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Kant, K.; P. Bhat, M.; , .; Uthappa, U.; Kigga, M.; Kurkuri, M. Microfluidic Devices for Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 10 September 2024).
Kant K, P. Bhat M,  , Uthappa U, Kigga M, Kurkuri M. Microfluidic Devices for Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed September 10, 2024.
Kant, Krishna, Mahesh P. Bhat,  , Ut Uthappa, Madhuprasad Kigga, Mahaveer Kurkuri. "Microfluidic Devices for Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells" Encyclopedia, (accessed September 10, 2024).
Kant, K., P. Bhat, M., , ., Uthappa, U., Kigga, M., & Kurkuri, M. (2022, April 20). Microfluidic Devices for Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells. In Encyclopedia.
Kant, Krishna, et al. "Microfluidic Devices for Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells." Encyclopedia. Web. 20 April, 2022.
Microfluidic Devices for Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells

CTCs (circulating tumor cells) are well-known for their use in clinical trials for tumor diagnosis. Capturing and isolating these CTCs from whole blood samples has enormous benefits in cancer diagnosis and treatment. In general, various approaches are being used to separate malignant cells, including immunomagnets, macroscale filters, centrifuges, dielectrophoresis, and immunological approaches. These procedures, on the other hand, are time-consuming and necessitate multiple high-level operational protocols. In addition, considering their low efficiency and throughput, the processes of capturing and isolating CTCs face tremendous challenges. Meanwhile, recent advances in microfluidic devices promise unprecedented advantages for capturing and isolating CTCs with greater efficiency, sensitivity, selectivity and accuracy. In a very short span of time, microfluidics has emerged in several technological advancements. There are a variety of materials for microfluidic device fabrication, each with different properties according to the requirements. Based on the required specific characteristics of the fabrication material and product requirements, different techniques are used for the development of the device. Another major aspect is the cost of the involved material. In most cases, used devices are disposed of. Thus, the method involved should be economically feasible.

circulating tumor cells (CTCs) microfluidic device Manufacturing

1. Introduction

Cancer is defined as the uncontrolled proliferation of aberrant cells in the human body, and it is classified into two types: benign and malignant cancers. A benign tumor that grows slowly and has no negative effects on the human body. Malignant tumors, on the other hand, are aggressive, grow quickly, spread rapidly and eventually kill the patient. During metastasis, some tumor cells at the primary tumor’s borders undergo a process known as epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), in which the cells lose their epithelial traits and gain migratory mesenchyme properties [1]. These migratory tumor cells enter adjacent arteries and start travelling along with red and white blood cells throughout the body. CTCs (circulating tumor cells) enter the bloodstream through the vasculature and circulate alongside healthy hematological cells before metastasis [2][3]. However, these can only be diagnosed if the patient has progressed to the metastatic stage [4]. These CTCs stop internally at some organs and trigger secondary tumors; from this stage onwards, the cancer enters its deadliest form, and the patient could face fatal consequences [5][6]. Hence, the early detection of these cells or the monitoring of their presence in the bloodstream is required and important for the accurate diagnosis and prognosis of cancer [7]. A survey has shown that malignant tumors will be the major cause of death worldwide by 2030, expected to grow to 20.3 million new cancer cases and 13.2 million deaths [8].
However, CTCs are extremely rare among hematological cells. There are only a few CTCs in a 1.0 mL blood sample, where nearly 5 billion red blood cells (RBCs) and 10 million white blood cells (WBCs) are present. In addition, the CTCs may exist in a single-cell or cluster form, with varied phenotypic properties. Based on the changes in protein expression on CTCs, they can be classified into epithelial-mesenchymal, epithelial, and mesenchymal types [9]. Therefore, collecting and isolating them from other components in the bloodstream is quite difficult and challenging [10]. Detection of these rare cells using sensors would be beneficial. Sensors have previously been used for environmental applications [11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. On the other hand, sensors would be ideal for the detection of these rare CTCs. Currently, several techniques such as flow cytometry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Western blotting, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR), magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS), fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and centrifugation techniques, and laser-based technology are widely used for the biomolecular or cellular analysis of cancer [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]. Although these techniques have several limitations, such as substantial sample consumption, low throughput, lack of real-time monitoring, and high overall operational expenses, there are no other alternative simple techniques available for CTC isolation. As a result, there is a great scientific desire to improve cancer diagnosis using low-cost procedures [27].

