Vasyl Mosiichuk: History
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Subjects: Psychology
  • Geopolitical mysticism
  • Neurodegeneration
  • Socio-political narratives
  • Neuropsychological typologies
  • Cognitive rigidity
  • Tribalism
  • Neurological implications
  • Inflammatory cytokines
  • Cultural influence
  • Mental health

Basic Information

Vasyl Mosiichuk
Name: Vasyl Mosiichuk
(Jul 1963–)
Rivne, Ukraine
Title: Dr. Hon.Prof.
Affiliations: Deva Clinique Neuropsychology and psychosomatics
Honors: Hon.Professor, OAU Professional Member of the New York Academy of Sciences Member of American psychological association Member of Australian Clinical Supervision Association

Neurodegeneration Under the Influence of Destructive Socio-political Narratives: The Impact of Geopolitical Mysticism on Neuropsychological Typologies and Cultures


This article explores the intersection of geopolitical mysticism and neurodegeneration, examining how destructive socio-political narratives influence neuropsychological typologies and cultures. Grounded in recent research, the study highlights the neurological implications of prolonged exposure to these narratives, particularly in terms of inflammatory processes and the reinforcement of specific neural pathways. Consequently, distinctive neuropsychological typologies emerge, leading to heightened tribalistic tendencies, cognitive rigidity, and reduced empathy. On a broader scale, societies steeped in such narratives showcase reduced intercultural communication, discrimination, and even violent tendencies. The potential consequences for individual and collective mental health are profound, underlining the need for open dialogue, education, and policies that promote cognitive diversity.

Keywords: Geopolitical mysticism, Neurodegeneration, Socio-political narratives, Neuropsychological typologies, Cognitive rigidity, Tribalism, Neurological implications, Inflammatory cytokines, Cultural influence, Mental health. 

The world we live in is greatly influenced by the socio-political narratives that dominate our shared cultural and geopolitical space. In recent years, there's growing interest in the cognitive and neurological effects of these narratives on the human mind, specifically on neurodegeneration. One particularly potent type of narrative is that of geopolitical mysticism, which combines political ideologies with quasi-religious beliefs. This article delves into how such narratives may instigate neurodegenerative processes and mold particular neuropsychological typologies and cultures.

 Understanding Geopolitical Mysticism

Geopolitical mysticism refers to the fusion of political strategies and goals with mystical or religious beliefs. This fusion can become a powerful tool in rallying masses and justifying political maneuvers, often at the expense of objective reasoning. Narratives driven by geopolitical mysticism tend to oversimplify complex issues, label outsiders as threats, and offer utopian solutions, making them highly alluring and, simultaneously, potentially dangerous.

Neurological Impact of Destructive Narratives

Recent research suggests that prolonged exposure to negative and polarizing narratives can have tangible neurological effects. Chronic stress, fueled by anxiety-provoking narratives, has been shown to lead to the release of inflammatory cytokines, which can instigate neurodegenerative processes.

Destructive socio-political narratives, especially those rooted in mysticism, can engender feelings of fear, xenophobia, and superiority. These narratives challenge our cognitive flexibility, as they limit our exposure to diverse perspectives and make us more susceptible to confirmation biases. The constant reinforcement of divisive beliefs can lead to the atrophy of critical-thinking skills and the reinforcement of specific neural pathways over others.

Forming Neuropsychological Typologies

Over time, continuous exposure to these narratives influences our cognitive frameworks, producing distinct neuropsychological typologies. These typologies can be seen in individuals who:

- Have heightened tribalistic tendencies.
- Display cognitive rigidity, struggling to adapt to new ideas.
- Are more prone to black-and-white thinking, perceiving the world through a binary lens.
- Exhibit reduced empathy towards 'outsiders' or those not subscribing to their belief systems.


Cultures Steeped in Geopolitical Mysticism

As these narratives become more pervasive, they shape not just individuals, but entire cultures. Societies under the influence of geopolitical mysticism might:

- Prioritize ideological purity over diversity of thought.
- Exhibit reduced intercultural communication and cooperation.
- Have political and educational systems that reinforce the dominant narrative.
- Witness an increase in discrimination, violence, or even genocide against groups labeled as 'other'.

Neurodegenerative Behavior

As the individual and collective psyche is continuously bombarded with these narratives, we can observe an amplification in neurodegenerative behaviors. This might manifest as:

- Increase in radicalization and extremist behavior.
- Rise in mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, and paranoia.
- A societal shift towards authoritarian tendencies.
- Reduced capacity for critical thinking and self-reflection.


Perspectives on Global Research: The Neuropsychologization of Modern Social Processes and the Need for New Narratives

In an increasingly complex global landscape, research methodologies and perspectives must evolve to address the intricacies of socio-political dynamics. A pivotal shift in this realm is the neuropsychologization of modern social processes. This phenomenon entails understanding societal trends, behaviors, and beliefs through the lens of neuropsychology. Such an approach provides a profound insight into why communities and individuals act the way they do, factoring in cognitive processes, neural pathways, and emotional responses.

 Neuropsychologization: A Multidisciplinary Approach

The neuropsychologization of social processes emphasizes the interplay between neuroscience, psychology, and sociology. This interdisciplinary approach can elucidate the cognitive underpinnings of collective behaviors, such as voting patterns, radicalization tendencies, or responses to propaganda. For instance, understanding the neural triggers of fear or the psychological allure of extremist ideologies can offer profound insights into the rise of divisive political movements.

Challenges to the Global Order

The contemporary world witnesses various threats to its peace and order, from territorial conflicts to ideological clashes. These threats often have deep-seated cognitive roots, driven by historical narratives, biases, and fear-based reasoning. The neuropsychologization approach aids in deciphering these cognitive roots, allowing policymakers to address them more effectively.

The Need for New Narratives

Given the challenges, there's a dire need for new narratives that promote unity, understanding, and resilience. Traditional geopolitical dialogues may no longer suffice in an age where individual and collective behaviors are influenced by intricate neural and psychological processes. New narratives should consider:

- Neurological Inclusivity: Recognizing the cognitive diversity within populations and crafting messages that resonate universally.
- Empathy Building: Understanding and addressing the neurological and psychological sources of fear and prejudice.
- Cognitive Resilience: Promoting neural adaptability, ensuring that populations can navigate misinformation and manipulative narratives.

Future Directions for Global Research

The global research community stands at a juncture where an amalgamation of neuropsychology and social sciences can offer unparalleled insights into the challenges of the modern era. Research initiatives should:

- Invest in interdisciplinary studies that bridge neuroscience, psychology, and sociology.
- Develop tools and methodologies to dissect and address the neural underpinnings of social challenges.
- Collaborate with policymakers to craft narratives and policies informed by a deep understanding of human cognition.


The implications of the intertwining of geopolitics, mysticism, and neurology are profound. While the exact causality between geopolitical narratives and neurodegeneration remains an active area of research, the preliminary evidence demands attention. It is essential for societies to recognize the potential harm of divisive narratives and promote education, open dialogue, and policies that foster unity and cognitive diversity.

The neuropsychologization of social processes underscores the need for a comprehensive understanding of global challenges. By embracing this perspective and crafting informed narratives, the global community can navigate threats to peace and foster a more harmonious world order.

Further Reading
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