Customer loyalty: Customer trust
Included in 17 studies |
Trust of a customer in a brand [18]. | Trust of a customer in a brand [13]. |
Hallowell [7]; Van Vuuren et al. [17]; Bryant and Colledge [18]; Mende et al. [26]; Sidaoui et al. [ | ; Bryant and Colledge [13] | 27]; Yen and Chiang [37]; Akhtar et al. [38]; Ba and Johansson [ | ; Mende et al. [15] | 39]; Følstad and Skjuve [40]; Kormpho et al. [41]; Przegalinska et al. [ | ; Sidaoui et al. [16]; Yen and Chiang [17]; Akhtar et al. [18]; Ba and Johansson [ | 42]; Araujo [43]; Chattaraman et al. [44]; Toader et al. [45]; Følstad et al. [46]; Youn and Jin [47]; Nguyen et al. [48]. | Hallowell [7]; Van Vuuren et al. [14]19]; Følstad and Skjuve [20]; Kormpho et al. [21]; Przegalinska et al. [22]; Araujo [23]; Chattaraman et al. [24]; Toader et al. [25]; Følstad et al. [26]; Youn and Jin [27]; Nguyen et al. [28]. |
Initial evidence that chatbots with human-like cues can significantly influence emotional connection and users’ trust. The same outcome is not found for satisfaction. for chatbots, trust is a crucial factor because users do not want to share personal information if they have trust concerns. |
The chatbot and its trust reduction may be more efficient in complex websites or with older people. That needs further research. |
Companies should put into winning customers’ trust by sharing reviews and being transparent. |
Customer loyalty:
Customer satisfaction
Included in 12 studies |
Satisfaction of customers with company’s products, services, and capabilities [19]. | Satisfaction of customers with company’s products, services, and capabilities [29]. |
Van Vuuren [17]; Herrmann et al. [19]; Yen and Chiang [37]; Følstadt and Skjuve [40]; Kormpho et al. [41]; Araujo [43]; Youn and Jin [47]; Gnewuch et al. [49]; Rossmann et al. [50]; Hwang et al. [51]; Elsholz et al. [52]; Johari et al. [53]. | Van Vuuren [14]; Herrmann et al. [29]; Yen and Chiang [17]; Følstadt and Skjuve [20]; Kormpho et al. [21]; Araujo [23]; Youn and Jin [27]; Gnewuch et al. [30]; Rossmann et al. [31]; Hwang et al. [32]; Elsholz et al. [33]; Johari et al. [34]. |
Chatbots have a more substantial impact on word-of-mouth and reuse intent, while customer satisfaction obtained through traditional customer service has a stronger impact on customer loyalty. |
The most important thing for customer satisfaction is helping the customer out and giving them a good experience. Studies found that chatbots improve the customer experience.
Investigate the relationship between loyalty and chatbots. |
Optimize the customer experience to raise customer satisfaction. |
Customer loyalty:
Customer commitment
Included in 4 studies |
Customers’ engagement or continuous obligation to return to the same company [20]. | Customers’ engagement or continuous obligation to return to the same company [35]. |
Van Vuuren et al. [17]; Kotler and Armstrong [20]; Trivedi [29]; Akhtar et al. [38]; Araujo [43]. | Van Vuuren et al. [14]; Kotler and Armstrong [35]; Trivedi [36]; Akhtar et al. [18]; Araujo [23]. |
Customer loyalty can only happen if companies can build an emotional relationship with their customers. |
Further analyze the role of the language of chatbots to create commitment. |
Focus on social bonding tactics to improve customer commitment. |
Service quality
Included in 10 studies |
Service quality is essential for companies because it influences customers’ satisfaction, loyalty, and purchase intentions. Assurance, responsiveness, and empathy are the dimensions of service quality [29]. | Service quality is essential for companies because it influences customers’ satisfaction, loyalty, and purchase intentions. Assurance, responsiveness, and empathy are the dimensions of service quality [36]. |
Brandtzaeg and Følstad [5]; Hoyer et al. [54]; Kvale et al. [55]. | Brandtzaeg and Følstad [ | 10]; Trivedi [ | 5 | 29]; Yen and Chiang [ | ]; Hoyer et al. [10] | 37]; Kormpho et al. [ | ; Trivedi [36 | 41]; Følstad and Skjuve [ | ]; Yen and Chiang [ | 40]; Følstad et al. [ | 17 | 46]; Nguyen et al. [48]; Rossmann et al. [ | ]; Kormpho et al. [ | 50]; Ashfaq et al. [ | 21]; Følstad and Skjuve [20]; Følstad et al. [26]; Nguyen et al. [28]; Rossmann et al. [31]; Ashfaq et al. [37]; Kvale et al. [38]. |
Service quality positively affects customer experience, which in turn influences brand love. Chatbots impact stronger on word-of-mouth and intention to reuse, whereas customer satisfaction derived by a hotline is affecting stronger on customer loyalty. |
Analysis to understand and improve chatbot dialogue to improve the customer experience. |
The need for diligence in chatbot training to optimize service.