2. Additive Manufacturing

Molding techniques involving PDMS and other thermoplastics are the most common approaches to fabricating microfluidic devices [28]. The disadvantages of traditional fabrication approaches are that they require a cleanroom, are expensive, utilize time-consuming wafer processes, and require the labor-intensive manual assembly of multiple layers. These factors have limited their wide application [29][30]. Furthermore, it is difficult to efficiently fabricate true 3D structures with large surface areas to increase CTC capture efficiency [31][32]. In recent years, 3D printing, which can create 3D objects layer by layer, has received a lot of attention as a potential replacement for the PDMS-based conventional molding process. In the additive manufacturing (AM) approach, the device is fabricated using a 3D printer and computer-aided design (CAD) software to design the desired shape in a short amount of time. Chu et al. created monolithic microfluidic devices to separate CTCs from whole blood samples [33]. The fabricated device has a 100 mm channel length, 20.5 mm breadth and 19.2 mm width. The microfluidic device is comprised of two inlets for a sample, a buffer, and an outlet for collecting the waste. The main advantages of this device are that during the filtration process, potential cell damage due to handling the sample was eliminated, and the desired pore size could be attained with high resolution in commercially available membrane filters. Further, Gong et al. developed controlled-compression integrated microgaskets (CCIMs) and simple integrated microgaskets (SIMs), which are bound with small chips to form a wider connection of chips accomplished by a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) and nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) [34]. SIMs or CCIMs are 3D printed as part of the device’s fabrication. Thus, no additional materials or components are needed to connect to the larger 3D-printed interface chip. Later, Chen et al. developed a microfluidic device with 3D-printed internal structures to facilitate high fluid flow and surface area [35]. The printed structure was functionalised with EpCAM antibodies to capture CTCs.

3. Etching Technique

Etching is the process of protecting the desired area of a substrate while treating the other in order to remove a particular depth of material. The parts that researchers do not want to etch are usually protected. Liu et al. used wet etching and thermal bonding to create a pyramid-shaped microfluidic device with one inlet and six outlets [36]. The microchamber is a critical functional component of microfluidic devices for CTC separation. A layer of chemical-corrosion-resistant adhesive tape was pasted on a standard glass slide, and a laser ablation system was used to transfer the desired prototype onto the adhesive tape. The first round of tape was then peeled off, and the glass slide with patterned tape was immersed in the etching solution for 25 min at an etch rate of 1 μm/min. The second and third annular tapes were peeled off, and the glass slide with patterned tapes was dipped in the etching solution for 7 and 8 min, respectively. After the device was completed, a laser was used to punch one inlet and six outlets to allow the blood samples to flow. Each outlet was located on a different layer at different heights of the microfluidic device. The first, second, and third steps were respectively 40, 15, and 4~8 μm high. The device showed a throughput of ~99%. The device has the advantages of being simple to set up, having high isolation efficiency, demonstrating improved throughput and not requiring an expensive capture reagent. Further, Yang et al. reported a wet etching and thermal bonding process to create a unique, low-cost, wedge-shaped microfluidic device made of two glass pieces with appropriate specificity and sensitivity [37]. The device is comprised of two inlets, a linear reservoir, and an outlet. After coating a standard glass slide with a chemical-corrosion-resistant adhesive tape, the laser ablation system was used to transfer the microchannel design onto the adhesive tape. The glass slide coated with patterned tape was immersed in a glass etching solution to create a microchannel with a continuously decreasing height (from 60 to 5 μm). Then, two inlets and an outlet (0.5 mm in diameter) were drilled on the glass slide to obtain the final chip. After a dynamic heating and annealing process in a programmable muffle furnace, the two glass slides were bonded together.

