral classifications place the arsenates in with the phosphate minerals. Example arsenate minerals include:

arsenate minerals pharmacolite orthoarsenates

1. Nickel–Strunz Classification -08- Phosphates

IMA-CNMNC proposes a new hierarchical scheme (Mills et al., 2009). This list uses it to modify the Classification of Nickel–Strunz (, 10 ed, pending publication).

  • Abbreviations:
    • "*" - discredited (IMA/CNMNC status).
    • "?" - questionable/doubtful (IMA/CNMNC status).
    • "REE" - Rare-earth element (Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu)
    • "PGE" - Platinum-group element (Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt)
    • 03.C Aluminofluorides, 06 Borates, 08 Vanadates (04.H V[5,6] Vanadates), 09 Silicates:
      • Neso: insular (from Greek νησος nēsos, island)
      • Soro: grouping (from Greek σωροῦ sōros, heap, mound (especially of corn))
      • Cyclo: ring
      • Ino: chain (from Greek ις [genitive: ινος inos], fibre)
      • Phyllo: sheet (from Greek φύλλον phyllon, leaf)
      • Tekto: three-dimensional framework
  • Nickel–Strunz code scheme: NN.XY.##x
    • NN: Nickel–Strunz mineral class number
    • X: Nickel–Strunz mineral division letter
    • Y: Nickel–Strunz mineral family letter
    • ##x: Nickel–Strunz mineral/group number, x add-on letter

