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Murar, M. Optical Imaging-Guided Nanotheranostics. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 06 September 2024).
Murar M. Optical Imaging-Guided Nanotheranostics. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed September 06, 2024.
Murar, Madhura. "Optical Imaging-Guided Nanotheranostics" Encyclopedia, (accessed September 06, 2024).
Murar, M. (2022, February 14). Optical Imaging-Guided Nanotheranostics. In Encyclopedia.
Murar, Madhura. "Optical Imaging-Guided Nanotheranostics." Encyclopedia. Web. 14 February, 2022.
Optical Imaging-Guided Nanotheranostics

Nanomedicine involves the use of nanotechnology for clinical applications and holds promise to improve treatments. Recent developments offer new hope for cancer detection, prevention and treatment; however, being a heterogenous disorder, cancer calls for a more targeted treatment approach. Nanotheranostics comprise a combination of therapy and diagnostic imaging incorporated in a nanosystem and are developed to fulfill the promise of personalized medicine (PM) by helping in the selection of treatments, the objective monitoring of response and the planning of follow-up therapy. Although well-established imaging techniques, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), are primarily used in the development of theranostics, Optical Imaging (OI) offers some advantages, such as high sensitivity, spatial and temporal resolution and less invasiveness.

nanomedicine optical imaging cancer

1. Role of Nanomaterials in Nanotheranostics

The application of nanotechnology in medicine is known as nanomedicine, and it comprises an interplay of a wide range of medical and scientific strategies [1]. One such approach involves the use of NPs in theranostics. Recent advances in nanomaterials are fueling the development of many nanotheranostic agents with both therapeutic and imaging functions [2][3]. The use of nanoscale materials imparts numerous advantages for both diagnosis and treatment, further leading to the development of nanosensors and nanomedicines, respectively [4]. However, it is important to note that the integration of two modalities in a nanosystem calls for a multi-parametric approach, involving the optimization of various factors (such as concentration of dyes, drugs and targeting moieties) in order to achieve efficient diagnosis and therapy [2].
NPs exhibit certain fundamental features that make them useful in a wide range of applications. Owing to their small size range of 1–100 nm, NPs have the benefit of localizing toward the disease sites in vivo, especially in the case of cancer [5]. For instance, their nanometric size precludes them from an easy renal clearance, thus allowing a longer circulation time in the blood in vivo, as compared to conventional chemotherapeutics. This further increases the chances of NPs to extravasate from tumor blood vessels and into tumor tissues, on account of an altered anatomy of tumor vasculature system, a phenomenon known as enhanced permeation and retention (EPR) effect [6][7][8]. They also possess a high surface-area-to-volume ratio that provides them with an increased functionalization potential for imaging probes, targeting ligands and other therapeutic agents. By conjugating the surface of NPs with active targeting ligands (such as antibodies, peptides or aptamers), they are able to accumulate at tumor sites and become subsequently internalized by cancer cells, thus accounting for targeted drug delivery [5][9]. Once the site of a disease has been identified by imaging approaches, NPs may also provide information on the extent or stage of the disease and further indicate disease response to treatment [4]. Nanotheranostics facilitate selective delivery of the conjugated or entrapped drug molecules at the target site, while monitoring their effective release in real time. Thus, they prevent the non-specific accumulation of drugs in potentially endangered healthy tissues, striving to improve the balance between efficacy and toxicity of systemic chemotherapeutic treatments [10][11][12].
NPs are known to have widespread applications in cancer treatment and have also received clinical approval for some applications for over two decades now [13]. There exist some, albeit few, examples of nanomedicines that have been approved for clinical use. Doxil, the first nanostructured formulation for the treatment of Kaposi’s sarcoma, received FDA approval in 1995 and was later also employed in metastatic ovarian cancer and multiple myeloma treatments. It consisted of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-coated liposomes and doxorubicin (DOX) encapsulated inside [14]. Coating nanomaterials with an inert polymer, such as PEG, is a popular approach in drug delivery, since it prevents the interaction of nanomaterials with blood components, thereby imparting “stealth” properties [15]. Consequently, the layer of PEG was responsible for imparting long-circulation properties. Additionally, this offered enhanced tumor accumulation and reduced off-site effects, which further helped reduce the adverse effects of DOX [14]. Doxil approval was then followed by other cancer nanomedicines entering the market, such as Abraxane (albumin-bound paclitaxel NPs), Marqibo (vincristine sulphate liposomes), DaunoXome (daunorubicin citrate liposomes), other DOX-containing liposomes, including Caelyx and Myocet [16][17], and many more.