4. Mold Punching Technique

The fabrication of microstructures via conventional techniques can be costly due to the need for expensive equipment set up and maintenance and the time-consuming nature of the process. If micro- or nano-scale processes can be replicated, manufacturing costs can be drastically lowered. In this technique, micro/nanostructure molds are fabricated once, and products can be duplicated from them. The inverted or negative aspects of the device construction are present in the masters [38]. Liao et al. created an optically induced dielectrophoresis (ODEP) microfluidic device with a T-shaped microchannel made up of four layers: layer A (PDMS), layer B (indium-tin-oxide glass substrate), layer C (double-sided adhesive), and layer D (indium-tin-oxide glass substrate coated with photoconductive material) for the isolation of CTCs using EpCAM/CD45 markers [39]. To facilitate cell suspension transfer, the main channel and side channel’s dimensions (L × W × H) were set to 2500 × 1000 × 60 µm and 2500 × 400 × 60 µm, respectively. The junction area in the T-shaped microchannel that was specified for CTC separation was 1400 × 1000 × 60 µm. The device consisted of three punch holes for tubing connections, with each hole used for loading the sample, harvesting the fresh, waste cell suspension samples, and collecting the separated cells. The advantages of this device included the fact that the cell manipulation process was simpler and easy to operate.

5. Photolithography Technique

Photolithography has been widely used in the fabrication of microfluidic devices. It entails exposing a photoresist-coated substrate to light so that the selectively developed regions can be protected from/subjected to subsequent fabrication processes like etching or deposition [40][41]. This process, however, necessitates the use of costly photolithographic facilities with specialized lighting for working with ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive materials [42] and uses light-sensitive photoresist to transfer a geometric design from a photomask to a smooth surface. On a glass slide, Kwak et al. reported a spiral-shaped channel microfluidic device [43]. Each circular channel measures 250 µm in width and has a gap between them, with a channel depth of 130 µm. The distance between the spiral channel and the magnet (i.e., radius) was reduced from 3500 µm to 500 µm. High throughput and selectivity are two advantages of this design. Further, Fan et al., on the other hand, devised a novel size-based separation approach for the rapid identification and isolation of CTCs [44]. Researchers created a microfluidic device based on a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane filter. The device had a thickness of 60 µm, a diameter of 6.9–10.8 µm, and a gap of 25 µm between two holes. The microfilter produced using lithography has several advantages, including precise, uniformly dispersed pores, high porosity, low cost, and quick processing. However, this method is not suitable for mass production. Later, Yan et al. fabricated an electrochemical microchip for high-efficiency CTC isolation to address the limitations of prior efforts [45]. The PDMS micropillar-array-based electrochemical microchip had hierarchical structures spanning from µm to nm, which were created using a traditional soft lithography approach and then gold layer plating for the electrochemical capture and lysing of captured cells. Similarly, Zhou et al. created a PDMS-based multi-flow microfluidic system using dry film resist instead of SU-8, followed by soft photolithography [46]. The developed straight channel had a length, width, and height of 20 mm, 150 μm, and 50 μm on PDMS, which was bound to a glass slide followed by plasma treatment.
Kulasinghe et al. designed a multi-flow straight microchannel of 50 µm height and 150 µm width, with two inputs and two outputs for inertial cell migration [47]. The device uses size-dependent separation from the inertial movement of a mixture of WBCs and CTCs, allowing for the isolation of larger CTC clusters as the channel length increases. The sample was injected through the outer inlet, while the phosphate-buffered saline was injected through the inner inlet (PBS). Cells migrated transversely from the sample zone into the clean buffer flow channel as a result of inertial force. Yoon et al. designed a 4.5 × 4.5 cm2 microfluidic device on a surface-oxidized silicon chip [48]. The device has two inlets for the sample and the buffer, which are followed by two outlets for waste and isolated cells. The main channel measured 500 μm in length. The slanted weir runs from the upper side of the main channel wall to the branch point. The height of the slanted weir was 7 μm lower than the height of the main channel. A double-layer photolithographic technique was used to pattern the slanted weir-integrated microfluidic channel. Initially, the first layer was spin-coated with a thickness of 23 μm using negative photoresist SU-8 2050, and the second layer with a weir gap was spin-coated with a thickness of 7 μm using negative photoresist SU-8 2007 to get the expected slanted weir-designed device. In other work, Chen et al. fabricated a