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4 Times Square

4 Times Square, also formerly known as the Condé Nast Building, is a skyscraper in Times Square in Midtown Manhattan, New York City . Located on Broadway between West 42nd and 43rd Streets, the structure was finished in January 2000 as part of a larger project to redevelop 42nd Street. The architects were Fox & Fowle, who also designed the Reuters Building as part of the larger project. The 809-foot (246.5 m), 52-story building is the 28th tallest building in New York City and the 59th tallest in the United States. Owned by the Durst Organization, the building contains 1,600,000 square feet (150,000 m2) of floor space.

skyscraper redevelop broadway

1. Design

The building was designed by Fox & Fowle, chosen for their experience designing ecologically sustainable buildings.[1]

4 Times Square is one of the first and most important examples of green design in skyscrapers in the United States. Environmentally friendly gas-fired absorption chillers, along with a high-performing insulating and shading curtain wall, ensure that the building does not need to be heated or cooled for most of the year. The air-delivery system provides 50% more fresh air than is required by New York City Building Code,[2] and recycling chutes serve the entire building. The building uses solar technology and PureCell Systems fuel cells. It was the first project of its size with these features, for which it received awards from the American Institute of Architects and AIA's New York state chapter.

NASDAQ MarketSite at the bottom of the Condé Nast Building at night.

1.1. Antenna Mast

If the building's antenna is included, the structure's total height is 1,118 feet (340.7 m), making it the sixth-tallest structure in New York City, behind One World Trade Center, the Empire State Building, 432 Park Avenue, 30 Hudson Yards and the Bank of America Tower.

The original antenna was built primarily for Clear Channel Communications (now iHeartMedia, Inc.) as a backup transmitter site for its four FM stations. It was replaced between 2002 and 2003, with a 300-foot (91 m) mast to broadcast television and radio signals as a backup transmission site. This was done so that work could be completed to transfer those that were displaced by the destruction of the World Trade Center to the Empire State Building, without disruption to the existing FM tenants at the Empire State Building.[3] The mast has four tiers: The top for WJLP, one for VHF, one for UHF, and one for FM. Currently, twelve FM stations use the site as a backup, and four—WBGO, WKCR-FM, WNYE, WBAI use it as a primary site. (WBGO does not use the master antenna, they have their own installed antenna below). One FM translator, W220EJ (repeats WFMU), also uses the tower.[4] Two TV stations are using the mast for auxiliary use, and one for primary.[5] The antenna systems and mast were constructed by Dielectric Communications of Raymond, Maine, Shively Labs of Bridgton, Maine, and Electronics Research Inc., of Chandler, Indiana.[6]

2. Tenants

In 1995, 4 Times Square was the first speculative office building to be developed in New York City in almost a decade, but it was fully leased and occupied almost immediately after completion.[7] The major office space tenants were Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, a prominent U.S. law firm and magazine publishing company Condé Nast. However, Conde Nast moved from its namesake building to One World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan in November 2014 and Skadden Arps signed a lease in April 2015 to move to One Manhattan West.

H&M has the majority of the retail space in the building (formerly occupied by ESPNZone); in August 2013, the retailer announced that it would be installing four illuminated panels bearing the company logo atop the tower.[8]

In January 2016, it was announced that financial technology company SS&C Technologies signed for 140,000 square feet (13,000 m2) for 15 years at $80 per square foot.[9] The company later added an additional 31,396 square feet (2,916.8 m2) to its lease with its total space taking up the entire fifth, sixth, and seventh floors.[10] Law firm Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu signed a 15-year lease in September 2016 for 41,221 square feet (3,829.6 m2) across an entire floor of the building. Around the same time, financial securities company ICAP signed a deal for the 13th and 14th floors of the building, taking up roughly 82,000 square feet (7,600 m2).[11]

In January 2017, accounting firm RSM US signed a 15-year, 95,000 square feet (8,800 m2) lease to take the whole 10th and 11th floors as well as part of the 12th floor.[12] In August 2017, financial technology firm HedgeServ Corporation signed a 10-year deal for 53,456 square feet (4,966.2 m2) on the eighth floor of the building.[13]

