According to G. Veletsianos, from a general point of view, an emerging technology is “a new tool with promising potential”. However, an emerging technology is generally defined according to the field in which it is analyzed. B.R. Martin describes an emerging technology as a technology the use of which will benefit many sectors of the economy and/or society. Other important characteristics of emerging technology, according to D. Rotolo, D. Hicks and B. R. Martin, include radical novelty, relatively fast growth, coherence, and prominent impact. Which refers to the crucial following contexts: aspect of future time, anticipation, uncertainty and Industry 4.0. the following definition of an emerging technology has been created by the author – „Emerging technology in Industry 4.0 is a technology the development of which, from today’s point of view, is uncertain and not obvious, but through complex anticipatory research, it is possible to identify its potential radical impact in selected areas, e.g., social, technological, economic, scientific.”
One of the overriding aims of anticipation activities should be the identification, comprehension and management of uncertainty. Situations of uncertainty—in terms of foresight—are those wherein it is impossible to predict what impact the decision will have, but different outcomes for these impacts can be anticipated[17]. In this process it could be very useful to explore different types of futures (of the development of emerging technologies) in their relationship with knowledge and foreknowledge ranges.
According to B. Martin (on the basis of M. Godet and De Jouvenel), there is always more than one possibility; therefore, foresight looks—in a systematic process—into the several alternative futures of science, technology, economy and society by using very rich and flexible research methodology. One aim of exploring these uncertain but possible future options is to identify areas of strategic research and the emerging technologies[4]. Despite the fact that an emergence phenomenon relates to the process of creating, or becoming important and visible, it should be remembered that the most important area of emerging technology analysis should be the future of its development, which, from the point of view of its radical novelty, is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty. Uncertainty is one of the key starting points for many different studies focusing on the role of technological development expectations[8]. One of the characteristics of contemporary technological and economic development is the increasing importance of uncertainty[18]. For further time horizons, especially in complex systems such as Industry 4.0, uncertainty increases and deepens, while the predictability of the development of the studied phenomena decreases. This results from, among other things, the complexity of the features, structures and behaviors of the analyzed systems, which usually go beyond the area observed and verified by the available knowledge, both subjectively and objectively.