PDMS-based microfluidic design consisting of gallium nitride (GaN) and aluminium gallium nitride (AlGaN) layers integrated with a field-effect-transistor (FET) chip of 1.2 × 0.8 mm by the plasma etching and metal deposition method followed by a molecular beam epitaxy process [49]. Photoresist SU-8 was spin-coated on a silicon wafer with a thickness of 30 µm; the length, width and height of the channel were set to 60, 20, and 30 µm, respectively. The upper layer of the device was composed of two inlets for cells and buffered saline with four trapping microchambers for cell capturing. The bottom layer was embedded with an FET sensor array on the epoxy substrate. Raillon et al. printed a circuit board coated with a positive photoresist to fabricate a label-free PDMS microfluidic device for the isolation and enumeration of CTCs from human blood samples [50]. At first, a glass wafer was coated with lift-off resist and positive photoresist, followed by printing electrodes using a laser writer to achieve a glass chip with electrodes. Secondly, an SU-8 mold was used to develop a PDMS chip using standard photolithography. The glass chip and PDMS chip were combined to form a single PDMS impedance chip. The channel dimensions were 70, 16, and 40 µm in depth, length, and width, respectively. The device consisted of a plastic vortex chip and PDMS impedance chip, which were connected for fluidic flow. Syringe pumps were used for the injection of the sample into the channel. The flow rate was optimized for the vortex chip at 7 mL/min and reduced to 100 µL/min for the impedance chip. Further, captured CTCs were flushed out with an increased buffer flow rate of 8 mL/min. An excitation voltage was applied between two electrodes at 500 mV and 460 kHz frequency with a flow rate of 100 μL/min, 10 kHz bandwidth, and 100 kHz sampling frequency to detect cancer cells. The advantages of the specific electrode design chip included its high-frequency measurements, ease of fabrication, and fast particle counting.
Similarly, Chen et al. fabricated a PDMS-based hybrid magnet-deformability CTC chip patterned through a photolithographic technique [51]. The thickness of the silicon wafer post-spin coat was 7 µm, where the CTCs were isolated using a magnetic force. The 12 rows of micro-elliptical pillars were designed within the channel. The distance between adjacent micropillars was gradually reduced from 18 to 5 µm for effective CTC removal, while the width between adjacent arrays remained constant at 1500 µm. The presence of a magnet beneath the device aided in increased the capturing efficiency. The micro-ellipse was comprised of three parts, which include a half-ellipse with a semi-long axis of 30 µm, a half-circle with a radius of 15 µm, a rectangle with a length of 30 µm and a device with a depth of 55 µm. Furthermore, Varillas et al. developed a PDMS-based geometrically enhanced mixing (GEM) microfluidic chip with two layers of SU-8 coating (main channel layer and herringbone mixer layer) for the isolation of CTCs using EpCAM antibodies [52]. For the main channel, the thickness of the SU-8 2035 photoresist was 50 μm. The herringbone mixer layer was formed by adding a second layer of SU-8 after UV light exposure and post-soft baking. A precise arrangement between the main channel and the mixer was maintained to create the herringbone mixer pattern. The inlet and outlet wells were created by punching the holes in PDMS after a second exposure was performed. Shamloo et al. fabricated a new integrated Y-shaped microfluidic device consisting of two subunits, a functional unit and a mixing unit, through SU-8 photoresist patterning and a wet etching process for the immunomagnetic separation of CTCs [53]. The blood samples spiked with CTCs were passed through a 500 µm wide inlet channel. The functional unit and mixing unit had dimensions (L × W) of 12 × 4 mm and 9 × 1 mm, respectively, in which the channel was subjected to an alternative voltage by 10 electrodes arranged in a zigzag pattern. The sample flowed for 3 mm before reaching the diverging region, where it extended for 7 mm towards the outlets. Non-tagged cells were collected through the upper outlet, while magnetic-particle-tagged cells were isolated through the lower outlets, which had a magnet beneath them. The important features of the device were its simple geometry, high efficiency, and high feasibility. However, it was lacking in high performance.
