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Thomas David Petite
Thomas David Petite (born May 30, 1956) is an American inventor and is best known for being one of the five early key inventors of Wireless ad hoc network or IoT Wireless Mesh, Technology.[1] He is Native American and a member of the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa tribe. He is also a founder of the Native American Intellectual Property Enterprise Council, a non-profit organization he
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Ilesanmi Adesida
Ilesanmi Adesida (born 1949, Ifon, Ondo State, Nigeria) is a naturalized United States [1] physicist of Yoruba Nigerian descent.[2] He has been the provost at Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan, from September 2016.[3] Adesida is also the Donald Biggar Willett Professor Emeritus of Engineering[4] at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;[5] he retired from Illinois in 2016. In
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Denis Le Bihan
Denis Le Bihan (born July 30, 1957) is a medical doctor, physicist, member of the Institut de France (French Academy of sciences),[1] member of the French Academy of Technologies and director since 2007 of NeuroSpin, an institution of the Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA) in Saclay, dedicated to the study of the brain by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a very high magne
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Fred Cuny
Frederick C. Cuny (November 14, 1944 – April 15, 1995) was an American humanitarian whose work spanned disaster relief, refugee emergency management, recovery from war and civil conflict as well as disaster and emergency preparedness, mitigation and peacebuilding. He was first and foremost a practitioner, but also a prolific author, an educator and a field-based researcher. He has been describ
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Leland John Haworth
Leland John Haworth (July 11, 1904 – March 5, 1979) was an United States of America particle physicist. In his long career he was head of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, the Atomic Energy Commission, the National Science Foundation, and was assistant to the president of Associated Universities, Inc.[1] Haworth was born in Flint, Michigan, although his parents were normally living in New
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Satoshi Kanazawa
Satoshi Kanazawa (born 16 November 1962) is an American-born British evolutionary psychologist and writer.[1] He is currently Reader in Management at the London School of Economics. His work uses evolutionary psychology to analyse social sciences such as sociology, economics, and anthropology.[2] Kanazawa's comments and research on race and intelligence, health and intelligence, multiculturalism
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  • 27 Dec 2022
Rachel Sibande
Rachel Chimwemwe Sibande (born January 9, 1986) is a Malawian technology expert, computer scientist, STEM educator, social entrepreneur and innovator. She is the Founder and Director of Malawi`s First innovation Hub and incubator for emerging start-ups, entrepreneurs and innovators, mHub. Rachel is an entrepreneur in the technology and energy space. Apart from the Hub, Rachel is Chairperson at G
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Pat Olsen
Carl Edwin "Pat" Olsen (August 3, 1902 – May 11, 2000) was an American engineer, entrepreneur and philanthropist. He played college baseball at Texas A&M University and was briefly with the New York Yankees organization. He founded a manufacturing and oil exploration company after leaving baseball. Olsen financially supported Texas A&M, his hometown of Clifton, Texas and Major League Baseball.
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  • 30 Dec 2022
David J. McComas
David John McComas (born May 22, 1958) is an American space plasma physicist, Vice President for Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, and Professor of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University. He had been Assistant Vice President for Space Science and Engineering at the Southwest Research Institute, full Adjoint Professor[1] of Physics at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), and
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Leslie E. Robertson
Leslie Earl Robertson (born February 12, 1928) is an American engineer. He was the lead structural engineer of the Twin Towers of the original World Trade Center in New York City .[1] He has since been structural engineer on numerous other projects, including the Shanghai World Financial Center and the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong. Robertson's engineering career began in 1952, when he gra
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