Vision-Based Bio-Inspired RL for Manipulator Obstacle Avoidance
  • View Times: 50
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  • Release Date: 2022-11-26
  • Q-learning
  • DQN
  • DDQN
  • homogeneous transformation
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/electronics11213636

The video describes the real time experimentation of vision based path planning using TAL BRABO 5 DOF robotic manipulator. The camera in eye to hand configuration detects the start, goal and obstacles placed in robotic workspace and converts the pixels into grid coordinates which is taken as input for the Qlearning, SARSA,DQN and Double DQN reinforcement learning algorithms. The better performance was given by Double DQN so the optimal path obtained were again converted into robot coordinates using coordinate transformation technique. Finally robot traces the learned path smoothly and efficiently. 

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