This Day in History: June 28
  • bald eagle
  • Endangered Species Act
  • protection
  • DDT
Video Introduction

Did you know that the symbol of American strength and freedom, the bald eagle, was once on the brink of disappearing forever?

This iconic bird of prey, characterized by its striking white head and tail feathers against a dark brown body, holds a special place in American culture as the national bird of the United States.

Historically, habitat destruction, illegal hunting, and the widespread use of pesticides like DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) posed severe threats to bald eagle populations. DDT, in particular, interfered with their calcium metabolism, leading to sterility or the inability to lay healthy eggs; many eggs were too brittle to survive the brooding process, resulting in low hatching success rates.

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"This Day in History: June 28." Encyclopedia. Web. 28 June, 2024.
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