2. Optical Imaging as a Tool for Nanotheranostics

As discussed above, there are a variety of imaging techniques available that facilitate the diagnostic arm of nanotheranostics. However, each modality has its own advantages and limitations that need to be considered while choosing the most suited technique to obtain desirable outcomes. Briefly, MRI offers high spatial resolution and soft tissue contrast without tissue-penetrating limitations and is widely used in hospitals, but it is expensive, time consuming and relatively less sensitive. Radionuclide (PET/SPECT) imaging is also commonly used in clinical settings and offers high sensitivity with unlimited tissue penetration. However, it is expensive and provides limited spatial resolution compared with MRI. CT offers high spatial resolution and deep tissue penetration but imposes labor hazards, such as exposure to ionizing radiations. Fluorescence OI facilitates high-throughput screening for target confirmation and compound optimization, along with high sensitivity and multi-color imaging, but it has low penetration depth and spatial resolution. The advantages and disadvantages of different imaging modalities have been summarized in Figure 1. For a detailed comparison of various imaging techniques, see [18].
Figure 1. Advantages and limitations of different biomedical imaging techniques.
OI offers a non-invasive way of looking inside the body by using visible light to obtain images of organs and tissues. This is one of the biggest advantages of OI that makes it rather easy to use, as compared with other conventional techniques. Additionally, it is a relatively less expensive technique. In OI, intrinsic tissue absorption and scattering gives information about the anatomical characteristics but is not as informative about the specific functionality (e.g., metabolism, excretion and secretion) unless fluorescent markers are used. Further, due to its limitations, such as lower penetration depth and autofluorescence, OI has been used mainly in scientific research and less in clinical studies [19]. However, recent advances have improved penetration capability of OI, thereby improving its future clinical utility. Here, we will discuss the potential of fluorescence imaging as a promising tool for nanotheranostics.
As already mentioned, fluorescence imaging must deal with two strong limitations: autofluorescence and low penetration depth. The former, though, can be exploited as a benefit in imaging. There have been studies where autofluorescence signals were used in endoscopic detection of esophageal neoplasia [20], and also similar devices were used for controlling neoplastic changes in oral, cervical and pulmonary mucosa [21][22][23][24], where neoplastic lesions were associated with a loss of autofluorescence. Regarding the limited penetration depth, many internal organs remain elusive, but many tissues/organs can still be reached [25][26]. There are studies in which examples have been provided for imaging the oral cavity, superficial lesions, breast (mammography-like imaging) [27][28][29][30][31][32], applications in ophthalmology cervix, trachea and gastrointestinal tract [33][34][35], skin, prostate, brain and lymph nodes [36][37]. Moreover, live imaging facilitates higher throughput as compared to classical dissection, thus providing faster analysis. In addition, it allows continuous imaging of the same animal at different time intervals in comparison to histology analysis where an animal is sacrificed at each time point.
Conventional fluorophores limit fluorescence live imaging to the surface (up to 1–2 mm), where the techniques of choice include confocal laser scanning imaging, multiphoton imaging, microscopic imaging by intravital microscopy or total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Near-infrared probes allow for a deeper imaging (up to several cms) and are the most promising choice for in vivo imaging [38]. Two-dimensional fluorescence reflectance imaging is mostly used, but it can only be used for superficial tissues and subcutaneously inoculated tumors, while fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) [39], a 3D OI technique for NIRF-labeled probes, is capable of quantification and has a promising imaging depth maximum of around 12 cm [40]. However, one major setback it faces is the inability to accurately assign the organ from which the signal is obtained. Thus, micro-computed tomography is often coupled in order to obtain information about the site from where the signal comes [41].
From the recently developed super resolution microscopy techniques, stimulated emission depletion (STED) is the most promising one for in vivo imaging owing to its 3D sectioning capability. In that regard, live mouse STED imaging of cortical structures has been achieved recently [42][43]. In addition to tissue/organ imaging for diagnostics, fluorescence based OI is also favorable for surgical guidance. Improved tumor resection directly impacts on patient survival rates by decreasing tumor recurrence. This is particularly observed in the case of the gliomas, where the extent of removal of tumoral tissue during surgery is extremely crucial, as removing more than is necessary could lead to fatal secondary effects and is therefore a major prognostic factor [44][45].
Another possibility for fluorescence imaging involves ex vivo tissue samples from biopsies. Here, there is no penetration depth limit and so even the more sophisticated super resolution microscopy techniques can be applied [46][47][48][49]. Considering the three main applications discussed above (in vivo imaging, tissue section imaging and surgical guidance), OI can benefit from nanomaterials as a versatile carrier system integrating different moieties and allowing for an integrative nanotheranostics platform for patient diagnosis, staging and treatment follow up.

