Silkworm Pupae: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Yaxi Zhou and Version 4 by Sirius Huang.

Silkworm pupae are insects that are beneficial to human health, not only for their high nutritional value but, more importantly, for the variety of pharmacological functions they can perform when consumed.蚕蛹是有益于人类健康的昆虫,不仅营养价值高,更重要的是食用后可发挥多种药理作用。 

  • silkworm pupae
  • composition
  • functional food

1. Introduction一、简介

The silkworm is a lepidopteran insect. The life of a silkworm蚕是一种鳞翅目昆虫。蚕的一生通常经历五个阶段,总共持续约七周。当蚕卵孵化时,它们会变成新孵化的黑色和棕色蚕。经过五次喂食、生长和脱壳后,蚕变成了成熟的蚕,停止喂食,开始吐出大量的丝,准备结茧。这个过程需要 usually goes through five stages, lasting a total of about seven weeks. When the silkworm eggs hatch, they turn into newly hatched black and brown silkworms. After feeding and growing and shedding its shell five times, the silkworm becomes a mature silkworm, stops feeding, and starts to spit out a lot of silk in preparation for cocooning. This process takes 24–28 days. After 4 days of cocooning, the matured silkworm turns into a silkworm pupa. After about 2 weeks, the silkworm pupae turns into silkworm moths. The silkworm moths finish laying eggs within 3–5 days and die soon afterwards. Silkworm pupae are considered to be the harvest period for silkworm consumption as they are consumed as food in many regions due to their high nutritional value and various biomedical functions.24-28 天。经过4天的结茧,成熟的蚕变成了蚕蛹。大约2周后,蚕蛹变成蚕蛾。蚕蛾在 3-5 天内完成产卵并很快死亡。蚕蛹因其高营养价值和多种生物医学功能而被许多地区作为食物食用,因此被认为是蚕食用的收获期。 Figure 1 depicts描绘了蚕的生命周期 the[ life1 cycle, of2 the silkworm [1][2].]。
Figure 1. The life cycle of the silkworm.蚕的生命周期。
Silkworm蚕蛹是丝绸工业的主要副产品之一,在东南亚主要用作动物饲料和肥料,例如日本、韩国和印度 pupae[ are3 one of the main by-products of the silk industry and are mostly used as animal feed and fertiliser in South East Asia, for4 example in Japan, Korea,5 and]。蚕蛹也被用作食用昆虫,特别是在中国,它们已经被食用了 India [3][4][5]. Silkworm pupae are also used as food insects, especially in China, where they have been eaten for over 2000 years多年 [6].[ There6 are many species of silkworm pupae; at present, the main commercial silkworm pupae used for research are]。蚕蛹的种类很多;目前,用于研究的主要商品蚕蛹有 Bombyx mori,家蚕 Antheraea pernyi, Antheraea yamamai,山麦柞蚕、 Samia ricini,蓖麻花、 Antheraea mylitta,桃花柞蚕 Antheraea roylei,黄花柞蚕等[ and other4 species [4][7][8]. Additionally, the material composition and functional roles of these species are different. The biggest difference between the different species of silkworm pupae is the source of the silkworm’s diet and the degree of domestication. For example7, the8 mulberry]。此外,这些物种的材料组成和功能作用是不同的。不同种类的蚕蛹最大的区别在于蚕食的来源和驯化程度。例如桑蚕,以桑叶为食,是完全驯化的蚕,养殖范围最广[ silkworm,4 which]。蚕蛹富含蛋白质、油脂、壳聚糖、维生素、多酚等营养物质,长期以来一直被用作优质蛋白质和脂质的重要来源[ eats9 mulberry leaves, is the silkworm that has been fully domesticated and is the most widely farmed [4]. Rich in proteins, oils, chitosan, vitamins, polyphenols, and other nutrients, silkworm pupae have long been used as an important source of high-quality proteins and lipids [9]. Silkworm pupae protein contains ]。蚕蛹蛋白含有18种氨基酸,含有丰富的必需氨基酸,可以满足人体对氨基酸的需要,有益于人体健康 amino[ acids10 and is rich enough in essential amino acids to meet the amino acid requirements of humans and is beneficial to human health [10][11]. Silkworm pupae oil contains a large number of unsaturated amino acids,11 especially ]。蚕蛹油含有大量不饱和氨基酸,尤其是Omega-3脂肪酸[ fatty12 acids [12].]。
Silkworm长期以来,蚕蛹一直以单一方式用于直接食用,例如作为饲料 pupae[ have5 long]。逐渐地,蛹被进一步加工以提取营养物质和活性成分,并用于食品改性和药物开发 been[ used13 in]。一些研究人员在功能性食品中使用蚕蛹粉作为蛋白质增强剂,蚕蛹粉的添加增强了功能性食品的风味和口感[ a13,14,15 ]。例如面包、酸奶和食品添加剂 single[ way7 for direct consumption, for13 example as feed [5]. Gradually, the16 pupae]。此外,蚕蛹还可用于工业 have[ been17]。然而,蚕蛹由于存在过敏原和不友好的气味,仍然没有被所有人接受。我们在使用蚕蛹时需要更彻底地考虑其安全性和可接受性[ further18 processed]。大量研究发现,蚕蛹中的活性成分具有多种药理功能,如:抗癌、抗氧化、保肝、抗菌、抗凋亡、免疫调节等功能。这为蚕蛹的应用提供了更广阔的前景。未来,蚕蛹将快速发展为保健食品和生物医药产业,以满足人类对营养食品和安全药物的需求[ to19 extract nutrients and active ingredients and are used in food modification and pharmaceutical development [13]. Some researchers have used silkworm pupa powder as a protein enhancer in functional foods, and20 the addition of silkworm pupa powder enhances the flavour and taste of functional foods [13][14][15]. Examples are bread, yogurt, and food additives [7][13][16]. In addition, silkworm pupae can also be used in industry [17]. However, silkworm pupae are still not accepted by everyone because of the presence of allergens and unfriendly odours. We need to consider the safety and acceptability of silkworm pupae more thoroughly when using them [18]. In recent years, numerous studies have found that the active ingredients in silkworm pupae have various pharmacological functions, such as: anticancer, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antibacterial, antiapoptotic, and immunomodulatory functions. This provides a broader prospect for the application of silkworm pupae. In the future, silkworm pupae will rapidly be developed for the health food and biomedical industries to meet the human demand for nutritious food and safe medicine [19][20].]。