Involve inter-disciplinary teams in training chatbots to optimize the chatbot service. |
System quality
Included in 8 studies |
System quality consists of the dimensions: accuracy, response time, usability, reliability, availability, and adaptability to measure technical success [29]. | System quality consists of the dimensions: accuracy, response time, usability, reliability, availability, and adaptability to measure technical success [36]. |
Brandtzaeg and Følstad [5]; Trivedi [29]; Yen and Chiang [37]; Akhtar et al. [ | ; Yen and Chiang [17 | 38]; Følstad and Skjuve [ | ]; Akhtar et al. [ | 40]; Følstad et al. [ | 18 | 46]; Gnewuch et al. [ | ]; Følstad and Skjuve [20] | 49]; Ashfaq et al. [54]. | Brandtzaeg and Følstad [5]; Trivedi [36]; Følstad et al. [26]; Gnewuch et al. [30]; Ashfaq et al. [37]. |
System quality has a significant relationship with customer experience, which influences customer loyalty. A chatbots’ response time represents a social signal that elicits social responses shaped by social expectations. Dynamic response delays increase an individuals’ perception of humanness in a chatbot and, in turn, lead to greater customer satisfaction. |
Further research more different types of response delay by chatbots and their effects, e.g., dependent on the text length, static response delays. |
The paper examines the importance of system quality toward creating a customer experience. To ensure that, the chatbots need to be highly relevant, reliable, and offer information quickly. Users often feel like the chatbot will harm their privacy. Companies should make the customers aware of the ease and risk-free use. |
Information quality
Included in 3 studies |
Provide customers with clear, relevant, and valuable information [29]. | Provide customers with clear, relevant, and valuable information [36]. |
Brandtzaeg and Følstad [5]; Trivedi [29]; Følstad and Skjuve [40]. | Brandtzaeg and Følstad [5]; Trivedi [36]; Følstad and Skjuve [20]. |
The customer experience of using chatbots leads to satisfaction and loyalty for the organization. |
Further analyze the age, gender, background differences of the understanding in chatbots and the experience with chatbots. |
Companies should ensure that chatbots offer highly relevant, reliable, and quick information to consumers at the right time and the place where the customer needs it. |
Complaint handling
Included in 4 studies |
Handling customer complaints within an organization and helping the customers out. |
Carvajal [25]; Chung et al. [31]; Yen and Chiang [37]; Cheng and Jiang [56]. | Carvajal [39]; Chung et al. [40]; Yen and Chiang [17]; Cheng and Jiang [41]. |
Chatbots offer customers an easier way to send their complaints to the company. Chatbots could decrease duplicate complaints by suggesting similar complaints to their customers. |
Test chatbots in different contexts and different types of websites in terms of complaint handling. |
In terms of complaint handling, companies could make use of chatbots as first-line support. |
Included in 6 studies |
Tailored communication based on information an organization has learned about an individual. |
Carvajal [25]; Chung et al. [31]; Akhtar et al. [38]; Przegalinska et al. [42]; Hwang et al. [51]; Ashfaq et al. [54]. | Carvajal [39]; Chung et al. [40]; Akhtar et al. [18]; Przegalinska et al. [22]; Hwang et al. [32]; Ashfaq et al. [37]. |
Chatbots can satisfy customers by offering personalized service and real-time conversation. Human-like chatbots with a personal approach have a positive influence on customer experience. |
Further analyze how chatbots can make personal approaches. |
Find the right balance between privacy issues and personalization. |
Privacy paradox
Included in 9 studies |
Concerns about the exposure of personal information. At the same time, those concerns fade into the background in the face of a reward or offer [32]. | Concerns about the exposure of personal information. At the same time, those concerns fade into the background in the face of a reward or offer [42]. |
Mende et al. [26]; Sidaoui et al. [27]; Kokolakis [57]; Martin et al. [58]. | Mende et al. [15]; Sidaoui et al. [ | 32]; Yen and Chiang [ | 16 | 37]; Kormpho et al. [ | ]; Kokolakis [42] | 41]; Przegalinska et al. [ | ; Yen and Chiang [17 | 42]; Cheng and Jiang [ | ]; Kormpho et al. [ | 56]; Nordheim et al. [ | 21]; Przegalinska et al. [22]; Cheng and Jiang [41]; Nordheim et al. [43]; Martin et al. [44]. |
Individuals might trust machines even more than personal information humans, with users providing more personal information even when they are concerned about their privacy. |
Further analyze privacy paradox with chatbots and explore the relationship between privacy concerns, machine heuristic and privacy protection behaviors. |
As a company, finding the right balance for customers in terms of their personal information and exposing this in exchange for an offer.
There are privacy concerns about chatbots because of unawareness. When customers have more knowledge about chatbots, they will have fewer trust issues. |