Heroes or Villains: Controversial Nobel Prize Winners
  • Subjects: History
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  • Submitted by: Encyclopedia
  • NobelPrize
  • ControversialWinners
  • PeacePrize
Video Introduction

Recently, Nobel Prize sparked heated debate. But did you know this isn’t the first time a Nobel caused controversy? Let’s take a look at some of the most debated laureates in history.

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Heroes or Villains: Controversial Nobel Prize Winners. Encyclopedia. Available online: https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/1398 (accessed on 28 October 2024).
Heroes or Villains: Controversial Nobel Prize Winners. Encyclopedia. Available at: https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/1398. Accessed October 28, 2024.
"Heroes or Villains: Controversial Nobel Prize Winners" Encyclopedia, https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/1398 (accessed October 28, 2024).
Encyclopedia. (2024, October 23). Heroes or Villains: Controversial Nobel Prize Winners. In Encyclopedia. https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/1398
"Heroes or Villains: Controversial Nobel Prize Winners." Encyclopedia. Web. 23 October, 2024.
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