Methods for Crowd Counting: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Joao Manuel R.S. Tavares and Version 2 by Vivi Li.

The crowd counting task has become a pillar for crowd control as it provides information concerning the number of people in a scene. It is helpful in many scenarios such as video surveillance, public safety, and future event planning. To solve such tasks, researchers have proposed different solutions. In the beginning, researchers went with more traditional solutions, twhenile recently the focus is on deep learning methods and, more specifically, on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), because of their efficiency. 

  • computer vision
  • deep learning
  • people counting
  • sparse datasets
  • crowded datasets

1. Background

Because of the fast growth of the world’s population, and situations where crowds occur, such as concerts, political speeches, rallies, marathons, and stadiums, crowd counting is becoming an active research topic in computer vision [1]. The task of crowd counting, defined as determining the number of people in a crowd, would help in many fields, such as in video surveillance for safety reasons, human behavior analysis, and urban planning [2][3][4][5][2,3,4,5]. Many approaches have been proposed in the literature to solve this problem, which generally can be split into four categories: detection, regression, density estimation, and approaches based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). 

2. Introduction

As mentioned previously, this rentryview divides the crowd counting models into four categories. Starting with the detection-based method, the principle behind it to use a moving window as a detector to identify and count how many persons are in an input image [6]. Although these methods work well for detecting faces, they do not perform sufficiently well on crowded images as most target objects are not clearly visible. Counting by detection is categorized into five types: monolithic detection [7][8][9][7,8,9], part-based detection [10][11][10,11], shape matching [12][13][12,13], multi-sensor detection [14], and transfer learning [15][16][15,16]. Since counting by detection is not very precise when factors such as dense crowds and high background clutter appear, researchers proposed a regression method [17] to overcome these problems, where neither segmentation nor tracking individuals are involved. First, it extracts the low-level features such as edge details and foreground pixels and then applies regression modelling to them by mapping the features and the count. Clustering models are about selecting and gathering feature points or trajectories of feature points. These methods use unsupervised learning to identify each moving entity by an independent motion [18]. Among existing approaches, CNN based methods [19][20][19,20] have proved their efficiency and exhibit the best results for the crowd counting task. The general concept behind using deep convolutional networks is to scan the input image to understand its different features and then to combine the different scanned local features to classify it. According to the used network architecture, crowd counting models can be classified into: basic CNN [21][22][21,22], multi-column [23][24][25][23,24,25], and single column-based methods [26][27][28][29][30][26,27,28,29,30].

3. Heuristic Models

Early methods of this category estimate the pedestrian number via heuristic methods [31], for instance detection-based, regression-based, and density-estimation-based methods. This section explains in more detail these models and how they work.

3.1. Detection Based Methods

Earlier works on crowd counting were focused on detection-based methods to determine the number of people in the crowd [32][33][34][32,33,34]. They mainly detect each target person in a given image using specific detectors. In the following paragraphs, an explanation of these methods with some examples is given. Monolithic detection: it is considered a typical pedestrian detection approach that trains the classifier, utilizing the entire body of a set of pedestrian training images [7][8][9][31][7,8,9,31]. In order to represent the entire body’s appearance, common features are used: Haar wavelets, gradient-based features, edgelet, and shapelets. As to the classification, several classifiers were used:
  • Non-Linear: Similarly to RBF, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) present good quality while suffering from low detection speed.
  • Linear: more commonly used classifiers such as boosting, linear SVMs, or Random Forests [35].
A trained classifier is applied in a sliding window fashion across the image space to catch pedestrian candidates. A monolithic detector can generate good detection in sparse scenes. However, it suffers in congested locations where it is impossible to avoid occlusion and scene clutter. Part based detection: consists in constructing boosted classifiers for precise body parts, for instance the head and the shoulder, to count the people in the monitored region [10][11][36][10,11,36]. The idea is to include the shoulder region with the head to account for the real-world scenario better. Another method relies on a head detector to count people [37], which is based on finding interest points using gradient information from the greyscale image located at the top of the head region in order to reduce the search space. Compared to monolithic detection, part-based detection relaxes the stringent hypothesis regarding the visibility of the whole body. As a result, it is more robust in crowds but it always suffers from the occlusion problem. Shape matching: the idea is to detect the body shapes of the peoples in the crowd to count them. Zhao et al. [12] presented a set of parameterized body shapes formed of ellipses and zeros to estimate the number and shape configuration that best presents a given foreground mask in a scene, employing a stochastic process. Ge and Collins [13] developed the idea by permitting more flexible and realistic shape prototypes than only the simple geometric forms presented in [12]. The learned shape prototypes are more accurate than simple geometric shapes. The method proposed by Ge and Collins [13] can detect varying numbers of pedestrians under different crowd densities with reasonable occlusion. Multi-sensor detection: When numerous cameras are available, one can also include multi-view information to handle visual ambiguities generated by inter-object occlusion. For instance, ref. [14] worked on extracting the foreground human silhouettes from the images under analysis in order to set bounds on the number and potential areas where people exist. The issue with these methods is that a multi-camera configuration with overlapping views is not always available in many possible applications. Transfer learning: it is about transferring the generic pedestrian detectors to a new scene without human supervision. This solution faces the problems of the variations of viewpoints, resolutions, illuminations, and backgrounds in the new environment. A key to overcome these challenges is proposed in [15][16][15,16], by using multiple parameters such as scene structures, spatial-temporal occurrences, and object sizes to determine positive and negative examples from the target scene in order to iteratively adjust a generic detector.

