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Zhang, L.;  Fang, W.;  Chen, F.;  Song, A. Transcription Factors in Plant Shoot Branching. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 03 September 2024).
Zhang L,  Fang W,  Chen F,  Song A. Transcription Factors in Plant Shoot Branching. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed September 03, 2024.
Zhang, Lingling, Weimin Fang, Fadi Chen, Aiping Song. "Transcription Factors in Plant Shoot Branching" Encyclopedia, (accessed September 03, 2024).
Zhang, L.,  Fang, W.,  Chen, F., & Song, A. (2022, August 15). Transcription Factors in Plant Shoot Branching. In Encyclopedia.
Zhang, Lingling, et al. "Transcription Factors in Plant Shoot Branching." Encyclopedia. Web. 15 August, 2022.
Transcription Factors in Plant Shoot Branching

Transcription factors, also known as trans-acting factors, balance development and stress responses in plants. Branching plays an important role in plant morphogenesis and is closely related to plant biomass and crop yield. The apical meristem produced during plant embryonic development repeatedly produces the body of the plant, and the final aerial structure is regulated by the branching mode generated by axillary meristem (AM) activities. These branching patterns are regulated by two processes: AM formation and axillary bud growth. In recent years, transcription factors involved in regulating these processes have been identified. In addition, these transcription factors play an important role in various plant hormone pathways and photoresponses regulating plant branching.

transcription factors branching axillary meristem development

1. Axillary Meristem Formation


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