In diabetic patients, poor glycemic control is related to worse outcomes. Few mechanisms enhanced the ability of COVID-19 to influence patients with diabetics. Normal kidney functions affected by COVID-19 are of different forms, including acute kidney injury. The kidney of a diabetic patient will be more prone to a significant effect of COVID-19 depending on the stage of DKD. DKD cases showed higher rates of infection (SARS-CoV-2), ICU admission, and demise than cases with CKD alone, and the lung infection and intubation rates doubled. It was inferred that CKD is a crucial forecaster of death in confirmed cases of COVID-19. The significance of prioritizing confirmed COVID-19 cases with CKD in hospitalization led to close observation and kind care. Further research is essential to investigate the effect of COVID-19 on continuing renal function, existence, and quality of life.
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