On-Surface Synthesis of sp-Carbon Nanostructures: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Wei Xu and Version 2 by Conner Chen.

Over the centuries, carbon allotropes have been playing a significant role in material science and engineering due to their outstanding electric, magnetic, optical, and mechanical properties. Compared to traditional carbon materials such as diamond and graphite, carbon nanomaterials consist of carbons with different hybridization types, namely linear (sp), planar (sp2), or tetrahedral (sp3) bond configurations, or even a combination of several types. Owning to the development of STM (scanning tunneling microscope) and nc-AFM (noncontact atomic force microscope), a wide variety of low-dimensional carbon nanostructures have been synthesized and characterized at the atomic scale on surfaces, such as linear polymers comprising of hydrocarbons, graphene nanoribbons, porous graphene, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In particular, nanostructures containing sp-hybridized carbons are of great advantage for their structural linearity and small steric demands as well as intriguing electronic and mechanical properties. 

  • sp-carbon
  • on-surface synthesis
  • scanning tunneling microscope

1. 0D sp-Carbon Nanostructures

0D sp-carbon nanostructures were hard to isolate and characterize due to their instability in condensed phases. A large number of experimental and theoretical studies on carbon clusters have been applied to their molecular structures and electronic properties [1][37]. Most importantly, a fundamental and controversial question is still open: the configuration of cyclocarbons is polyynic (alternating single and triple bonds of different lengths) or cumulenic (consecutive double bonds) [2][3][29,38]. Initial laser desorption mass spectrometry has been reported to obtain evidence for the size-selective growth of fullerenes through the coalescence of cyclo[n]carbons, the molecular carbon allotropes consisting of monocyclic rings with a certain number (n) of carbon atoms [4][39]. Three carbon oxides Cn(CO)n/3 (Figure 1a–c) with n = 18, 24, and 30 were prepared as precursors to the cyclocarbons cyclo-C18, C24, and C30 (Figure 1d), respectively. Mass spectroscopy pointed out that the coalescence of cyclo-C30 was accompanied by the formation of predominantly buckminsterfullerene (C60), while the smaller C24O6 and C32O8 preferentially produced fullerene C70 instead. This work provides not only new insights into the mechanism of fullerene formation but also a protocol to obtain cyclocarbons. However, the structure of cyclocarbon, whether it is cumulene or polyyne, was not explained. Recently, cyclo[18]carbon (C18) was synthesized with atomic precision via atom manipulation and characterized for the first time. By using low-temperature STM-AFM, carbon monoxide was eliminated from the precursor (Figure 1e), a cyclocarbon oxide molecule C24O6, on a bilayer sodium chloride (NaCl) on Cu(111) at 5 K [5][40] resulting in the formation of a single C18 molecule. The nc-AFM image of the intact precursor was shown in Figure 1f and characterization of C18 by high-resolution AFM revealed a polyynic structure of C18 with defined positions of alternating triple and single bonds, which was observed as bright lobes under nc-AFM contrast shown in Figure 1g. The AFM contrast evidenced the structure of C18 on NaCl with the defined positions of C≡C triple bonds, which is supported by the simulated image in Figure 1h. This work provides the first example of a real-space characterization of cyclo[18]carbon, which shows a polyynic form rather than a cumulenic structure using a combination of experimental and theoretical tools.
Figure 1. (ac) Precursors to the (d) cyclo[n]carbon (n = 1, 2, 3), respectively. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [4][39]. Copyright 1993, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (e) Reaction scheme for the on-surface formation of C18. (f,g) Nc-AFM images of C24O6 and C18 recorded with a CO-functionalized tip on the NaCl surface. (h) Simulated AFM image based on gas-phase DFT-calculated geometries, corresponding to the difference in probe height in Figure 1g. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [5][40]. Copyright 2019, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (i) Structural model of 1,3-bis(2-bromoethynyl) benzene (BBEB). (j) Nc-AFM image of an organometallic intermediate attributed to (d-BBEB-Au)6 and (k) graphdiyne-like macrocycles using a CO-functionalized tip. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [6][41]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society.
Innovative carbon clusters with manifold architectures involving sp-carbon can be prepared by using rationally designed halogenated hydrocarbons. For example, a nanostructure involving diyne moieties was fabricated via on-surface assisted homocoupling reaction starting from 1,3-bis(2-bromoethynyl)benzene (shortened as BBEB, Figure 1i) on Au(111) [6][41]. The submolecular resolution observations confirmed the formation of the organometallic intermediates (Figure 1j) and graphdiyne-like macrocycles after demetallization (Figure 1k). It can be concluded that on-surface synthesis has strong advantages in the preparation of 0D carbon structures. Therefore, more attention should be devoted to the on-surface synthesis and its mechanism for the discovery of novel 0D carbon nanostructures comprising of sp-carbons.

