Differential privacy is a statistical technique that aims to provide means to maximize the accuracy of queries from statistical databases while measuring (and, thereby, hopefully minimizing) the privacy impact on individuals whose information is in the database. Differential privacy was developed by cryptographers and is thus often associated with cryptography, and it draws much of its language from cryptography. Although differential privacy is often discussed in the context of identifying individuals whose information may be a database, identification and reidentification attacks are not included within the original differential privacy framework.
Invented by Cynthia Dwork and Frank McSherry in 2005[1], Differential Privacy is a system for measuring the theoretical maximum privacy loss that an individual can experience when their private information is used to create a statistical data product. The term was coined in the Dwork McSherry patent application in 2005, and first appeared in print in 2006,[2]. Today the term "differential privacy" is used broadly to describe both the mathematical guarantees associated with 2005 invention, so-called relaxed definitions of privacy that can be derived from the 2005 definition, and the family of data query mechanisms that provide equivalent privacy guarantees.
Differential privacy mechanisms operate by introducing randomness into the results of queries on underlying confidential data. Because of this randomness, an observer of the queries faces ambiguity when trying to reconstruct what the confidential data must have been in order to produce the observed results. Mechanisms that do not employ randomness cannot exhibit differential privacy.
Official statistical organizations are charged with collecting information from individuals or establishments and publishing aggregate data to serve the public interest. For example, the 1790 United States Census collected information about individuals living in the United States and published tabulations based on sex, age, race, and condition of servitude. Statistical organizations have long collected information under a promise of confidentiality that the information provided will be used for statistical purposes, but that the publications will not produce information that can be traced back to a specific individual or establishment. To accomplish this goal, statistical organizations have long suppressed information in their publications. For example, in table presenting the sales of each business in a town grouped by business category, a cell that has information from only one company might be suppressed, in order to maintain the confidentiality of that company's specific sales.
The adoption of electronic information processing systems by statistical agencies in the 1950s and 1960s dramatically increased the number of tables that a statistical organization could produce and, in so doing, significantly increased the potential for an improper disclosure of confidential information. For example, if a business that had its sales numbers suppressed also had those numbers appear in the total sales of a region, then it might be possible to determine the suppressed value by subtracting the other sales from that total. But there might also be combinations of additions and subtractions that might cause the private information to be revealed. The number of combinations that needed to be checked increases exponentially with the number of publications, and it is potentially unbounded if data users are able to make queries of the statistical database using an interactive query system.
In 1977 Tore Dalenius formalized the mathematics of cell suppression.[3]
In 1979, Dorothy Denning, Peter J. Denning and Mayer D. Schwartz formalized the concept of a Tracker, an adversary that could learn the confidential contents of a statistical database by creating a series of targeted queries and remembering the results.[4]. This and future research showed that privacy properties in a database could only be preserved by considering each new query in light of (possibly all) previous queries. This line of work is sometimes called query privacy, with the final result being that tracking the impact of a query on the privacy of individuals in the database was NP-hard.
In 2003 Kobbi Nissim and Irit Dinur demonstrated that it is impossible to publish arbitrary queries on a private statistical database without revealing some amount of private information, and that the entire information content of the database can be revealed by publishing the results of a surprisingly small number of random queries---far fewer than was implied by previous work.[5]
In 2006 Dwork, McSherry, Kobbi Nissim and Adam D. Smith published an article formalizing the amount of noise that needed to be added and proposing a generalized mechanism for doing so. [6]
Since then, subsequent research has shown that there are many ways that it possible to produce very accurate statistics from the database while still ensuring high levels of privacy.[7][8]
The 2006 Dwork, McSherry, Nissim and Smith article introduced the concept of ε-differential privacy, a mathematical definition for the privacy loss associated with any data release drawn from a statistical database. (Here, the term statistical database means a set of data that are collected under the pledge of confidentiality for the purpose of producing statistics that, by their production, do not compromise the privacy of those individuals who provided the data.)
The key discovery of the 2003 Nissim Dinum paper is that any release of data on a statistical database has the possibility of impacting the privacy of individuals whose data is in the database. For example, if a database contains individuals' ages and their heights, then releasing the average age and the average height reveals some information about all of the individuals. If enough statistics are released, it is possible to reconstruct the entire database.