3.2. Regression Methods

Because of the difficulty of detection-based models in dealing with highly dense crowds and high background clutter, researchers introduced regression-based approaches, which are inspired by the capacity of humans to determine the density at first sight without the need to enumerate how many pedestrians are in the scene under analysis [17]. Such a method counts people in crowded scenes by discovering a direct mapping from low-level imagery features to crowd density. First, it extracts global features [38]: texture [39], gradient or edge, or local features [40], such as Scale-invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Local Binary Patterns (LBP), Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), and Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). After the feature extraction step, it trains a regression model to indicate the count given the normalized features. Among the regression techniques, one can mention: linear regression [41], piecewise linear regression [17], and Gaussian mixture regression [42]. Another approach from Idrees et al. [43] considered that, in highly crowded scenes, there is no feature or detection approach reliable enough to deliver sufficient information for a precise counting because of the low resolution, severe occlusion, foreshortening, and perspective problems. Furthermore, the presence of a spatial relationship is used in constraining the count estimates in neighboring local regions, and it is suggested that the extraction of features be performed using different methods to catch the different information. Table 1 summarizes some of the regression-based methods.
Table 1.
 Summary of regression-based methods.
Method Global Features Regression Model Dataset(s)
[44] Segment, internal edge, texture Gaussian Peds1, Peds2
3D cube
One 2D map per filter
[45] Segment, motion
Pooling layer Linear regression
Reduce dimensionality
Extract the maximum of the average of a region.
Sliding window
[46] Segment, edge, gradient Gaussian UCSD pedestrian, Pets 2009
[38] Segment, edge, texture Kernel ridge regression UCSD, Mall
[47] Edge Linear regression Internal data (2000 images, number of people per image: from 3 to 27 people)

3.3. Clustering Based Methods

Another alternative technique is counting by clustering. The idea is to decompose the crowd into individual entities. Each entity has unique patterns that can be clustered to determine the number of individuals [31]. Rabaud et al. [48], used a simple yet effective tracker, the Kanade–Lucas–Tomasi (KLT), to extract a large set of low-level features in pedestrian videos. It is proposed as a conditioning technique for feature trajectories to identify the number of objects in a scene. A complementary trajectory set clustering method was also introduced. The method can only be applied to crowd-counting videos. Three different real-world datasets were used to validate and determine the method’s robustness: USC, Library, and Cells datasets [49]. Brostow et al. [50], proposed a simple unsupervised Bayesian clustering framework to capture people in moving gatherings, the principal idea being to track local features and group them into clusters. The algorithm tracks simple image features and groups them into clusters defining independently-moving entities in a probabilistic way. The method uses space-time proximity and trajectory coherence via image space as the only probabilistic criteria for clustering. This solution came instead of determining the number of clusters and setting constituent features with supervised learning or a subject-specific model. The results were encouraging from crowded videos of bees, ants, penguins, and most humans. Rao et al. [51], explained the importance of crowd density estimation in a video scene to understand crowd behavior by implementing a crowd density estimation method based on clustering motion cues and hierarchical clustering. For motion estimation, the approach integrates optical flow. It employs contour analysis to detect crowd silhouettes and clustering to calculate crowd density. It starts by applying a lens correction profile to each image frame, followed by pre-processing the frames to remove noise. A Gaussian filter is applied to suppress high amplitude edges. Finally, the foreground pixels are mapped to crowd density by clustering the motion cues hierarchically. For evaluation, three datasets were used: MCG, PETS, and UCSD. Antonini et al. [52], worked on video sequences to improve the automatic counting of pedestrians. A generative probabilistic approach was applied to better represent the data. The main goal was to analyze the computed trajectories, find a better representation in the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) transformed domain, and apply clustering techniques to improve the estimation of the actual count of pedestrians in the scene. The advantage of using the ICA generative statistical model is in reducing the influence of outliers.

4. Deep Learning Methods

Because of the CNN architecture’s efficiency in many tasks, including crowd counting, recent researchers used CNN as the base framework of their work. The general concept is to understand the various features of the image under analysis by browsing its content from left to right or top to bottom, and then combining the different scanned local features in order to classify it. A CNN includes three layers: convolutional layer, pooling layer, and fully connected layer [53][54][55][53,54,55].
Figure 13.
 Usual CNN architecture (adapted from [56]).
Table 2 details each usual CNN layer with its actions, parameters, inputs and outputs.
Table 2.
 Details of the three CNN layers.
  Actions Parameters Input Output
Convolutional layer
Apply filters to extract features.
Filters are composed of learned kernels.
Apply the activation function on every value of the feature map.
Number of kernels
Size of kernels
Activation function
Regularization type and value
3D cube
Previous set of feature maps
Size of a window
3D cube
Previous set of feature maps
3D cube
According to the architecture of the used CNN, crowd counting methods can be divided into basic CNN, multi column, and single column networks.