In January 2019, National Cable Communications inked an 11-year lease for 65,000 square feet (6,000 m2) on the 11th and partial 12th floor. Several months later, the company expanded by 16,724 square feet (1,553.7 m2) to fully occupy the 11th and 12th floors of the building.[14] Also in January, economic consulting firm Analysis Group signed a 10-year lease for 58,029 square feet (5,391.1 m2) on the 23rd and partial 22nd floor.[10] BMO Capital Markets signed a 15-year lease for 215,056 square feet (19,979.4 m2) in April to serve as the company's headquarters in New York. The company planned to occupy the ninth floor as a trading floor and replace Skadden Arps on floors 29 through 33.[15] In June, Vevo leased 38,000 square feet (3,500 m2) directly from Durst after subleasing the 25th floor from Skadden Arps for the past seven years.[14]

The building's northwest corner holds NASDAQ's 24,000 square feet (2,200 m2) MarketSite, a seven-story cylindrical tower whose electronic display provides market quotes, financial news and advertisements. The ground floor of the MarketSite contains a television studio with a wall of monitors and an arc of windows looking out onto Times Square. In February 2018, NASDAQ signed a 15-year, 145,000 square feet (13,500 m2) lease to move the company's global headquarters to the building.[16] The company expanded to 180,000 square feet (17,000 m2) in May 2019 by leasing the entire 28th floor.[17] CNBC broadcasts Squawk Box, Fast Money and several of its signature financial markets television shows from the MarketSite at 4 Times Square.

3. In Popular Culture

A replica of the Condé Nast Building is featured in the Battlestar Galactica universe, as a prominent building in the Caprica City skyline. It can be seen during scene of the city in the series finale "Daybreak: Part 2". It can also be seen briefly in the pilot for the Caprica television series. The building is also featured in Grand Theft Auto IV, as part of Liberty City and the 2009 documentary about Anna Wintour, The September Issue. It is a central location in The Accidental Husband. It is also featured in police-career simulation game True Crime: New York City, including a realistic version of the building's Times Square location, as well as in the game Prototype as part of the skyline.

The building was the basis for the fictional Elias-Clark building in Lauren Weisberger's novel The Devil Wears Prada, where the head office for fictional Runway magazine is located. Weisberger based the plot on her own experiences as assistant to Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, whose offices were located in the Condé Nast building.

The building is the location for the climactic action sequences in both The Amazing Spider-Man and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and it is used for some scenes in the 2001 film Vanilla Sky.

The building appears in Jessica Jones as the location of the radio station WNEX, which hosts Trish Walker's radio show Trish Talk.

The building the space occupies is the location of the main building of the Stark Tower Complex in many American comic books published by Marvel.

The YouTube channel WIRED and its "Google Autocomplete interviews", are produced in the building, which was mentioned by John Krasinski in one of those interviews.

-Toffenetti's, Later Nathan's Famous were both located here.[18]


  1. Acing the Deuce
  2. "Case Study - Four Times Square". 
  3. A selection from a decade of visits to tower and studio sites in the Northeast and beyond
  4. FCCInfo Facility Search Results
  5. FCCInfo Facility Search Results
  6. Shively Labs FM Antennas and Accessories
  7. "Buildings Database: Overview - 4 Times Square". U.S. Department of Energy. 
  8. "H&M Signs Atop 4 Times Square To Change New York City Skyline". The Huffington Post. August 12, 2013. 
  9. Terrence, Cullen (January 10, 2017). "Fintech Company Gobbles Up 140K SF at Durst’s 4 Times Square". Commercial Observer. 
  10. Baird-Remba, Rebecca (January 9, 2019). "Three Tenants Ink 150K SF of New Leases at 4 Times Square". Commercial Observer. 
  11. Cullen, Terence (September 8, 2016). "Durst Signs Law Firm to Floor of Condé Nast’s Old Offices". Commercial Observer. 
  12. Cullen, Terence (January 13, 2017). "Another Company Takes Big Piece of Vacant 4 Times Square Space". Commercial Observer. 
  13. Schram, Lauren (August 1, 2017). "HedgeServ Corporation Takes 48K SF of Old Condé Nast Space at 4 Times Square". Commercial Observer. 
  14. Brenzel, Kathryn (June 10, 2019). "Durst inks 55K sf of leases at 4 Times Square". The Real Deal. 
  15. Katz, Lily (April 3, 2019). "BMO to Move New York Headquarters to Former Conde Nast Building". Bloomberg. 
  16. Mashayekhi, Rey (February 7, 2018). "Condé Who?: Nasdaq Moving Global HQ to Durst’s 4 Times Square". Commercial Observer. 
  17. Gourarie, Chava (May 24, 2019). "Nasdaq Expands to 180K SF at Former Condé Nast Tower". Commercial Observer. 
  18. Morabito, Greg (2012-08-28). "A Trip to Toffenetti, Times Square's 1000 Seat Restaurant". 
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