Maturation phase: The remodeling of a wound can take up to 1 year. In humans, this phenomenon is characterized by two single processes, wound contraction and collagen restoration, where myofibroblasts allow contraction of the wound, with the formation of a scar both in children and adults
[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. During this process, the tensile strength increases, reaching approximately 80% that of unwounded skin, and is in relation to collagen crosslinking by lysyl oxidase
4. PDT and Wound Healing
The mechanisms that lead to wound healing upon PDT treatment are not fully understood; however, one of the main reasons is represented by apoptosis, caused by damage to the cellular and mitochondrial membranes, enzymatic inactivation and arrest of cellular respiration processes, and the release of cytochrome C, leading to the activation of the caspase cascade. It has also been observed that PDT modulates the production of MMPs, cytokines, and growth factors by fibroblasts and keratinocytes, substances that can accelerate wound healing
[25][26][27]. In particular, when the process of remodeling is required, MMPs are expressed and activated, and their contribution is related to collagen degradation and extracellular matrix remodeling
Regarding the inflammatory process that develops
[15][21], the occurrence of the following have been observed: the degranulation of MCs and neutrophil granulocytes
[22][23][24][28][29], the formation of oxygen radicals, and the release of lysosomal enzymes and chemotactic agents. The release of antigens of dead cells, in the presence of inflammatory cytokines, determines the activation of skin DCs, which, after the presentation of these antigens to T lymphocytes in the district lymph nodes, stimulates a specific immune response
Occurring simultaneously with the described cellular events, after PDT treatment, lipids are produced, as well as pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β and IL-8, demonstrating that therapy has a significant effect on the immune system
[25][26][27]. Moreover, since a balance between the synthesis and degradation of extracellular matrix is required, it is evident that PDT modulates the production of TGF-β
[30], the isoforms of which are involved in the deposition of collagen fibers
5. PDT and Chronic Wounds
Wounds that do not heal within 6/8 weeks are considered chronic
[31][32][33][34][35]. Numerous factors prevent wound healing. Among local factors, it is necessary to acknowledge the presence of foreign bodies, tissue maceration, ischemia, infection, and tissue hypoxia. Among the systemic factors, advanced age, malnutrition, diabetes, and renal disease are, without doubt, factors of primary importance. In addition, reduction in the secretion of tissue growth factors, the decompensation between the proteolytic enzymes and their inhibitors, and the presence of senescent cells in the microenvironment seem to be particularly important in the pathogenesis of chronic wounds
Chronic venous ulcers are associated with an extremely high psychosocial burden in terms of morbidity, loss of productivity, functional disability, and emotional distress, causing depression and social isolation. The difficulty, or even the impossibility, of treating these types of wounds leads to high costs, in terms of care, for the various communities
5.1. The Response of Cellular Infiltrate
Among the multiple properties of PDT, there is evidence of a strong cellular infiltrate response in the treated chronic wound (
Figure 1C).
Moreover, in recent studies, it was found that, after PDT therapy in chronic wounds, there is a significant increase in certain inflammatory cells, such as TNF alfa+ MCs, T regs, plasmacytoid dendritic cells, MHCII positive dermal DCs
[30], and macrophages
[36], as well as an overall expression of TGF beta, which directly correlates with wound’s volume reduction
[30]. TGF beta seems to exert activities in early phases of wound healing, where it possibly promotes an epithelial–mesenchymal transition, allowing the migration of keratinocytes from the borders towards the wound’s bed
[37]. Finally, intercellular correlations between plasmacytoid dendritic cells and T reg have been found, confirming the fact that certain DC subsets are highly specialized in inducing regulatory T cell differentiation and, in some tissues, the local microenvironment plays a role in driving DCs towards a tolerogenic response
5.2. Neuroimmunomodulation
In healing wounds, the activity of immune system is certainly modulated by the nervous system
[40][41][42], and delayed wound healing is observed in animal models after surgical resection of cutaneous nerves
[41][42]. Sensory neurons possess several means of detecting the presence of noxious or harmful stimuli: (1) cytokine receptors, such as IL-1β and TNFα, recognize the factors secreted by immune cells (e.g., IL-1β, TNFα, nerve growth factor), which activates MAP kinases and other signaling mechanisms to increase membrane excitability; (2) distress signal receptors, including TRP channels, P2X channels, and DAMPs, recognize exogenous signals from the environment (e.g., heat, acidity, chemicals) and signals endogenous hazards released during trauma or tissue injury (for example, ATP or uric acid)
[43]. Studies have demonstrated that the stimulation of dorsal roots induces cutaneous vasodilation and enhancement of inflammatory processes
[43], consisting of (a) chemotaxis and subsequent activation of neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes at the site of injury; (b) degranulation of MCs; (c) an increase in blood flow, which also allows easier recruitment of inflammatory leukocytes; and (d) dendritic cell activation and subsequent T helper cell differentiation
[30][44][45]. An example of this relationship is demonstrated by a recent study [46], where it was investigated, in ALA-PDT-treated chronic wounds, MC interaction with neurons containing neurotransmitters involved in wound healing processes. The results demonstrate that, in chronic wounds treated with PDT, there is an increase in neuronal populations containing mediators involved in wound healing, as well as that relating to the percentage of MCs containing NGF and VIP. This mean that the effects of PDT chronic wounds is probably due to neuronal activation; consequently nervous fibers can activate other cells involved in wound healing including MCs.