2. Components of Silkworm Pupae蚕蛹的成分

Silkworm蚕蛹富含多种营养成分。蛋白质、脂肪和糖是最丰富的物质,还有矿物质、维生素、多酚化合物和许多其他营养物质[ pupae21、22 are rich in many nutrients. Protein, fat, and sugar are the most abundant substances, as well as minerals, vitamins, polyphenolic compounds, and many other nutrients [21][22].] 

2.1. Silkworm Pupae Protein。蚕蛹蛋白

Bombyx mori has a的蛋白质含量高达 high protein content of 55.6% dry weight干重,是蚕蛹中最丰富的干物质 [ and9 is]。生物活性肽是含有数个至数十个氨基酸的肽,具有多种生理功能 the[ most23 abundant] dry matter in silkworm pupae [9].Biologically active peptides are peptides containing from several to several dozen amino acids, which have a variety of physiological functions [23]. These pupae proteins can be hydrolysed to produce a variety of biologically active peptides, which in turn can perform the pharmacological functions of silkworm pupae. The amino acid composition of the proteins is essentially the same in the different species of silkworm pupae, all consisting of 这些蛹蛋白可以水解产生多种生物活性肽,进而发挥蚕蛹的药理功能。蛋白质的氨基酸组成在不同种类的蚕蛹中基本相同,均由18 amino acids (except个氨基酸组成(  for Eri除外) silkworm蚕蛹)。其中,八种必需氨基酸符合 pupae). Of these, eight essential amino acids meet the requirements of the WHO/FAO/UNU recommendations. In addition, there are 10 non-essential amino acids that meet human requirements. Compared to hen eggs, pupae are higher in Phe and建议的要求。此外,还有10种满足人体需要的非必需氨基酸。与鸡蛋相比,Phe 和 Pro [24].中的蛹含量更高 Therefore,[ silkworm24 pupae]。因此,蚕蛹被认为是优质的蛋白质来源和蚕蛹的重要营养物质[ are25 considered to be a high-quality source of protein and an important nutrient in silkworm pupae [25].]。 Table 1 summarises the amino acid composition of the different varieties of silkworm pupae proteins.总结了不同品种蚕蛹蛋白的氨基酸组成。
Table 1. Amino acid composition of different varieties of silkworm pupae proteins [9][21][22][24].
不同品种蚕蛹蛋白的 氨基酸组成[ 9,21,22,24 ]

2.2. Silkworm Pupae Oil蚕蛹油

In silkworm pupae, the oil content is second only to protein. Of the four different species of silkworm pupae,在蚕蛹中,油脂含量仅次于蛋白质。在四种不同的蚕蛹中, Eri埃里 silkworm pupae has the highest oil content, at 蚕蛹的含油量最高,为26.2%[ [22].22 The fatty acid composition of the different varieties of silkworm pupae oil is summarised in Table ]。我们总结了不同品种蚕蛹油的脂肪酸组成 见表2. As can be seen from the table, all the different silkworm pupae oils contain high levels of unsaturated fatty acids, with 。从表中可以看出,所有不同的蚕蛹油都含有高水平的不饱和脂肪酸,柞蚕中的不饱和脂肪酸含量高达77.71% in Antheraea pernyi. In addition to the fatty acids listed in the table, silkworm pupae also contain eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, which are %。除了表中所列的脂肪酸外,蚕蛹还含有二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸,它们是Omega-3脂肪酸,对促进人体健康有重要作用[ fatty26]。油脂是一种重要的营养物质,蚕蛹不仅富含油脂,而且含有大量的不饱和脂肪酸,尤其是多不饱和脂肪酸,作为食用油的来源具有重要的营养价值[ acids12 and have an important role in promoting human health [26]. Oil is an important nutrient, and silkworm pupae are not only rich in oils but also contain high levels of unsaturated fatty acids, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have significant nutritional value as a source of edible oil [12].]。
Table 2. Fatty acid composition of different varieties of silkworm pupae oil [9][12][19][26][27][28].
 不同品种蚕蛹油的脂肪酸组成[ 9 , 12 , 19 , 26 , 27 , 28 ]。

