Please note this is an old version of this entry, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

In this type of note some Probable synthetic drugs both the Non Antiviral as well as Antiviral synthetic drugs serving
against Covid19 commonly used under trial basis are taken into discussion .Starting from Hydroxy- Chloroquine sulphate
to Remdesivir just some points are discussed only but the in detail study regarding Structure , SAR , Q –SAR ,
Formulations Pharmacology / Bio-logical activities are available in the following BIBILOGRAPHIC discussions

  • Synthetic Antiviral
  • Non-antiviral
  • Bibilographic Discussions
  • Covid19
  • SARS-COV-2
  • Respiratory Syndrome
  • Diabetic & Hypertension
  • Tablet &
  • Intravenus Formulations
  • Antimalerial
  • Cortico-steroid
  • Lopinavir-Ritonavir
  • Remdesivir
  • Interferon-Beta-1b


1. Hydroxy Chloroquine – Sulphate– In generic use although Chloroquine is used as antimalerial but the Hydroxy-
Chloroquine Sulphate can also be used to reduce the inflammation during
the attack of Covid19 . Initially although the Drug was not getting approval from WHO but
later on the drug is approved by WHO .
2. Lopinavir – Rinonavir Combination ( antiviral )– This combination is used against HIV in the treatment of AIDS can be
used against Covid infection crucially .
But most efficient anti-viral against Covid19 – Remdesivir & Probably the final solution.This drug is specific to severe
acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS-COV-2 ) .
3. Flavipiravir ( antiviral ) –This drug is used against the treatment of Japanese influenza is also
used in India under the approval of DGCA , Govt of India , and Glen mark Pharmaceuticals
Ltd . This drug is a cheaper one than Remdesivir itself . It can be also used in diabetic & Hypertension patients of
Covid19 .
4. Rimantadine ( Amantadine ) – This drug is under trial but found efficient for elderly patient to treat respiratory
syndrome due to Covid19 .
5. Dexamethasone – A non anti-viral cortico-steroid used as life saving medicine ( LSM ) during severe Covid19 infection
. But it is non covid specific and also having other broad spectrum uses .
6 . Interferon – Beta – Ib – used for symptomatic Covid infections in combination with best Lopinavir – Ritonavir to
Remdesivir if necessary.
My Bibliographic Discussions: ( For detail study of structure / SAR / Q – SAR / Pharmacogical / Biological activity &
Formulations of the above noted synthetic anti-viral / non- antiviral drugs for Covid19 ) – -
( Datta J , Shall we beleive that the Covid19 has a assymetric characteristics of Maleria and Crown virus ? , May 01 ,
2020 .
Datta J , Justification of Lopinavir - Ritonavir & Finally Remdesivir ( higher generation of acyclovir analog ) used in
Covid19 treatment ? , May 13 , 2020 .
Datta J , Flavipiravir - Justification of use against Covid19 ? June 21 , 2020 .
Datta J , Broad Spectrum Synthetic Antiviral Compounds ( Including covid19 ) - A Short Review ? , June ,30 ,2020 .)

Cite as-

JAYDIP DATTA. (2020, November 4). COVID19 DRUG REVIEW DISCUSSIONS (Version Version 1.0). Zenodo.

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