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HandWiki. Burnin' Rubber (Series). Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 16 February 2025).
HandWiki. Burnin' Rubber (Series). Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed February 16, 2025.
HandWiki. "Burnin' Rubber (Series)" Encyclopedia, (accessed February 16, 2025).
HandWiki. (2022, October 26). Burnin' Rubber (Series). In Encyclopedia.
HandWiki. "Burnin' Rubber (Series)." Encyclopedia. Web. 26 October, 2022.
Burnin' Rubber (Series)

Burnin' Rubber is a series of vehicular combat racing video games developed by Xform and published by various companies. The series has appeared on AirConsole, Android, Browser, IOS, and Microsoft Windows. The gameplay mainly focuses on the player having to beat a set of challenges ranging from races, boss battles, and time trials. Players can gain various pickups and collectables placed throughout tracks to aid them in the event and unlock new content. The series previous used Adobe Director and Adobe Shockwave Player for its games and has since migrated to Unity. Burnin' Rubber 3 was the first game in the series to introduce the addition of weapons in which the player can add to their vehicles which would become one of the game's main element moving forward. Excluding Burnin' Rubber (2007), the vehicles can receive damage or explode once critical damage levels has been surpassed. The series takes some inspiration from the Burnout series.

video games critical damage vehicular

1. Series Games

1.1. Main Series

Burnin' Rubber (2007)

Burnin' Rubber is the first main game in the series and was released on 4 December 2007. It features head-to-head racing on 3 different locations with a reverse variant that becomes available one the player completes the forward variant. It is one of two games in the series that do not feature weapons.

Burnin' Rubber 2 (2008)

Burnin' Rubber 2 is the second main game in the series and was released on 7 October 2008. gameplay being similar to the first game. The game also comes with the addition of new vehicles and locations. The vehicle damage system was also added as a new element to the game and what would used in later games. It is one of two games in the series that do not feature weapons. Hidden packages were also introduced for the first time in what would be used in other Xform games.

Burnin' Rubber 3 (2009)

Burnin' Rubber 3 is the third main game in the series and was released on 7 July 2009. New elements were added to the game which would also be used in later games. A new "World Dominaton" mode was introduced in which the player competes to various events in United States , Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia . This was the first game to introduce weapons to the series ranging from caltrop layer, grenade launchers, machine guns, miniguns, rocket launchers, and more. With the addition of weapons, new modes such as Battle Race, Rival Battle, Survivor Customization ranging from body kits, paint, rims, and spoilers were made available for the vehicles. Some custom parts could be unlocked through the daily challenges mode. Burnin' Rubber 3 was nominated for Best Online Game in the 2010 Dutch Game Awards.[1]

Burnin' Rubber 4 (2010)

Burnin' Rubber 4 is the fourth main game in the series and was released on 10 August 2010. Players collect tickets which gives entry to compete in specific events. This was the first game to introduce an open world map consisting of 4 major areas (The city, Big Rock, Snow Peak, and The Jungle). A new selection of vehicles were added with some only obtainable after completing special missions. It is also the first game to introduce boats and a flyable helicopter in an optional side mission. The game won " Online Game Of The Year" award in 2010.[2]

Burnin' Rubber 4: Game Of The Year Edition (2011)

After Burnin' Rubber 4 received the " Online Game Of The Year" award, Xform released Burnin' Rubber 4: Game Of The Year Edition on 12 April 2011. This version was an update to the original game adding new features and fixes. The handling system which was the same as used in Burnin' Rubber 3 was reworked. A new area called The Docks which was an industrial zone was added along with the other 4 major areas. Machine gun and surface-to-air turrets added and placed around the map which fires at the player when the player gets within range. Armored trucks and police cars with mounted guns were added and fire at the player if the player fires their weapon within range of the vehicles. The city's time period has also changed to night.

Burnin' Rubber 5 (2013)

Burnin' Rubber 5 is the fifth main game in the series and was released on 23 April 2013. The game is also one of the last two games in the series to use Adobe Director for its engine. The game includes different challenges for the player to complete including team race and boss battles. New weapons such as the flak roof turret, railgun, striker launcer, nuclear bomb, and more were added. It is the only game in the series to include an experience point system which rewards players new weapons as they level up. Players could also unlock duplicates of a vehicle upon beating its boss race or daily challenge. The game received an award nomination in the 2013 Dutch Game Awards.[2]

Burnin' Rubber 5 HD (2018)

Weapons are a major feature throughout the series with the games allowing the player to make different setups and combinations to aid them in events

Burnin' Rubber 5 HD was released on Steam on 14 February 2018. This was a remastered version of Burnin' Rubber 5 which used Unity instead of Adobe Director like the original version for its engine. Textures were improved and several new cars were added to the game

Burnin' Rubber 6 (TBA)

Burnin' Rubber 6 is an upcoming game in the series.[3] The game is set to be the first in the series to be available for major consoles.

1.2. Spin-Off Games

Burnin' Rubber: Crash n' Burn (2013)

Burnin' Rubber: Crash n' Burn is the first spin-off game in the series and was released on 4 October 2013. The game serves as a tribute to Burnin' Rubber 4. The gameplay focuses on destruction requiring the player to destroy certain objects and vehicles each mission to advance to the next. The map is set in The city from Burnin' Rubber 4 with Big Rock, Snow Peak, and The Jungle not appearing in the game.

Burnin' Rubber Shift (2013)

Burnin' Rubber Shift is the second spin-off game in the series and was released on 8 December 2013. The game is also one of the last two games in the series to use Adobe Director for its engine. Unlike the previous games, the player competed in head-to-head races that were located on a stretch of highway. Police chases were also an aspect of the game. Weapons were not included in the game.

Burnin' Rubber: Cartapult (2018)

Burnin' Rubber: Cartapult is the third spin-off game in the series and was released on 17 August 2018. The game does not feature any missions or free roam. The gameplay focuses on destruction with the player having to launch a vehicle and destroy traffic to unlock vehicles and abilities.

Burnin' Rubber Multiplayer (TBA)

Burnin' Rubber Multiplayer is an upcoming online game in the series.[3] It will be the first game in the series to feature a multiplayer system.

1.3. Other Games

Burnin' Rubber HTML5 (2014)

Burnin' Rubber HTML5 was released in 2014. It is the only game in the series to run on HTML5.

Burnin' Rubber 3 Standalone (2018)

Burnin' Rubber 3 Standalone was released on 19 March 2018 in response to modern browsers no longer supporting NPAPI plugins.

Burnin' Rubber 4 Standalone (2018)

Burnin' Rubber 4 Standalone was released on 17 May 2018 in response to modern browsers no longer supporting NPAPI plugins.

Burnin' Rubber (2007) Standalone (2020)

Burnin' Rubber (2007) Standalone was released on 17 May 2018 in response to modern browsers no longer supporting NPAPI plugins.

Burnin' Rubber 5 Air (2020)

Burnin' Rubber 5 Air was released on 9 April 2020 for Airconsole. It is a lite version of Burnin' Rubber 5.

Burnin' Rubber 5 XS (2020)

Burnin' Rubber 4 Standalone was released on 15 October 2020 and is also a lite version of Burnin' Rubber 5 for browser.

2. Removal

Several Burnin' Rubber games along with many other games using Adobe Director and Adobe Shockwave Player were removed from in March 2017 due to modern browsers no longer supporting NPAPI plugins. This prompted the release of standalone versions of various games of the series on


  1. "Dutch Game Awards belonen Oudhollandsch meesterschap" (in nl). 2010-10-28. 
  2. "Xform Games". 
  3. Imgur. "" (in en). 
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