2.3. Minerals矿物质

Minerals矿物质在生物体中具有重要作用。它们以多种形式存在于蚕蛹中。蚕蛹中含有多达 have an important role in living organisms. They are present in many forms in silkworm pupae. There are up to 25 different types25 种不同类型的矿物质,这些矿物质可能在有机体中发挥一定的生理功能 [ of7 minerals in silkworm pupae, and12 these minerals may perform certain physiological functions in the organism [7][12].]。 Table 3 lists列出了三种蛹中8种矿物质的含量,从中可以看出,蛹中磷、钙、镁含量较高。蛹中矿物质的类型和含量可能因蛹的类型和它们生长的环境而异 the[ content of eight minerals in the three types of pupae, from which it can be seen that phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium are higher in the pupae. The type and content of minerals in pupae can vary depending on the type of pupa and the environment in which they have grown [24]. It is worth noting that the sodium-to-potassium (24]。值得注意的是,蚕蛹中的钠钾比(Na: K) ratio in silkworm pupae is very low, except for the minerals listed in the table. Na:K predicts)非常低,除了表中所列的矿物质。Na:K 预测非传染性疾病的发生,表明食用蚕蛹可能会降低非传染性疾病的发生率[ the29 occurrence of non-communicable diseases, suggesting30 that]。非传染性疾病包括中风、高血压、心血管疾病等[ consumption31、32 ]。有的蛹还富含硒,可富集蛹蛋白。富硒蛹在预防癌症和防御氧化应激方面发挥着重要作用[ of33 silkworm pupae may reduce the likelihood of non-communicable diseases [29][30]. Non-communicable diseases include stroke, hypertension,34 cardiovascular disease, etc. [31][32]. Some pupae are also rich in selenium, which can be enriched in the pupae protein. Selenium-rich pupae play an important role in cancer prevention and defence against oxidative stress [33][34].]。
Table 3. Mineral composition of different species of silkworm pupae [21][22][24][35].
 不同种类蚕蛹的矿物质组成 [ 21 , 22 , 24 , 35 ]。

2.4. Other Ingredients in Silkworm Pupae蚕蛹的其他成分

In addition to the above ingredients, silkworm pupae contain many vitamins and are rich in them. For example, 蚕蛹除上述成分外,还含有多种维生素,含量丰富。例如,VA can reach 可以达到 5 mg/g. The main vitamins in silkworm pupae include VA, VB1, VB2, VB3, VB5, VB7, VB9, VB12, VC, and 。蚕蛹中的主要维生素有VA、VB1、VB2、VB3、VB5、VB7、VB9、VB12、VC、VE [19][36].[ Phospholipids19、36 and five tocopherols are also present in silkworm pupae. The five tocopherols are ]。磷脂和五种生育酚也存在于蚕蛹中。五种生育酚是α-Tocopherol, 生育酚、β-tocopherol, γ-tocopherol, γ-tocotrienol, and σ-tocopherol生育酚、γ-生育酚、γ-生育三烯酚和σ-生育酚[ [28].28 Rare]。在家蚕蛹中也发现了罕见的二甲基腺苷衍生物 dimethyladenosine[ derivatives37 are also found in silkworm pupae [37]. Additionally, silkworm pupae contain polyphenols and flavonoids. Polyphenols and flavonoids were found in the pupae of the silkworm]。此外,蚕蛹含有多酚和类黄酮。家蚕 Antheraea assamensis的蛹中发现多酚和黄酮类化合物 at concentrations of ,浓度分别为 10 mg/g and 20 mg/g, respectively [ [35]. In native35]。在泰国本土 Thai mulberry silkworm pupae, the polyphenols mainly contain 桑蚕蛹中,多酚主要含有(+)-catechin, (−)-epicatechin,儿茶素、(-)-表儿茶素、芦丁、槲皮素、杨梅素、反式白藜芦醇、木犀草素、柚皮素和山柰酚[ rutin,38 quercetin,]。蚕蛹中的糖分为壳聚糖和甲壳素两大类,以及分离纯化的多糖,它们都具有生物活性[ myricetin,39,40,41 ]。蚕蛹中的壳聚糖和甲壳素无细胞毒性,但具有很强的生理活性,尤其是羧甲基壳聚糖[ trans-resveratrol,42 luteolin, naringenin,43 and kaempferol [38]. The sugars in silkworm pupae can be divided into two main groups, chitosan and chitin, as well as isolated and purified polysaccharides, all of which are biologically active [39][40][41]. Chitosan and chitin from silkworm pupae are not cytotoxic, but have strong physiological activity, especially carboxymethyl chitosan [42][43]. All these substances had certain biofunctional activities, which contribute to the basis of the pharmacological functions of silkworm pupae.]。这些物质都具有一定的生物功能活性,是蚕蛹药理功能的基础。
ScholarVision Creations