1.1. Class: Arsenates and Vanadates

  • 08.A Arsenates and vanadates without additional anions, without H2O
    • 08.AA With small cations (some also with larger ones): 05 Alarsite
    • 08.AB With medium-sized cations: 25 Xanthiosite, 30 Lammerite, 35 Mcbirneyite, 35 Stranskiite, 35 Pseudolyonsite, 40 Lyonsite
    • 08.AC With medium-sized and large cations: 05 Howardevansite; 10 Arseniopleite, 10 Caryinite, 10 Johillerite, 10 Nickenichite, 10 Bradaczekite, 10 Yazganite, 10 Odanielite; 25 Berzeliite, 25 Manganberzeliite, 25 Palenzonaite, 25 Schaferite; 75 Ronneburgite, 80 Tillmannsite, 85 Filatovite
    • 08.AD With only large cations: 10 Weilite, 10 Svenekite; 30 Schultenite, 35 Chernovite-(Y), 35 Dreyerite, 35 Wakefieldite-(La), 35 Wakefieldite-(Nd), 35 Wakefieldite-(Ce), 35 Wakefieldite-(Y); 40 Pucherite, 50 Gasparite-(Ce), 50 Rooseveltite; 55 Tetrarooseveltite, 60 Chursinite, 65 Clinobisvanite
  • 08.B Arsenates and vanadates with additional anions, without H2O
    • 08.BA With small and medium-sized cations: 10 Bergslagite
    • 08.BB With only medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 £1:1: 15 Sarkinite; 30 Zincolivenite, 30 Eveite, 30 Olivenite, 30 Adamite, 30 Auriacusite; 35 Paradamite, 40 Wilhelmkleinite, 50 Namibite, 60 Urusovite, 65 Theoparacelsite, 70 Turanite, 75 Stoiberite, 80 Fingerite, 85 Averievite
    • 08.BC With only medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 > 1:1 and < 2:1: 05 Angelellite, 15 Aerugite
    • 08.BD With only medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 = 2:1: 05 Cornwallite, 10 Arsenoclasite, 15 Parwelite, 20 Reppiaite, 30 Cornubite
    • 08.BE With only medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 > 2:1: 20 Clinoclase, 25 Gilmarite, 25 Arhbarite, 30 Allactite, 30 Flinkite, 35 Chlorophoenicite, 35 Magnesiochlorophoenicite, 40 Gerdtremmelite, 45 Arakiite, 45 Kraisslite, 45 Dixenite, 45 Hematolite, 45 Mcgovernite, 45 Turtmannite, 45 Carlfrancisite, 50 Synadelphite, 55 Holdenite, 60 Kolicite, 65 Sabelliite, 70 Jarosewichite, 75 Theisite, 80 Coparsite
    • 08.BF With medium-sized and large cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 < 0.5:1: 20 Nabiasite
    • 08.BG With medium-sized and large cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 = 0.5:1: 05 Arsenbrackebuschite, 05 Brackebuschite, 05 Gamagarite, 05 Arsentsumebite, 05 Feinglosite, 05 Bushmakinite, 05 Tokyoite, 05 Calderonite
    • 08.BH With medium-sized and large cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 = 1:1: 10 Durangite, 10 Maxwellite, 10 Tilasite; 30 Carminite, 30 Sewardite; 35 Austinite, 35 Adelite, 35 Duftite, 35 Arsendescloizite, 35 Conichalcite, 35 Gabrielsonite, 35 Nickelaustinite, 35 Cobaltaustinite, 35 Tangeite, 35 Gottlobite; 40 Descloizite, 40 Cechite, 40 Pyrobelonite, 40 Mottramite; 45 Bayldonite, 45 Vesignieite; 50 Paganoite, 65 Leningradite
    • 08.BK With medium-sized and large cations, (OH, etc.): 10 Medenbachite, 10 Cobaltneustadtelite, 10 Neustadtelite, 20 Heyite, 25 Jamesite
    • 08.BL With medium-sized and large cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 = 3:1: 05 Beudantite, 05 Hidalgoite, 05 Gallobeudantite, 05 Kemmlitzite, 10 Segnitite, 10 Arsenogorceixite, 10 Arsenocrandallite, 10 Arsenogoyazite, 10 Dussertite, 10 Philipsbornite, 13 Arsenowaylandite, 13 Arsenoflorencite-(Ce), 13 Arsenoflorencite-(La), 13 Arsenoflorencite-(Nd), 13 Graulichite-(Ce)
    • 08.BM With medium-sized and large cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 = 4:1: 05 Retzian-(Ce), 05 Retzian-(La), 05 Retzian-(Nd), 10 Kolitschite
    • 08.BN With only large cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 = 0.33:1: 05 Fermorite, 05 Johnbaumite-M, 05 Johnbaumite, 05 Clinomimetite, 05 Hedyphane, 05 Mimetite-M, 05 Mimetite, 05 Morelandite, 05 Svabite, 05 Turneaureite, 05 Vanadinite
    • 08.BO With only large cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 1:1: 10 Preisingerite, 10 Schumacherite, 15 Atelestite, 15 Hechtsbergite, 20 Kombatite, 20 Sahlinite, 35 Kuznetsovite, 45 Schlegelite
  • 08.C Arsenates and vanadates without additional anions, with H2O
    • 08.CA With small and large/medium cations: 30 Arsenohopeite, 35 Warikahnite, 50 Keyite, 55 Pushcharovskite, 60 Prosperite
    • 08.CB With only medium-sized cations, RO4:H2O = 1:1: 10 Nyholmite, 10 Miguelromeroite, 10 Sainfeldite, 10 Villyaellenite; 15 Krautite, 15 Fluckite; 20 Cobaltkoritnigite, 20 Koritnigite; 25 Yvonite, 30 Geminite, 35 Schubnelite, 40 Radovanite, 45 Kazakhstanite, 50 Kolovratite, 55 Irhtemite, 60 Burgessite
    • 08.CC With only medium-sized cations, RO4:H2O = 1:1.5: 10 Kaatialaite, 15 Leogangite
    • 08.CD With only medium-sized cations, RO4:H2O = 1:2: 10 Mansfieldite, 10 Scorodite, 10 Yanomamite; 15 Parascorodite, 25 Sterlinghillite, 30 Rollandite
