Anti-Cancer Properties of Flaxseed Proteome: History
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Flaxseed has been recognized as a valuable source of nutrients and bioactive compounds, including proteins that possess various health benefits. In recent years, studies have shown that flaxseed proteins, including albumins, globulins, glutelin, and prolamins, possess anti-cancer properties. These properties are attributed to their ability to inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce apoptosis, and interfere with cancer cell signaling pathways, ultimately leading to the inhibition of metastasis.

  • flaxseed proteins
  • cancer treatment
  • radiotherapy
  • mechanobiology
  • proteoform level analysis
  • metastasis

1. Flaxseed Proteins

Flaxseed comprises 30–41% fat, 20–35% dietary fiber, 20–30% protein, 4–8% moisture, 3–4% ash, and 1% simple sugars [1]. Recently, researchers have begun exploring the anti-cancer properties of flaxseed proteins, uncovering various ways in which they may exhibit such properties. For instance, flaxseed stands out as a significant dietary source of lignans, a type of phytoestrogen recognized for its anti-cancer attributes [2]. Lignans have been found to inhibit the growth of hormone-sensitive cancers, such as breast and prostate cancers, by interfering with the effects of estrogen on these tissues [3]. Additionally, flaxseed offers an abundant supply of alpha-linolenic acid—an omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory effects, potentially reducing cancer risk [4][5]. Moreover, there is speculation that omega-3 fatty acids could hinder or limit the proliferation and dissemination of certain types of cancer cells [6]. The rich antioxidant content in flaxseed contributes to cellular protection against damage induced by free radicals [7][8]. Free radicals, unstable molecules, can induce cellular damage and escalate cancer risk. Certain studies have even indicated that flaxseed proteins might possess anti-angiogenic properties, impeding the formation of new blood vessels essential for tumor growth [9].
The composition of flaxseed proteins can fluctuate based on factors such as flax variety, growth conditions, and processing techniques. However, on average, flaxseed proteins comprise roughly 15–25% albumins, 43–80% globulins, 4–10% prolamins, and up to 10% other proteins [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17], as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Flaxseed protein composition. Note: percentages may vary depending on the source and processing of the flaxseed.
The level and composition of flaxseed proteome depends on many factors, for example, cultivars, environmental conditions, and processing methods [16]. Flaxseed proteins mainly consist of 11S globulin and 2S albumin (Table 1). The 11S globulin is a salt-soluble protein; it has high molecular weight (252–298 kDa). The 2S albumin is a water-soluble protein; it has low molecular weight (16–17 kDa) [12][16][18].
Table 1. Proteome components found in flaxseed, and their potential heals benefits. Images prepared using Mol* Viewer 1.1, RCSB Protein Data Bank software (RCSB PDB, Piscataway, NJ, USA).

