Spark Streaming Backpressure for Data-Intensive Pipelines: History
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A significant rise in the adoption of streaming applications has changed the decision-making processes in the last decade. This movement has led to the emergence of several Big Data technologies for in-memory processing, such as the systems Apache Storm, Spark, Heron, Samza, Flink, and others. Spark Streaming, a widespread open-source implementation, processes data-intensive applications that often require large amounts of memory. However, Spark Unified Memory Manager cannot properly manage sudden or intensive data surges and their related in-memory caching needs, resulting in performance and throughput degradation, high latency, a large number of garbage collection operations, out-of-memory issues,  and data loss. This work presents a comprehensive performance evaluation of Spark Streaming backpressure to investigate the hypothesis that it could support data-intensive pipelines under specific pressure requirements.  The results reveal that backpressure is suitable only for small and medium pipelines for stateless and stateful applications. Furthermore, it points out the Spark Streaming limitations that lead to in-memory-based issues for data-intensive pipelines and stateful applications. In addition, the work indicates potential solutions.

  • big data
  • spark streaming
  • stream processing
  • backpressure

1. Introduction

Stream Processing (SP) is a trending topic that represents a remarkable milestone for data-intensive processing and analysis in both industry and research fields [1][2]. Moreover, SP systems have provided near or real-time data analysis for numerous network-based applications and services in the most varied areas and domains, such as financial services, healthcare, education, manufacturing, retail, social media, and sensor networks [3][4].
Nonetheless, the considerable growth of distributed frameworks for the most varied purposes of Big Data analytics, such as Apache Storm [5], Samza [6], Apache Spark [7], Flink [8], Amazon Kinesis Streams [9], and others, is noticeable. These frameworks were designed to enable flexible solutions to persist and process data-intensive workloads in memory [10]. In addition, the memory processing minimizes disk I/O movements, reduces the data processing time significantly, and outperforms the well-established Hadoop MapReduce implementation [7].
Spark Streaming (SS), for instance, provides iterative in-memory data processing with low latency by using the Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) abstraction. RDD represents the distributed data blocks organized into small partitions to maximize parallel processing. The RDD processing and cache rely on Spark Unified Memory Management (UMM), which dynamically manages data execution and storage regions in the executor Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap. The execution region from Spark supports runtime processing operations such as shuffle, join, sort, and aggregation. On the other hand, the storage region caches RDD data blocks for both current processing and re-processing tasks, as well as storing the incoming data to be further processed [11].
However, Spark could present performance degradation due to a lack of memory management for very intensive and dynamic memory-borrowing operations between execution and storage regions at the UMM level [10][11]. It occurs because processing data overflow is costly for the UMM execution region space, requiring heap space from the storage region under pressure conditions. However, the UMM storage region will keep caching incoming data during the whole processing life cycle, resulting in very dynamic borrowing operations between the regions.
This scenario could be even worse since UMM gives a higher priority to the execution memory than to storage memory [12]. Therefore, execution and storage area overloading will lead to several implications, such as significant recomputing overhead, unnecessary data block eviction, long and numerous Garbage Collection (GC), Out Of Memory (OOM) exceptions, throughput degradation, high processing latency, data loss, and memory contention.
Previous studies reveal that resource management for Big Data analysis concerns both batch and stream processing systems [13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. Therefore, extending this problem to other SP systems, such as Flink and Storm, can help the JVM data processing and storage operation support by using varied data-persisting approaches such as on-heap, disk only, and off-heap. The common point of these approaches with Spark is the limited support for data-intensive caching operations due to the restricted size of JVM heap space, disk, or other combinations. In addition, the complexity behind the configuration of each approach is hard to manage.
Furthermore, it is noticeable that data pipelines for SP could produce data faster than the downstream operators can consume, requiring large amounts of memory [20]. In such a case, backpressure [21] mechanisms have been widely adopted in the most varied domains of SP systems. This mechanism helps applications to keep data processing under control by managing data ingestion and processing rates. Nevertheless, the backpressure reacts to the processing needs for a graceful response to sudden and intensive loads of data rather than facing a system crash [21].
This work proposes a performance evaluation of Spark Streaming backpressure to investigate the hypothesis that it could support data-intensive pipelines under pressure conditions. The investigation is guided by real-world evaluation scenarios comprising stateful and stateless applications on top of modern-hardware architectures. The contributions are three-fold:
  1. It provides a deep dive into SS backpressure, its underlying components, and in-memory management needs for data-intensive pipelines;
  2. It will propose a performance evaluation with a data-streaming-intensive approach similar to real production scenarios. Still, the assessment and remarks of this study point out varied performance insights that may contribute to SP communities to create more accurate and robust in-memory solutions for SP systems;
  3. This work reveals a current limitation for both SS and its backpressure system for supporting data caching operations in data-intensive SP pipelines. In addition, it demonstrates that the constraints may affect SS and other SP systems in providing in-memory data processing and analysis.