The intuition for the 2006 definition of ε-differential privacy is that a person's privacy cannot be compromised by a statistical release if their data are not in the database. Therefore with differential privacy, the goal is to give each individual roughly the same privacy that would result from having their data removed. That is, the statistical functions run on the database should not overly depend on their data of any one individual.
Of course, how much any individual contributes to the result of a database depends in part on how many people's data are involved in the query. If the database contains data from a single person, that person's data contributes 100%. If the database contains data from a hundred people, each person's data contributes just 1%. The key insight of differential privacy is that as the query is made on the data of fewer and fewer people, more noise needs to be added to the query result to produce the same amount of privacy. Hence the name of the 2006 paper, "Calibrating noise to sensitivity in private data analysis."
The 2006 paper presents both a mathematical definition of differential privacy and a mechanism based on the addition of Laplace noise that satisfies the definition.
Let ε be a positive real number and
where the probability is taken over the randomness used by the algorithm.[9]
The Laplace mechanism adds Laplace noise (i.e. noise from the Laplace distribution, which can be expressed by probability density function
which is at most
According to this definition, differential privacy is a condition on the release mechanism (i.e., the trusted party releasing information about the dataset) and not on the dataset itself. Intuitively, this means that for any two datasets that are similar, a given differentially private algorithm will behave approximately the same on both datasets. The definition gives a strong guarantee that presence or absence of an individual will not affect the final output of the algorithm significantly.
For example, assume we have a database of medical records
Name | Has Diabetes (X) |
Ross | 1 |
Monica | 1 |
Joey | 0 |
Phoebe | 0 |
Chandler | 1 |
Now suppose a malicious user (often termed an adversary) wants to find whether Chandler has diabetes or not. Suppose he also knows in which row of the database Chandler resides. Now suppose the adversary is only allowed to use a particular form of query
Continuing this example, if we construct
where the maximum is over all pairs of datasets
In the example of the medical database above, if we consider
There are techniques (which are described below) using which we can create a differentially private algorithm for functions with low sensitivity.
There is a trade-off between the accuracy of the statistics estimated in a privacy-preserving manner, and the privacy parameter ε.[12][13][14][15] This tradeoff must also account the number of queries (done and expected in the future), by multiplying the epsilon parameter to the number of queries.
Sequential composition. If we query an ε-differential privacy mechanism
Parallel composition. If the previous mechanisms are computed on disjoint subsets of the private database then the function
Since differential privacy is a probabilistic concept, any differentially private mechanism is necessarily randomized. Some of these, like the Laplace mechanism, described below, rely on adding controlled noise to the function that we want to compute. Others, like the exponential mechanism[17] and posterior sampling[18] sample from a problem-dependent family of distributions instead.
A simple example, especially developed in the social sciences,[9] is to ask a person to answer the question "Do you own the attribute A?", according to the following procedure:
The confidentiality arises from the refutability of the individual responses.
But, overall, these data with many responses are significant, since positive responses are given to a quarter by people who do not have the attribute A and three-quarters by people who actually possess it. Thus, if p is the true proportion of people with A, then we expect to obtain (1/4)(1-p) + (3/4)p = (1/4) + p/2 positive responses. Hence it is possible to estimate p.
In particular, if the attribute A is synonymous with illegal behavior, then answering "Yes" is not incriminating, insofar as the person has a probability of a "Yes" response, whatever it may be.
Although this example, inspired by randomized response, might be applicable to microdata (i.e., releasing datasets with each individual response), by definition differential privacy excludes microdata release and is only applicable to queries (i.e., aggregating individual responses into one result) as this would violate the requirements, more specifically the plausible deniability that a subject participated or not.[19][20]
In general, ε-differential privacy is designed to protect the privacy between neighboring databases which differ only in one row. This means that no adversary with arbitrary auxiliary information can know if one particular participant submitted his information. However this is also extendable if we want to protect databases differing in
Thus setting ε instead to
A transformation
This could be generalized to group privacy, as the group size could be thought of as the hamming distance
Since differential privacy is considered to be too strong for some applications, many weakened versions of privacy have been proposed. These include (ε, δ)-differential privacy,[21] randomised differential privacy,[22] and privacy under a metric.[23]
Several uses of differential privacy in practice are known to date:
"Differential Privacy" is capitalized when referring to:
The phrase "differential privacy" is *not* capitalized when:
The content is sourced from: https://handwiki.org/wiki/Differential_Privacy