Aquatic ecosystems are responsible for about 50% of global productivity. They mitigate climate change by taking up a substantial fraction of anthropogenically emitted CO2 and sink part of it into the deep ocean. Productivity is controlled by a number of environmental factors, such as water temperature, ocean acidification, nutrient availability, deoxygenation and exposure to solar UV radiation. These factors may interact to yield additive, synergistic or antagonistic effects. While ocean warming and deoxygenation are supposed to affect mitochondrial respiration oppositely, they can act synergistically to influence the migration of plankton and N2-fixation of diazotrophs. Ocean acidification, along with elevated pCO2, exhibits controversial effects on marine primary producers, resulting in negative impacts under high light and limited availability of nutrients. However, the acidic stress has been shown to exacerbate viral attacks on microalgae and to act synergistically with UV radiation to reduce the calcification of algal calcifiers. Elevated pCO2 in surface oceans is known to downregulate the CCMs (CO2 concentrating mechanisms) of phytoplankton, but deoxygenation is proposed to enhance CCMs by suppressing photorespiration. While most of the studies on climate-change drivers have been carried out under controlled conditions, field observations over long periods of time have been scarce. Mechanistic responses of phytoplankton to multiple drivers have been little documented due to the logistic difficulties to manipulate numerous replications for different treatments representative of the drivers.
Along with the increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, the oceans quickly take up the anthropogenically released CO2, with an approximate rate of 1 million tons per h. Such dissolution of CO2 has been detected down to about 1000 m in depth. Since the oceans have already absorbed more than 30% of the anthropogenically released CO2 [45][46][8,74], the marine carbonate chemistry has been being altered, with increased H+ and decreased CO32− ions, along with increased concentrations of bicarbonate and total dissolved inorganic carbon. It is known that the oceans have been acidified by over 30% since the industrial revolution, even though the seawater has a high buffering capacity [47][48][75,76]. Predictions for the year 2100 indicate an increase by 100–150% of H+, corresponding to a pH drop by 0.3–0.4 units [49][50][51][73,77,78]. The rate of this alteration in the world oceans chemistry is unparalleled in the recent ca. 1 million years [52][79].
The availability of CO2 is a bottleneck for photosynthesis. Thus, it had been assumed that rising CO2 concentrations in the water could fertilize the oceans by augmenting photosynthetic productivity in phytoplankton and macroalgae [53][80]. This has also been found for several phytoplankton groups at moderate increases in carbon dioxide [54][81]. However, many photosynthetic organisms possess CO2-concentrationg mechanisms (CCMs), allowing them to use the large HCO3− pool in seawater [55][82]. For these primary producers, increased concentrations of carbon dioxide may not have a significant effect [55][82], while for those which lack the CCMs, it appears to be an advantage [56][83]. Even organisms with CCMs have an advantage of higher CO2 concentrations since they can downregulate this energy-consuming process and can better thrive in low-light conditions.
Some Rhodophyta, such as Jania, Ellisolandia and Corallina [57][58][88,89], and Chlorophyta, including Halimeda, Codium, Halicoryne and Acetabularia [59][90], are characterized by incrustation of calcium carbonate in the cell wall. Moreover, the Phaeophyta of the genus Padina incorporate calcium carbonate in their thallus [60][91]. Ocean acidification impairs the process of calcification [61][62][63][64][71,72,92,93]. This loss in calcification can be compensated at higher metabolic costs, thus decreasing productivity and growth rate [65][94].
Many zoological taxa use calcium carbonate for incrustations and accrustations, protecting against predators. A meta-analysis showed that ocean acidification decreases coral calcification, but the degree of the decrease is still uncertain [66][67][103,104]. Corals might be capable of adapting to lower pH values since samples collected from a site with naturally lower pH showed a higher degree of calcification and growth rate than samples from a site with a higher pH value [68][105].