The term bioelectricity points at the capability of living cells, tissues, and organisms to endogenously generate electric fields, with the potential to affect biological/functional dynamics. This field of enquiry grew progressively and has spread since the first studies, published in 1791 by Luigi Galvani in “De Viribus Electricitatis in motu musculari”, and Galvani’s subsequent discovery that a twitch can be elicited by placing a muscle in contact with a deviating cut sciatic nerve without the supply of metal electricity
[111,112,113,114][1][2][3][4]. A fundamental advancement in the field of bioelectricity was achieved by the work of Emil du Bois-Remond, who demonstrated macroscopic electricity in frogs, fish, and human tissues, thus discovering the action potentials
[115,116][5][6], and conclusively demonstrating the injury potential and current
[117][7], for which Galvani himself had previously unknowingly provided evidence
Following these pioneering studies, a fundamental breakthrough in the history of bioelectricity was marked by the relentless work of Harold Saxton Burr in the early 20th century (from 1916 up to the late 1950s). His studies were published in extremely relevant journals, including the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA and Science. Burr developed an accurate millivoltmeter
[118][8], and was able to trace and characterize the field properties of a developing frog’s egg
[119][9]. In these studies, Burr performed some six thousand determinations on fifty frogs’ eggs, prior to the development of the primary axis of the embryo, as seen in the appearance of the medullary plate, recording potential differences in the electric pattern between the vertex of the terminal pole and four equidistant points on the equator of the egg
[119][9]. The characterization of the electric field properties along the embryo development provided the first evidence that the primary axis of the organism came to lie in the plane of the greatest voltage drop from the vertex. In other worlds, Burr was able to predict, from the voltage pattern, where the head of the organism would develop, coming to the conclusion “that the electric pattern is primary and in some measure at least determines the morphological pattern”
[119][9]. Burr also conducted studies on the electrodynamic patterns in a wide variety of plants, spanning from the growth correlates of electromotive forces in maize seeds
[120][10] to the effect of a severe storm on the electric properties of a tree and the earth
[121][11]. His rigorous methods, coupled with a visionary and eclectic personality, made Dr. Burr conceive that all living forms rely upon the existence of electrodynamic fields
[122][12]. In this study, Burr declared his intention of “searching for the explanation of the phenomena, not in the currents alone but also in the surrounding medium”, drawing his attention to the field physics, rather than to the particle physics, being aware of the fact that “field physics centers theory and experimentation upon the medium in which the system as a whole is embedded and upon its structure”
[122][12]. For these purposes, Burr designed a “vacuum-tube microvoltmeter” with a high degree of sensitivity and stability. This tool allowed him to explore the electric properties of a wide variety of living forms, with contacts between the instrument and the living organism made through silver–silver chloride electrodes immersed in physiological salt solution, with the entire apparatus being shielded and grounded at appropriate points, so that the recorded deflections of the galvanometer would have provided an accurate picture of the voltage differences in the explored living system. Remarkably, in his experiments, Burr showed that voltage gradients between the head and tail of Amblystoma or chick embryos could be determined with considerable certainty, not only when contact was made directly with the organism’s surface, but even when the electrodes were up to 2 mm away from the embryo surface
[122][12]. With the same technique, Burr could show that the salamander embryo, revolving between the tips of a pair of capillary electrodes as a result of ciliary action, produced defined oscillations in the galvanometer as the developing head passed in a sequence under electrode pair of the system
[122][12]. These findings gave the first evidence that, under the explored conditions, the embryo was acting as an AC generator of very-low frequencies, a phenomenon that could only be explained on the assumption that an electric field was existing and acting in the embryo. In his studies, Burr provided seminal discoveries, ranging from the first dissection of the response of slime mold to electric stimuli
[123][13], to the discovery of defined bioelectric patterns during human ovulation
[124][14]. Through the cooperation of a patient subjected to a laparotomy, Burr was able to perform a continuous recording of voltage differences intervening between the symphysis pubis and the vagina for 57 h, showing the feasibility of using bioelectric field assessment to determine with certainty and accuracy the time of ovulation in an intact human being
[124][14]. Within this context, Dr. Burr also dissected the electrical signatures emerging from human diseased states, such as the electric correlates from nerve injury
[125,126][15][16]. Dr. Burr addressed the electric features of cancer-susceptible mice to explore whether changes in voltage measurements may occur during the onset and development of a malignant tissue
[127,128][17][18]. The results of the experiment consistently showed that twenty-four to twenty-eight hours after tumor implantation, changes were observed in the voltage gradients. This differential increased steadily and quite smoothly to reach a maximum of approximately five millivolts on or about the eleventh day. The analysis of bioelectric fields in the course of malignancies was also extended to human beings. In collaboration with Dr. Luis Langman, the approach of recording voltage gradients between the symphysis pubis and the vagina was exploited to assess whether marked changes in these gradients may reveal an early onset of malignancies
[129,130][19][20]. In case of anomalous recordings, Langman offered the woman a laparotomy to confirm his suspicions. The technique proved astonishingly effective, since out of the 102 cases in which a significant shift in voltage recording was observed, 95 were confirmed to have malignancies
[129,130][19][20]. While the exact malignancy location was variable form one patient to another, the cancers were often discovered before the patient had experienced suspicious symptoms. On the whole, the results from these studies led Dr. Burr to hypothesize the existence of “Fields of Life, or L-Fields”.