  • View Times: 65
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  • Release Date: 2022-09-16
  • GPU computing
  • lattice Boltzmann
  • two-phase flow
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/fluids7080270

The success of the lattice Boltzmann method requires efficient parallel programming and computing power. Researchers present a new lattice Boltzmann solver implemented in Taichi programming language, named Taichi-LBM3D. It can be employed on cross-platform shared-memory many-core CPUs or massively parallel GPUs (OpenGL and CUDA). Taichi-LBM3D includes the single- and two-phase porous medium flow simulation with a D3Q19 lattice model, Multi-Relaxation-Time (MRT) collision scheme and sparse data storage. It is open source, intuitive to understand, and easily extensible for scientists and researchers.

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