2.1. Nanomaterials as Probes for In Vivo Optical Imaging

Nanomaterials are the ideal choice for integrating non-invasive imaging and treatment. Nano-sized materials embrace improved circulation, targeting ability, higher drug loading capacity and controlled drug release capabilities. Moreover, multiple functionalities can be easily combined in one platform, thus it is easy to fine tune and go toward PM [50]. Even though nanomaterials allow for simultaneous imaging and targeted drug delivery, certain tools are required for proper screening, as once they are injected in the body, they undergo many undesired transformations (such as protein corona formation and immune response) and need to cross many barriers before reaching the desired target. Screening the right formulation is usually carried out in vitro in cell monolayers, leading to an unexpected in vivo performance, which is typically worse than anticipated [51]. In this context, in vivo fluorescence imaging could be ideal for assessing nanomedicines formulation and biodistribution and consequently allowing for selection of the right formulation.
Nanomaterials incorporate the imaging functionality, usually by covalent attachment of conventional fluorescent dyes, unless they are intrinsically fluorescent nanoparticles. Not only quantum dots, but other types of intrinsically fluorescent nanomaterials have been recently described. Carbon dots are physicochemically and photochemically stable nanoparticles, with strong fluorescence, low cost and low toxicity [52][53][54]. Black-phosphorus quantum dots [55][56][57] and lanthanide-doped upconverting nanoparticles (UCNps) [58][59][60] have also been proposed, with excellent optical properties. The targeting moiety is conjugated on the surface of the NP, and drugs can be encapsulated or covalently attached depending on the formulation of choice. Parameters such as stability, specificity, contrast and toxicity, must be taken into consideration when assessing the best formulation. It is noteworthy that fluorescent probes have much more stability as compared to radioisotopes and, therefore, allow imaging over longer time intervals. Additionally, fluorescence imaging can not only provide information on morphology but also functional and molecular properties; fluorescent probes for metabolic activity and smart fluorescent probes have been described. Smart fluorescent probes not only accumulate in the target tissue but are fluorescent only in the presence of the biomarker [61][62]. Interestingly, these smart probes can not only rely on enzyme activity but also gene expression, promoter activity, cancer cell tracking or vascular and lymphatic vasculature imaging, thereby expanding the imaging functionality toolbox [26]. This not only allows imaging at the tumor site but also gives information about disease progression that further directs the decision of best-suited treatment of choice.
Even though in vivo imaging represents a more reliable screening platform for nanomedicines, checking one formulation at a time limits the number of formulations to be tested. This is where the multicolor capability of fluorescence imaging comes into play, providing a better alternative. Barcoding is a process that allows for simultaneous screening of a library of NPs. By using different fluorophore combinations, different emission spectra are obtained [63][64], which are later analyzed by linear unmixing to differentiate each population. Then, a mixture of NPs with different formulations and/or properties can be tested to see which ones reach the target site, which is elucidated by a specific color code. Similar work, but in an in vivo setup and with DNA barcoding, has been recently established [65]. Further, regarding multiplexing in an in vivo setup, it has already been demonstrated how three different fluorophores can be detected in a mouse colon by endoscopy [66][67]. This multiplexing ability, once again, highlights the potential of nanomedicine combined with advanced OI in going toward PM; the choice of best-suited formulation for individual patient, obtained in a single test via high throughput screening.
So far, FMT has been used to visualize different types of nanomaterials. Examples include NIRF-labeled high-density lipoprotein NPs to image active vs. passive tumor targeting over time [68], cyanine-containing chitosan-based nanocarrier accumulation on SCC7 xenografts (squamous cell carcinoma) [69], mesoporous silica NPs distribution in mice bearing metastatic 4T1 tumors (tumor sentinel lymph node) [70] or NIRF-labeled polymeric drug carrier passively targeting CT26 colon carcinoma xenografts [41]. RGD peptide-labeled QDs have also been used for cancer targeting and imaging, especially for imaging αVβ3 integrin positive tumor vasculature [71]. Many preclinical studies have been described with QDs, for instance targeting epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) with multifunctional siRNA-QD constructs for selectively inhibiting the expression of EGFRvariant III in target human U87 glioblastoma cells [72].

2.2. Imaging-Guided Surgery and Drug Delivery

Tumor extraction surgeries could benefit from fluorescence imaging, by use of selective labeling of the tumor cells that acts like a guide for the surgeon. The role of fluorescence imaging in image-guided surgery has been proven useful when QDs were injected in mice to monitor lymphatic drainage with potential use in cancerous nodes resection [73]. Activatable cell-penetrating peptides have also been described for surgery-guided resection [74][75][76]. In glioblastoma, QDs can also be used as intraoperative assistance for distinguishing healthy and unhealthy tissue [77][71][72][78][79]. In imaging tissue sections, QDs decorated with five different biomarkers have been used for imaging breast tumor sections [80].
Another important aspect is that nanomaterials allow for multimodal imaging, and many examples of combining OI with one of the following techniques have been described: MRI, photoacoustic imaging, spectrally enhanced Raman Spectroscopy imaging, PET or SPECT. As explained, CT is usually coupled with FMT to provide the reference space lacking in FMT. One example is the biodistribution and tumor accumulation of polymeric nanocarriers [41]. The information obtained from multimodal imaging of nanotheranostics will allow fine tuning of the drug therapeutic dose, while simultaneously monitoring the progression of the tissue of interest, treatment efficacy and kinetics delivery. This will not only lead to an early diagnosis but also help eliminate under/over dosage of drugs [81][82]. In addition, image-guided drug delivery can be coupled with drug discovery for identifying biomarkers of drug efficacy and safety while understanding disease processes, thus reducing the development time [40]. An example would be a polymeric nanotheranostic system for both OI of breast cancer progression and drug release, as drug and fluorophore are released by enzymatic cleavage performed at the same time [83].


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