Observing Cerebrovascular Disease with Smartphone Monitoring
  • View Times: 30
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  • Release Date: 2024-07-02
  • real-world data
  • smartphone sensors
  • health outcomes
  • remote patient monitoring
  • post-stroke depression
  • cerebrovascular disease
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/s24113595

Accelerated by the adoption of remote monitoring during the COVID-19 pandemic, interest in using digitally captured behavioral data to predict patient outcomes has grown; however, it is unclear how feasible digital phenotyping studies may be in patients with recent ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack. In this perspective, we present participant feedback and relevant smartphone data metrics suggesting that digital phenotyping of post-stroke depression is feasible. Additionally, we proffer thoughtful considerations for designing feasible real-world study protocols tracking cerebrovascular dysfunction with smartphone sensors.

Full Transcript
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