Factors Affecting Customers' Use of Online Banking: History
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The online banking is a banking service that allows users to be “at home” and use the service at any time through an internet connection [6]. In online banking services, the restrictions of time and geography have been removed, and customers can access their bank accounts and make transactions at almost anytime and anywhere via computers and an internet gateway. This study aims to determine factors impacting the adoption and use of online banking services in Vietnam. The proposed research model is based on the adjustment of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2). We employed the structural equation modeling (SEM) and artificial neural network model (ANN) to comprehensively evaluate the linear and non-linear effects of factors on the adoption and use of online banking services in Vietnam. 

  • intention
  • online banking services
  • customers

1. Introduction

From the early 1990s to the present, digital technology has continuously developed, reflecting the enormous revolution of new technologies and their application to corporations, firms, customers, as well as governments. In particular, the Internet is the most rapidly developing form of media in history, with the number of users increasing significantly year by year. The Internet has changed the business method in many fields. In the banking sectors, the Internet has created big changes in this business sector [1]. The banking sector is one of the sectors most affected by technology [2,3] due to its ability to process and provide service information to all users [4]. In addition, increasing competition in the banking sector forces suppliers to develop and use alternative distribution channels [5]. Therefore, the application of information technology and the Internet to create new products is a revolution in the approach of banks to provide convenient, reliable, and fast services to customers [4].
Many individual customers are reluctant to adopt and use online banking services because of many reasons such as society, culture, and economy [10,11,12]. This is because of two reasons: First, the perception of financial service customers is still limited, sometimes creating “security holes”, especially individual customers. People are still not aware of the confidentiality of personal information such as full name, identity card number, passport, address, date of birth, and account number. It greatly increases the risk of safety loss to customers themselves as well as commercial banks. Second, individual customers often have fewer online banking transactions than corporation customers, especially customers in small cities and rural and mountainous areas.

There are many studiess aimed to determine the factors impacting the intention and decision to choose online banking. However, these studies mainly use the theory of reasoned action (TRA) [13,14], theory of planned behavior (TPB), and technology acceptance model (TAM) [15]. For example, the study of Naruetharadhol et al. [16] developed a model based on TAM to examine the factors affecting the intention to use mobile payment with 688 mobile payment service users in Thailand. Ananda et al. [17] extended TAM to examine the factors influencing the intention to use digital banking with 200 individual customers of seven local banks and two Islamic banks across Oman. Mortimer et al. [18] developed a model based on TAM to empirically examine the motivations affecting the intention to use mobile banking of 348 consumers in Thailand and Australia. These studies have shown the factors affecting the consumer’s acceptance of using banking services. However, according to Venkatesh et al. [19], the studies based on the above theories are not really comprehensive. On the basis of synthesizing the above theories in the most comprehensive way, Venkatesh et al. [20] proposed the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Due to its high generalizability, UTAUT is used by many researchers to assess the adoption and use of technology [11,12,21,22]. However, UTAUT has not still covered all factors affecting the adoption and use of technology [19]. Therefore, in this study, we use UTAUT2, an extension of UTAUT, to assess the factors affecting the adoption and use of online banking services to overcome the limitations of previous studies.

Besides, the previous studies used the structural equation modeling (SEM) to estimate the parameters and draw conclusions about the research hypothesis. However, SEM only evaluates the linear relationship between variables in the model but can not evaluate the non-linear relationship. To solve this issue, we use the artificial neural network model (ANN) to evaluate the non-linear relationship between variables in the model. To the best of our knowledge, there are not any studies related to this topic using both SEM and ANN models to evaluate the factors affecting the adoption and use of online banking services of customers.

2. Research model

The research model, including six predictors of the behavioral intention and decision to use online banking services, is presented in Figure 1.
H1: Effort Expectancy has a positive impact on the behavioral intention to choose online banking services of individual customers at commercial banks.

H2: Performance Expectancy has a positive impact on the behavioral intention to choose online banking services of individual customers at commercial banks.

H3: Brand image has a positive impact on the behavioral intention to choose online banking services of individual customers at commercial banks.

H4: Perceived risk has a negative impact on the behavioral intention to choose online banking services of individual customers at commercial banks.

H5: The lower cost value has a positive impact on the behavioral intention to choose online banking services of individual customers at commercial banks.

H6: Social influence has a positive impact on the behavioral intention to choose online banking services of individual customers at commercial banks.

H7: Behavioral intention has a positive impact on the decision to choose online banking services of individual customers at commercial banks.

3. The results





4. Conclusion

image, and social influence all positively impact the intention to use online banking services. Thus, increasing the factors of performance expectancy, cost value, effort expectancy, brand image, and social influence can increase the customer’s intention to use online banking services. While the perceived risk has a negative impact on the intention to use online banking services. That means when customers feel that online banking services are risky, their intention to use online banking services will decrease

At the same time, the intention to use online banking services also has a positive impact on the decision to choose to use online banking services. This result indicates that when customers form an intention to use, they will quickly make a decision to choose online banking services. The findings in this study are supported by Venkatesh et al. [19], Polatoglu and Ekin [35], Suganthi [38], Hernandez and Mazzon [59], Poon [41]; Fishbein and Ajzen [14], Taylor and Tood [44], Davis [15], Taylor and Todd [44], Kijsanayotin et al. [45], Tarhini et al. [21], Gupta and Arora [31], Alalwan et al. [32], Yaseen and Qirem [23], Rambocas et al. [27], Linh et al. [28]. Moreover, these results also shed light on the validity of the UTAUT2 model when conducting research on the adoption and use of technology in the Vietnamese market.

Next, the significant contribution of this study is the resolution of the non-linear relationship between the factors in the proposed model through using the MLP model. We have discovered that there are different impact levels of factors on intention to use online banking services between the MLP and SEM models. Specifically, the SEM model shows that the order of factors affecting the intention to use online banking services from strong to weak is effort expectancy, performance expectancy, perceived risk, brand image, social influence, and cost value, respectively. Meanwhile, the MLP model shows that the order of factors affecting the intention to use online banking services from strong to weak is performance expectancy, cost value, effort expectancy, brand image, perceived risk, and social influence, respectively. From the economic perspective, the results obtained from the MLP model show a better fit than the SEM model.


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This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/su14106021

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