2. Spark Streaming Backpressure

An essential requirement of SP systems is robustness against variations in streaming workloads. For example, the SP should adapt quickly to sudden spikes in workload demands. This section investigates how SP systems handle incoming data from varied streaming sources without degrading applications’ throughput. Still, this section aims to understand the existing solutions and their current limitations to point out opportunities regarding memory management for data-intensive SP pipelines.
Das, T. et al. [22] presents an adaptive batch sizing strategy for SP systems. It is based on a fixed-point iteration solution, a well-known numerical optimization technique that allows the system to adapt the window size when incoming data vary too much dynamically. Thus, it is possible to minimize end-to-end latency while keeping the system stable based on the statistics of the last two completed batches. This strategy allows for the better use of resources since it avoids high processing delays and load spikes, which lead the SP system to build up batches in memory, and results in a low throughput performance and system crashes.
However, the solution does not present related-memory management strategies that directly impact the memory governance task. It prototypes an end-to-end controller that introduces data orchestration and load balancing using a batching strategy. Still, it can be considered a promising solution that introduces the queue concept widely adopted by Message Queue (MQ) systems. Thus, a MQ coordinator could help to orchestrate the incoming data between up and downstream operators, avoiding OOM issues in data-intensive SP pipelines.
Birke, R. et al. [23] proposed a data-driven latency controller that estimates how many data can be processed in a single time window. The solution is based on performance metrics obtained from Spark execution, such as Scheduling Delay (SD) and Processing Time (PT). Then, for each time step, the solution will measure the current SD and PT to define the new processing rate. Still, if the incoming data overflow the SP system capacity, a shedding threshold will be set to drop data out. Then, new data blocks will only be accepted if they fit into the current time window. Otherwise, they will be dropped out by the shedding strategy to avoid high load spikes.
This work is quite similar to the current backpressure mechanism allowed by Spark. However, the major drawback of this work relies on the data-shedding strategy. Thus, even decreasing processing delays, the solution does not avoid data loss and may obtain the worst results in data-intensive SP pipelines. Still, this solution ignores the memory utilization from Spark or related-memory strategies that directly impact the processing performance.
Chen, Xin. et al. [24] presented a checkpointing feedback controller as a complementary mechanism to act alongside Spark backpressure to manage the checkpointing time. It was made to achieve a solid execution and a high throughput, similar to Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) schema in the Spark framework. The solution collects historical data such as SD and PT from past batch jobs between a set of checkpoints. In this case, the author defines one region as a collection of ten seconds (ten jobs), where nine are set for processing, and one for the checkpoint. Then, based on the retrieved information from processing, it is possible to measure the number of tuples for processing and minimize the data ingestion of the next jobs to decrease the delay cost associated with the checkpoints task gradually. It represents a similar behavior to the one applied by PID to Spark receivers.
Spark allows for the use of the .timeout() (State timeout:, accessed on 19 May 2022) function to control state checkpointing persistence. In such a case, it is highly recommended to specify this feature for data-intensive SP applications. Otherwise, the state checkpoint becomes bigger, and the system could run out of memory. Although the author implemented a module to collect information, Spark also allows for the use of a well-defined listener interface such as onBatchCompleted() (Spark listeners:, accessed on 19 May 2022) for receiving information about an ongoing streaming computation. Finally, although it lets the processing become under control, this solution ignores the incoming data and related use from memory at the Spark level, directly impacting the processing performance.
Hanif, Muhammad et al. [21] present a backpressure mitigation mechanism for in-memory data SP frameworks. This study reveals how Flink’s backpressure is propagated in the opposite direction of downstream operators. It means that backpressure is not fully aware of the operator performance, and it may affect the performance due to memory management problems at the JVM level. Still, the upstreams may produce data faster than the downstream operators can consume, overloading JVM memory.
In such a context, the proposed strategy focuses on stateful applications and aims to improve its performance by adjusting the level of parallelism of each operator on the fly. Thus, a feedback loop was made to identify whether the data ingestion is faster than the downstream operators can consume. This strategy uses a ratio-based algorithm that measures Central Processing Unit (CPU) utilization to set up a ratio value to establish the current sensibility of processing. The ratio varies from 0 to 1 and indicates the current system’s condition. For instance, a value near zero does not represent a backpressure scenario, but a valuer near 1 indicates a backpressure one. Based on the ratio value, it is possible to increase or decrease the level of parallelism from operators on the fly in order to alleviate the buffer overflow.