2. Albumins of Flaxseed

Albumin, a type of protein present in various foods such as egg whites and whey protein, is recognized for its water-soluble nature and high digestibility, making it a valuable source of essential amino acids. While flaxseed albumin has not been as extensively studied as other components like lignans or omega-3 fatty acids, there exists some evidence to suggest its potential anti-cancer properties. Functioning as a potent antioxidant, albumin aids in neutralizing free radicals—unstable molecules responsible for cellular damage and heightened cancer risk [7]. Furthermore, albumin plays a pivotal role in immune system functionality, safeguarding against endothelial dysfunction through immunomodulation and antioxidant mechanisms [35]. Diminished albumin levels could potentially trigger inflammation and an increase in leukocyte count [36]. As a significant source of amino acids, albumin contributes to essential protein synthesis required for healthy cell growth and division; deficiencies in this synthesis have been correlated with an elevated cancer risk [37][38]. Albumin is also responsible for transporting vital nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, throughout the body [39], which is crucial for maintaining a robust immune system and minimizing cancer risk. Beyond these roles, albumin can serve as a carrier for chemotherapy drugs, enhancing their targeted delivery to tumor sites and potentially lowering metastasis risk [40].
The extracellular matrix (ECM), a complex network of proteins and molecules surrounding cells, plays a pivotal role in cancer progression and metastasis. Evidence indicates that albumin interacts with and regulates ECM components, potentially inhibiting cancer cell invasion and metastasis. Albumin’s interactions encompass key proteins involved in cancer cell invasion, like matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) [41][42]. Moreover, albumin can engage with other ECM proteins, such as laminin and fibronectin, contributing to the inhibition of cancer cell invasion [43][44][45].
The primary form of albumin in flaxseed is 2S albumin, a seed storage protein. Although the precise physiological and metabolic role of 2S albumins remains to be definitively described, evidence based on their amino acid composition and mobilization during germination suggests their function as nitrogen and sulfur donors [46]. Typically existing as heterodimers, these proteins consist of 8–16 kDa water-soluble polypeptides [46], connected by two disulfide bonds resistant to pepsin and trypsin. While the subunit compositions and structures of 2S albumins differ, their 3D form is generally a compact sphere enriched in α-helices [47][48]. An extensively studied anti-cancer peptide derived from plants is lunasin, a small peptide from the 2S albumin family, containing 43–44 amino acid residues [24]. Lunasin encompasses multiple functional domains, including an aspartic acid tail, an RGD domain, and a chromatin-binding helical domain [49]. Lunasin exhibits a wide-ranging therapeutic effect against cancer in both laboratory and live models, encompassing lung cancer, colon cancer, leukemia, melanoma, and breast cancer [50][51]. This protein holds the potential to hinder cancer cell invasion and migration (Table 2) and represents a promising avenue for further research in developing novel cancer treatments.
Overall, while further research is required to comprehensively comprehend the potential anti-cancer effects of 2S albumin, this protein shows promise in potentially inhibiting cancer cell invasion and migration. Thus, it stands as a promising realm of investigation for the advancement of novel cancer treatments.

3. Globulins of Flaxseed

Globulins form a diverse family of proteins present in various foods, including legumes, nuts, and animal products. Among flaxseed proteins, globulin takes precedence as the principal component, its size being reported to be in the range of 252–298 kDa (for 11–12 S Globulins). Comprising about 3% α-helical and 17% β-structures [62][63][64], globulins, akin to albumins, have not undergone extensive examination for their anti-cancer attributes. Nevertheless, some evidence indicates the potential anti-cancer properties of globulins.
Globulins play a pivotal role in the immune system, actively combating infections and diseases, including cancer. There has been a suggestion that globulins might stimulate white blood cell production, contributing to the battle against cancer cells [65]. Certain globulins have been shown to impede the activity of enzymes linked to tumor growth and metastasis. For instance, soybean globulins have been observed to hinder the action of tyrosine kinase, an enzyme central to cancer cell proliferation [66][67]. Certain globulins, like whey protein, boast significant antioxidant content that aids in neutralizing free radicals and guarding against cellular damage that could lead to cancer [68]. Moreover, globulins partake in regulating hormone levels within the body [69][70][71]. Given that hormones can influence the development and progression of specific cancers, modulating their levels might yield anti-cancer effects as well.
Predominantly, flaxseed’s major globulin type is the 11S globulin (comprising over 85% of all globulins), while the 7S (less than 2%) and 2S Vicilin-like globulins (less than 4%) are considered minor [72]. The non-reduced 11S globulin reveals five polypeptide bands, including a basic subunit (18–20 kDa), an acidic subunit (30–40 kDa), and additional polypeptides with molecular weights of 47, 80, 120, and 160 kDa. Studies exploring the distinct biological properties of flaxseed protein digests have yielded varied results, contingent on the methods employed. For example, the highest antioxidant activity (90%) and effective fungal inhibition were observed with glutelin hydrolysates, whereas intact glutelin protein exhibited the highest angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibiting (60%) activity [13]. There is some evidence suggesting that 11S globulin (also referred to as glutelin [73]), a major storage protein in flaxseed, might possess anti-cancer properties, potentially inhibiting cancer cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis (Table 3). However, it is crucial to acknowledge that these investigations were conducted in vitro (within a laboratory setting using cell cultures), and further research is necessary to ascertain the potential effects of glutelin in vivo (within living organisms).

This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/proteomes11040037


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