    • 08.CE With only medium-sized cations, RO4:H2O £1:2.5: 05 Geigerite, 05 Chudobaite, 15 Brassite, 20 Rosslerite, 30 Veselovskyite, 30 Ondrušite, 30 Lindackerite, 30 Pradetite; 40 Ferrisymplesite, 40 Manganohörnesite, 40 Annabergite, 40 Erythrite, 40 Hörnesite, 40 Köttigite, 40 Parasymplesite, 45 Symplesite, 60 Kaňkite, 65 Steigerite, 70 Metaschoderite, 70 Schoderite, 85 Metaköttigite
    • 08.CF With large and medium-sized cations, RO4:H2O > 1:1: 05 Grischunite
    • 08.CG With large and medium-sized cations, RO4:H2O = 1:1: 05 Gaitite, 05 Parabrandtite, 05 Talmessite, 10 Roselite, 10 Rruffite, 10 Brandtite, 10 Zincroselite, 10 Wendwilsonite, 15 Ferrilotharmeyerite, 15 Cabalzarite, 15 Lotharmeyerite, 15 Cobaltlotharmeyerite, 15 Mawbyite, 15 Cobalttsumcorite, 15 Nickellotharmeyerite, 15 Schneebergite, 15 Nickelschneebergite, 15 Tsumcorite, 15 Thometzekite, 15 Manganlotharmeyerite, 15 Mounanaite, 15 Krettnichite; 20 Zincgartrellite, 20 Lukrahnite, 20 Gartrellite, 20 Helmutwinklerite, 20 Rappoldite, 20 Phosphogartrellite; 25 Pottsite, 35 Nickeltalmessite
    • 08.CH With large and medium-sized cations, RO4:H2O < 1:1: 05 Walentaite, 15 Picropharmacolite; 55 Smolianinovite, 55 Fahleite; 60 Barahonaite-(Fe), 60 Barahonaite-(Al)
    • 08.CJ With only large cations: 20 Haidingerite, 25 Vladimirite, 30 Ferrarisite, 35 Machatschkiite; 40 Phaunouxite, 40 Rauenthalite; 50 Pharmacolite, 55 Mcnearite, 65 Sincosite, 65 Bariosincosite, 75 Guerinite
  • 08.D arsenates and vanadates
    • 08.DA With small (and occasionally larger) cations: 05 Bearsite, 35 Philipsburgite, 50 Ianbruceite
    • 08.DB With only medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 < 1:1: 05 Pitticite, 35 Sarmientite, 40 Bukovskyite, 45 Zykaite, 75 Braithwaiteite
    • 08.DC With only medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 = 1:1 and < 2:1: 07 Euchroite, 10 Legrandite, 12 Strashimirite; 15 Arthurite, 15 Ojuelaite, 15 Cobaltarthurite, 15 Bendadaite; 20 Coralloite, 30 Maghrebite, 32 Tinticite, 55 Mapimite, 57 Ogdensburgite
    • 08.DD With only medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 = 2:1: 05 Chenevixite, 05 Luetheite; 10 Akrochordite, 10 Guanacoite
    • 08.DE With only medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 = 3:1: 15 Bulachite, 25 Ceruleite, 40 Juanitaite
    • 08.DF With only medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 > 3:1: 10 Liskeardite, 15 Rusakovite, 20 Liroconite, 30 Chalcophyllite, 35 Parnauite
    • 08.DG With large and medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 < 0.5:1: 05 Shubnikovite, 05 Lavendulan, 05 Lemanskiite, 05 Zdenekite
    • 08.DH With large and medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 < 1:1: 30 Arseniosiderite, 30 Kolfanite, 30 Sailaufite; 45 Mahnertite; 50 Andyrobertsite, 50 Calcioandyrobertsite; 60 Bouazzerite
    • 08.DJ With large and medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 = 1:l: 15 Camgasite, 45 Attikaite
    • 08.DK With large and medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 > 1:1 and < 2:1: Richelsdorfite, 10 Bariopharmacosiderite, 10 Pharmacosiderite, 10 Natropharmacosiderite, 10 Hydroniumpharmacosiderite; 12 Pharmacoalumite, 12 Natropharmacoalumite, 12 Bariopharmacoalumite
    • 08.DL With large and medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 = 2:1: 15 Agardite-(Ce), 15 Agardite-(La), 15 Agardite-(Nd), 15 Agardite-(Y), 15 Goudeyite, 15 Zalesiite, 15 Mixite, 15 Plumboagardite; 20 Cheremnykhite, 20 Dugganite, 20 Wallkilldellite-(Fe), 20 Wallkilldellite-(Mn)
    • 08.DM With large and medium-sized cations, (OH, etc.):RO4 > 2:1: 05 Esperanzaite, 10 Clinotyrolite, 10 Tyrolite, 15 Betpakdalite-CaCa, 15 Betpakdalite-NaCa, 20 Phosphovanadylite-Ba, 20 Phosphovanadylite-Ca, 25 Yukonite, 40 Santafeite
  • 08.E Uranyl arsenates
    • 08.EA UO2:RO4 = 1:2: 05 Orthowalpurgite, 05 Walpurgite; 10 Hallimondite
    • 08.EB UO2:RO4 = 1:1: 05 Metarauchite, 05 Heinrichite, 05 Kahlerite, 05 Novacekite, 05 Uranospinite, 05 Zeunerite; 10 Metazeunerite, 10 Metauranospinite, 10 Metaheinrichite, 10 Metakahlerite, 10 Metakirchheimerite, 10 Metalodevite, 10 Metanovacekite; 15 Uramarsite, 15 Trogerite, 15 Abernathyite, 15 Natrouranospinite; 20 Chistyakovaite, 25 Arsenuranospathite
    • 08.EC UO2:RO4 = 3:2: 10 Arsenuranylite, 15 Hugelite, 20 Arsenovanmeersscheite, 45 Nielsbohrite
    • 08.ED Unclassified: 10 Asselbornite
  • 08.F Polyarsenates and [4]-polyvanadates
    • 08.FA Polyarsenates and [4]-polyvanadates, without OH and H2O; dimers of corner-sharing RO4 tetrahedra: 05 Blossite, 10 Ziesite, 15 Chervetite, 25 Petewilliamsite
    • 08.FC [4]-Polyvanadates, with H2O only: 05 Fianelite, 15 Pintadoite
    • 08.FD [4]-Polyvanadates, with OH and H2O: 05 Martyite, 05 Volborthite
    • 08.FE Ino-[4]-vanadates: 05 Ankinovichite, 05 Alvanite
  • 08.X Unclassified Strunz arsenates and vanadates
Subjects: Mineralogy
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