Although Flink has been taking advantage of several Application Programming Interface (API)s, such as backpressure, to help in task performance management, this work does not measure memory utilization from the operators, and it may lead to incorrect decisions. Still, as the authors described, the OOM should occur in extreme conditions without controlling incoming data, thus leading to a memory starvation problem. Unfortunately, the author provided a narrow evaluation that does not comprise a real-world case scenario and leads the system to a bad state. Finally, this work reinforces the need for a global controller to keep incoming data under control. At the very least, Flink and Spark rely upon JVM for execution overflow and manage OOM issues by spilling data to the disk, degrading the performance.
De Souza. Paulo et al. [15] introduce BurstFlow, a tool for enhancing communication across data sources located at the edges of the Internet and Big Data SP applications located in cloud infrastructures. BurstFlow introduces a strategy for adjusting the micro-batch sizes dynamically according to the time required for communication and computation. In addition, it presents an adaptive data partition policy for distributing incoming data across available machines by considering memory and CPU capacities. This approach leads to overcoming resource contention scenarios while maintaining network stability. Real-world experiments show an improvement of over 9% in the execution time, which is over 49% better CPU and memory utilization compared to methods applied to data partitioning in Apache Flink and the state of the art.
The up-streams components can produce data faster than the downstream operators can consume, thus overloading JVM memory. The author proposes a dynamic strategy to batch data that maximizes the throughput and minimizes network latency over heterogeneous environments. However, there is a scheduling and data imbalance problem, leaving JVM free to keep receiving data, even in intensive conditions.
The authors in [20] mention that a Big Data system such as Spark is highly memory-intensive. This work reinforces that a lack of memory can lead to several functional and performance issues, including OOM crashes, a significantly degraded efficiency, or even a loss of data upon node failures. The author investigates the performance of dynamic random access memory and non-volatile memory and argues that this kind of memory is not yet fully explored. In such a context, GC represents a challenge since it must lead with applications written in Java and Scala that are executed on top of the JVM.
However, JVM is not aware of hybrid memories and computing needs. Thus, during RDD processing, GC copies objects for varied physical memory pages, which breaks the bonding between data and physical memory address, leading to interference in memory management. The authors propose Panthera to manage data processing in accordance with the semantics of applications and infers the coarse-grained data usage behavior by light-weight static program analysis and dynamic data usage monitoring. Panthera leverages garbage collection to migrate data between dynamic random access memory and non-volatile memory, incurring a low overhead.
It is well known that the available memory of computing systems is constantly increasing in order to allow for in-memory data processing at a high scale. Moreover, in-memory data-intensive SP frameworks have been widely used to handle challenging problems in various domains, such as machine learning, graph computing, and SP. Thus, the applications have been benefiting from in-memory operations, since using them is faster than accessing the disk or receiving data from the network. Table 1 summarizes the literature review and points out the main problems, memory characteristics, related issues, and strategies applied in data-intensive SP scenarios.
Table 1. Related Work: detailed overview.
The goal of finding an efficient memory management solution has become key for allowing high-performance processing in the most varied areas and domains. It has become a concern for streaming stateful and stateless applications, since the solutions’ design is not agnostic of the environment or applications, and depends on core modification in SP systems. Unfortunately, SP systems hide the memory management scheme (data persistence, e.g., memory, disk, and other combinations) from users who do not have the opportunity to monitor and configure the memory resources properly. For instance, the control of the JVM or internal mechanism from frameworks such as Spark UMM; the current cache replacement policies based on the Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG), such as Spark Least Recently Used (LRU), which do not consider the dynamic change in cache capacity needed by data-intensive SP applications; and so on. Both cases may lead to data blocks being evicted, producing significant recomputing overhead or data loss.
The goal of finding an efficient memory management solution has become key for allowing high-performance processing in the most varied areas and domains. It has become a concern for streaming stateful and stateless applications, since the solutions’ design is not agnostic of the environment or applications, and depends on core modification in SP systems. Unfortunately, SP systems hide the memory management scheme (data persistence, e.g., memory, disk, and other combinations) from users who do not have the opportunity to monitor and configure the memory resources properly. For instance, the control of the JVM or internal mechanism from frameworks such as Spark UMM; the current cache replacement policies based on the Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG), such as Spark Least Recently Used (LRU), which do not consider the dynamic change in cache capacity needed by data-intensive SP applications; and so on. Both cases may lead to data blocks being evicted, producing significant recomputing overhead or data loss.

This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/s22134756


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