2. 2D sp-Carbon Nanostructures

A plethora of novel two-dimensional carbon nanostructures are flourishing, such as nanoporous graphene, nonbenzenoid carbon allotropes, etc., especially the nanostructures involving sp-hybridized carbons. The C–C triple bond is of great advantage for avoidance of fluctuation arising from cis-trans isomerization which is different from olefinic bond [7][8][58,59]. What is more, the graphyne comprising of sp- and sp2-carbon atoms has been predicted to have a crystalline state, which was also predicted to be one of the most stable carbon phases containing acetylenic groups as a major structural component. Additionally, graphyne was calculated to be a semiconductor with a bandgap of 1.2 eV [9][60], which demonstrated their possible applications in electronic devices. However, the atomic precise fabrication of graphyne is limited by its high chemical reactivity. Zhang et al. developed a method to grow extended 2D graphdiyne-like networks using terminal alkynes on Ag(111) via homocoupling reaction, as demonstrated in Figure 2a–c [10][61]. The STM image in Figure 2b revealed a closer inspection of irregular, open-porous networks. The inset showed a magnified image of the associated honeycomb unit, and a corresponding model. The formation of covalent bonds was substantiated by complementary XPS measurements. The absence of the low energy shoulder peak at 283.7 eV (a typical binding energy for methylacetylide) revealed a resulting covalent structure, which is contradictory to that proposed by the organometallic binding mechanism when compared with the simulated XPS spectrum of the organometallic dimer. Other impressive efforts have also been devoted to synthesizing graphyne-like nanostructures. Similarly, Zhang et al. have synthesized highly regular single-layer alkynyl-silver organometallic networks at the micrometer scale via gas-mediated surface reaction (Figure 2d) [11][62]. Different from the previous strategy through thermal induction combined with catalyzation via substrate, terminal alkyne radicals were obtained via oxygen gas mediated deprotonation on Ag(111), and the activation procedure was confirmed by XPS spectroscopy. The peak at 283.6 eV evidenced the strong interaction between the alkynyl groups and the substrates. There was an absence of the O 1s signature in the XPS spectrum after dosing O2, ruling out adsorbed oxygen species and other intermediates containing oxygen. The results indicated that both gas species and substrate play crucial roles in the particular activation process. This work provides a versatile fabrication procedure featuring high chemoselectivity without poisoning the surface. Aside from dehydrogenation, debromination of sp- and sp3-carbon was explored, which greatly avoids the byproducts generated at elevated temperatures. As demonstrated in Figure 2e–g, Xu group applied the on-surface synthesis protocol by introducing dehalogenative homocouplings of alkynyl bromides on Au(111), which results in the formation of an organometallic intermediate and subsequent release of gold atoms at elevated temperature [12][51]. Furthermore, they synthesized C≡C triple-bonded structural motif by dehalogenative homocouplings of tribromomethyl-substituted arenes, as illustrated in Figure 2h [13][52]. Notably, the organometallic intermediates were not formed in this process. This work provides a new protocol to convert sp3-carbon atoms to sp-hybridized ones through pre-designated molecular precursor. Moreover, Figure 2i,j demonstrate two potential precursors that could be considered to synthesize graphdiyne and graphyne, respectively.
Figure 2. (a) Scheme of surface-assisted Glaser homocoupling reaction. (b) Chemical structure of 1,3,5-tris-(4-ethynyl phenyl)benzene (TEPB). (c) An open reticular structure from the merged ethynyl moieties prevails. The inset shows a single honeycomb nanopore superimposed with a calculated model. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [10][61]. Copyright 2012, Macmillan Publisher Limited. (d) Reaction scheme and STM image of single-layer alkynyl−silver networks at the micrometer scale via gas-mediated surface reaction. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [11][62]. Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society. (e) Schematic illustration of dehalogenative homocoupling of 1,3,5-tris(2-bromoethynyl)benzene (tBEP). (f,g) STM images of the (f) C–Au–C organometallic network and the (g) C–C coupled network. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [12][51]. Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society. (h) Scheme of dehalogenative homocoupling of 1,3,5-tris(tribromomethyl)benzene (tTBP) molecule. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [13][52]. Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim. (i,j) Two potential precursors to synthesize graphdiyne and graphyne structures.
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