Chang et al. used a silicon fabrication process to create a PDMS-based microfluidic chip to capture CTCs [54]. The device was made up of 8 microchips with dimensions (L × W) of 40 × 20 mm. Each chip had a 9 mm by 3 mm porous area in the center, with a pore area thickness of 50 μm. These microchips were covered with a 1 mm thick glass slide. A PDMS layer of ~2 mm thickness was used as a spacer between the glass slide and microchips to form the fluidic chamber. The dimension of the fluidic chamber was defined by a laser cutter with a 30 mm by 3.8 mm grove. The entire setup was placed on an acrylic stand where a magnet was placed. The inlet and outlet were connected to the sample source and peristaltic pump, respectively. This parallel flow micro-aperture chip system has several advantages, including compatibility, ease of use, and the ability to reuse the chip for cell analysis. Later, Chen et al. used soft lithography to create a microfluidic device with a microwell-structured array for the analysis and isolation of targeted tumor cells [55]. The length and depth of the channel were 10 mm and 60 μm, respectively and the width of the chamber was 2.3 mm. The depth and diameter of four various-sized microwell structures were 5.0 µm/18 µm, 5.0 µm/20 µm, 5.0 µm/22 µm, and 8.0 µm/20 µm, respectively, with excellent selectivity for CTCs. Hoshino et al. designed a PDMS-based immunomagnetic microchip for the capture of CTCs from spiked cultured cancer cell lines by magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) functionalized with EpCAM antibody [56]. UV-patterned SU8-photoresist coated on the silicon wafer was used as a master. The developed microchannel on PDMS was bonded on a glass substrate with a thickness of 150 µm. The developed microchannel measured 30 mm in length, 20 mm in width, and 500 µm in height. Fallahi et al. used photolithography to create a stretchable, flexible microfluidic device for the size-based separation of CTCs [57]. The channel dimensions of the developed device were 100 mm, 100 µm, and 45 µm in length, width, and height, respectively. There were sample and buffer flow inlets as well as waste, large-cell outlets, and small-cell outlets. The entire chip was placed on a specially designed stretching platform. However, when compared to other size-based microfluidic separation techniques, the device setup was complicated. Further, Jiang et al. demonstrated the use of microbubbles to extract CTCs in a label-free, high-throughput acoustic microstreaming technique [58]. SU-8 2075 photoresist and soft lithography were used to construct the device on a 4-inch silicon wafer. The system was made up of 101 pairs of lateral cavity acoustic transducers (LCATs), each with one inlet and two outlets. The device had a width of 750 µm and was mounted on a piezoelectric transducer with ultrasonic gel between them. The isolation of CTCs by LCATs depended on the oscillation of trapped microbubbles in lateral slanted dead-end side channels to generate a first-order oscillatory flow at the air–liquid interface followed by a second-order streaming flow that consisted of an open microstreaming flow and a closed-looped microstreaming vortex. The dead-end of the channel was tilted at 15° to allow bulk flow through the microstreaming. The narrow gap in the flow area between the looped microstreaming vortex and the air–liquid interface was controlled by the voltage, which regulated the particle size that flowed through. Cells that were smaller than the gap moved forward along the flow by trapping large CTCs. This method allows rapid isolation with the potential to isolate multiple types of CTCs.
Furthermore, Jou et al. used photolithography to create a silicon-based V-BioChip with nano-pillar arrays with a chip dimension (L × W × H) of 32 × 34 × 0.7 mm [59]. A metal-assisted chemical etching technique was used to create nano-pillars within the microchamber. The chip surface was coated with a layer of polyethylene glycol-biotin (PEG-biotin) using a vapor deposition method. Streptavidin was attached to the biotin end using a liquid deposition method to improve capture efficiency. The surface-modified chip with nano-pillars promotes antigen-antibody interaction between the surface and CTCs, resulting in cell capture. Furthermore, Zhang et al. created a label-free microfluidic device for isolating CTCs from breast cancer patients’ blood samples [60]. The photolithography technique was used to develop microchannels to fabricate the microfluidic device. An inlet, a cell intercept area and an outlet were present on the chip. The impurities were filtered through two layers of hexagonal columns in the microchannels. The first and second narrow channels were 50 µm and 20 µm long, respectively, with cell filtration occurring in 30 main channels and 31 side channels. The channels consist of 40 µm cylindrical wells separated by a 100 µm separation distance. Reinholt et al. created a PDMS microfluidic device using photolithography to isolate CTCs using aptamer and extract and to amplify DNA for gene mutation analysis [61]. The device consists of two orthogonal microchannels with two micropillar arrays for CTC isolation at the intersection of the two microchannels and the genomic DNA isolation array downstream of the cell capture array. The cell channel was 1 mm wide, whereas the DNA channel was 500 µm to 1 mm wide and 25 µm deep. Micropillars with a diameter of 50 µm made up the cell capture array. The DNA micropillar array was spaced in a gradient starting at 10 µm and ending at 7 µm. Nasiri et al. developed a hybrid PDMS microfluidic device for CTC isolation via inertial and magnetic separation [62]. For the isolation of CTCs from blood samples, the device consists of an asymmetric serpentine inertial channel, an inertial focusing channel and magnetic cell separation zones. The dimension of the inertial channel was set to 400 µm in width and 80 µm in height, followed by a magnetic separator channel width of 650 µm.

