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Cherchi, M. Otovestibular Symptoms of COVID-19 and Its Vaccines/Treatments. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 15 December 2024).
Cherchi M. Otovestibular Symptoms of COVID-19 and Its Vaccines/Treatments. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed December 15, 2024.
Cherchi, Marcello. "Otovestibular Symptoms of COVID-19 and Its Vaccines/Treatments" Encyclopedia, (accessed December 15, 2024).
Cherchi, M. (2022, July 08). Otovestibular Symptoms of COVID-19 and Its Vaccines/Treatments. In Encyclopedia.
Cherchi, Marcello. "Otovestibular Symptoms of COVID-19 and Its Vaccines/Treatments." Encyclopedia. Web. 08 July, 2022.
Peer Reviewed
Otovestibular Symptoms of COVID-19 and Its Vaccines/Treatments

The rapidly developing literature regarding COVID-19 and its treatments has documented an impressive breadth of pathology across multiple organ systems. In this entry, researchers highlight the audiologic and vestibular manifestations that have been reported in association with COVID-19, its vaccines, and some of its treatments.

COVID-19 vestibular vertigo auditory hearing loss tinnitus otovestibular vaccines
The coronavirus disease pandemic that began in 2019 (COVID-19) poses a range of challenges for patients, physicians, and health care delivery systems. The pandemic’s rapidly changing consequences have necessitated commensurately rapid evolution in our understanding of this disease; thus, it is no exaggeration to say that manuscripts on this topic are already out of date even before going to press. The most common presentations (fever, respiratory symptoms, and fatigue) have understandably commanded the most attention, but experience has shown that most organ systems can suffer involvement. Auditory abnormalities and disorders of balance are not among the most common, but accumulating evidence suggests that they are not rare either. In this entry, the author reviews what is known and acknowledge what is not known about the audiologic and vestibular symptoms that have been associated with the disease itself. The author then closes with some comments regarding audiologic and vestibular symptoms reported in association with the vaccines and some of the antiviral treatments for the disease.
Subjects: Pathology
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Online Date: 08 Jul 2022
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