4.1. Basic CNN

Among the CNN architectures, one has the basic CNN with its light network. It adopts the primary CNN layers: the convolutional layer, the pooling layer, and the fully connected layer. Figure 24 presents a simplified structure of the fundamental CNN.
Figure 24.
 General structure of the Basic CNN architecture.
Wang et al. [21] proposed a solution that can provide good results in high-density crowds, unlike the traditional methods that would fail in these scenarios, consisting of a deep regression network in crowded scenes using deep convolutional networks. The basic CNN architecture allows for efficient feature extraction. Since other objects can exist in dense crowd images, such as buildings and trees, influencing performance, the goal was to feed the CNN with negative samples to reduce false alarms. Few collected images without people were considered, and their regression score was set as 0 (zero), making the method more robust. The UCFCC dataset was used to evaluate the approach’s efficacy. A comparison between the CNN network with and without negative samples was performed. The method achieves almost 50% improvement. Fu et al. [22] improved the speed and precision of the original approach by firstly removing some redundant network connections in the feature maps and, secondly, designing a cascade of two ConvNet classifiers:
  • Optimizing the connections: the multi-stage ConvNet increases the number of features in the final classifier, and the connections seriously increase the calculation time during the training and detection phases. Some redundant connections among two similar feature maps were observed, so these extra connections were removed based on a similarity matrix to accelerate the speed.
  • Cascade classifier: samples with complicated backgrounds are always hard to classify. The idea is to pick out those complex samples and train them individually and, after that, send them to a second ConvNet classifier to obtain the final classification result.
One 2D map per filter
Reduced spatial dimension
Fully connected layer
Aggregate information from final feature maps
Generate final classification
Number of nodes
Activation function
Flattened 3D cube
Previous set of feature maps
3D cube
  • Convolutional layer: the primary role of this layer is to apply filters to detect features in the input image and build numerous feature maps to help identify or classify it. After every convolution operation, a linear function, the ReLU activation, is applied to replace the negative pixel values with zero values in the feature map.
  • Pooling layer: this step takes the output feature map generated by the convolution. The goal is to reduce the complexity for further layers by applying a specific function such as the max pooling.
  • Fully connected layer: every neuron from the previous layer is connected to every neuron on the next layer to generate the final classification result.
Figure 13 shows the basic architecture of a CNN.
One 2D map per filter.
The three datasets used to evaluate this method were the PETS 2009, Subway, and Chunxi Road datasets, and the experiments confirm its excellent performance.

4.2. Multi column CNN

To solve the variation problem, researchers have resorted to a multi-column architecture. Despite being harder to train, it proved its efficiency in specific situations. It consists of using more than one column to catch multi-scale information. Figure 35 represents the overall architecture of the multi-column CNN.
Figure 35.
 Overall architecture of the multi-column CNN.
MCNN: Development of a multi-column CNN method to count the crowd in a single image from any perspective [23]. The application of an MCNN architecture with three columns occurs since each one corresponds to a filter with different sizes of receptive fields: large, medium and small, so that the features could adapt to significant variations in people. Moreover, to avoid distortion, a convolution layer with a filter size of 1 × 1 replaces a fully connected layer. It is flexible to inputs of different sizes. To test this method, a new large-scale dataset named Shanghaitech was introduced, containing two parts: part A and part B. In addition to Shanghaitech, the UCF CC 50, WorldExpo’10, and UCSD datasets were used to evaluate the proposed method. Compared to the existing methods at that time for crowd counting, their solution outperforms all the results. CrowdNet: to forecast the density map for a provided crowd image, this method combines deep and shallow fully convolutional networks [24]. The shallow is to capture the low-level features with a large-scale variation: head blob patterns appearing from individuals far from the camera, and the deep one captures the high-level semantic details: faces/body detectors. Because most datasets used for crowd counting have restricted training samples while deep learning-based approaches need extensive training data, the researchers opt for data augmentation by sampling patches from the multi-scale image representation to make the built models more potent to crowd variations. Therefore, the CNN is guided to learn scale-invariant representations. One of the most challenging datasets was used, the UCF CC 50, allowing the CNN to obtain competitive evaluation results. RANet: starts from the problem that density estimation methods for crowd counting serve pixel-wise regression without accounting for the interdependence of pixels explicitly, which leads to noisy and inconsistent independent pixel-wise predictions [25]. To solve this issue, it was suggested to capture the interdependence of pixels thanks to a Relational Attention Network (RANet) with a self-attention mechanism by accounting for short-range and long-range interdependence of pixels. These implementations are Local Self-attention (LSA) and Global Self-attention (GSA). In addition, features from LSA and GSA have different information for each part. The researchers introduced a relation module to link those features and reach better instructive aggregated feature representations using intra-relation and inter-relation. The datasets used to evaluate their model were the ShanghaiTech A and B, UCF-CC-50, and UCF-QNRF datasets.
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