6. Printing Technique

Despite the fact that 3D printing is a cheap, robust and scalable method for producing master molds [63][64], there are still challenges that have prevented microfluidic developers from adopting 3D printing, including resolution, throughput and resin biocompatibility [65]. Attempts to reduce the cost of the technique have focused on UV lighting, laser/offset printing, etc. [66][67][68] Laser printing and offset printing could be cost-effective alternatives to expensive photolithography technology. Nguyen et al. investigated methacrylate (MA) gel, a type of nail polish that has been shown to work as a photoresist material instead of SU-8, to develop a master mold with additional benefits such as low cost, rapid production, high resolution (100 µm thickness, 100 µm feature size), high accuracy, and reproducibility [69]. They used laser and offset printing techniques for photomask generation. The fabricated microfluidic device had a diameter of 100 µm and a height of up to 1 mm. They devised a cost-effective method for fabricating microfluidic devices. To save money, standard procedures like spin coating, plasma etching, and aligners were kept out of the device fabrication. Xu et al. created a microfluidic device out of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) by using a laser engraving machine to create microchannels on the surface for CTC isolation [70]. The device was divided into two major components: a filtration system on top and a magnetic microfluidic chip at the bottom. The filtration system used a micropore array membrane to isolate CTCs before filtering out the waste cells. The filter membrane measured 20 × 20 mm and had a pore size of 10 µm. The CTCs with trace WBCs were rinsed off the membrane after filtration for further purification. The magnetic microfluidic chip with a magnetic base of 70 mm with a diameter of 50 mm was used for the negative sorting of CTCs. This device showed low capture efficiency and needed two steps for the isolation of CTCs. Recently, Gurudatt et al. fabricated an electrochemical microfluidic channel modified with conducting polymers by a screen printing approach using carbon ink on a glass slide [71]. The developed microchannel exhibited a width and height of 95 ± 2.5 µm and 15 µm, respectively. The screen-printed channel was dried at 60 °C for two days. Further, the channels were covered using a glass slide. Later, for the amplification of separation, the channel wall was modified with a DAT monomer to covalently attach lipids. Further, Nieto et al. fabricated microchips with pillars on a soda-lime glass substrate using a laser-direct writing technique followed by thermal treatment [25]. An aluminum film was placed on the rear side of the soda-lime glass to increase the ablation. A cylindrical array of micro-posts with 420 µm diameter with a pitch and depth of 245 µm was formed. Further, the pillars were functionalised with EpCAM to facilitate CTC isolation.

7. Overall Summary of the Fabrication Process

Several fabrication methods have been discussed, each with its own set of characteristics. One must know the minimum feature sizes that the above approaches can produce, as well as a variety of other criteria such as surface roughness, aspect ratio and normal working size, in order to get benefit from the available techniques. Factors such as fluidic outcomes, pressure drop, microchannel, and process time play a major role in the development of the device. Though there are several techniques available for the fabrication of microfluidic devices, photolithography-based devices are determined to be promising in terms of channel dimension precision based on the aforesaid results. The technology, however, can only be used for two-dimensional devices. Additive manufacturing, on the other hand, is cutting-edge, with the potential to create three-dimensional monolithic devices. The main disadvantage is that they are not precise enough for micrometer channels. Therefore, in the near future, 3D printing technology could overcome the challenges and replace the traditional photolithography process for fabricating microfluidic devices. In general, microfluidic devices are fabricated from a variety of materials, including silicon, glass, metals, ceramics, and hard plastics, and they require several fabrication processes, including thermal bonding, chemical etching, and reactive ion etching, which require more time and effort. PDMS-based microfluidic devices, on the other hand, have advantages due to their low cost, optical transparency and biocompatibility.


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